#' Iterative random forests (iRF)
#' Iteratively grow feature weighted random forests and search for prevalent
#' interactions on decision paths.
#' @param x numeric feature matrix.
#' @param y response vector. If factor, classification is assumed.
#' @param xtest numeric feature matrix for test set.
#' @param ytest response vector for test set.
#' @param n.iter number of iterations to run.
#' @param ntree number of random forest trees.
#' @param mtry.select.prob feature weights for first iteration. Defaults to
#' equal weights
#' @param iter.return which iterations should the RF be returned for.
#' Defaults to iteration with highest OOB accuracy.
#' @param int.return which iterations should interacitons be returned for.
#' @param select.iter if TRUE, returns interactions from iteration with highest
#' OOB accuracy.
#' @param rit.param named list specifying RIT parameters. Entries include
#' \code{depth}: depths of RITs, \code{ntree}: number of RITs, \code{nchild}:
#' number of child nodes for each RIT, \code{class.id}: 0-1 indicating which
#' leaf nodes RIT should be run over, \code{min.nd}: minimum node size to run
#' RIT over, \code{class.cut}: threshold for converting leaf nodes in
#' regression to binary classes.
#' @param varnames.grp grouping "hyper-features" for RIT search. Features with
#' the same name will be treated as identical for interaction search.
#' @param n.bootstrap number of bootstrap samples to calculate stability
#' scores.
#' @param bs.sample list of observation indices to use for bootstrap samples.
#' If NULL, iRF will take standard bootstrap samples of observations.
#' @param weights numeric weight for each observation. Leaf nodes will be
#' sampled for RIT with probability proprtional to the total weight of
#' observations they contain.
#' @param signed if TRUE, signed interactions will be returned.
#' @param oob.importance if TRUE, importance measures are evaluated on OOB
#' samples.
#' @param verbose if TRUE, display progress of iRF fit.
#' @param n.core number of cores to use. If -1, all available cores are used.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to iRF::randomForest.
#' @return A list containing the following entries:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{rf.list}{a list of randomForest objects}
#' \item{interaction}{a data table containing recovered interactions and
#' importance scores}
#' \item{selected.iter}{iterations returned by iRF}
#' \item{weights}{feature weights used to fit each entry of rf.list}
#' }
#' @export
#' @useDynLib iRF, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom AUC auc roc
iRF <- function(x, y,
mtry.select.prob=rep(1, ncol(x)),
rit.param=list(depth=5, ntree=500,
nchild=2, class.id=1,
min.nd=1, class.cut=NULL),
weights=rep(1, nrow(x)),
...) {
# Check for depricated arguments
if (!is.null(interactions.return)) {
warning('interactions.return is depricated, use iter.return instead')
iter.return <- interactions.return
int.return <- interactions.return
select.iter <- FALSE
if (!is.null(wt.pred.accuracy))
warning('wt.pred.accuracy is depricated')
# Check input attributes for correct format
require(doRNG, quiet=TRUE)
x.class <- intersect(class(x), c('matrix', 'data.frame', 'Matrix'))
if (length(x.class) == 0) {
stop('x must be of class "matrix", "data.frame", or "Matrix"')
if (nrow(x) != length(y))
stop('x and y must contain the same number of observations')
if (ncol(x) < 2 && (!is.null(int.return) || select.iter))
stop('cannot find interaction - x has less than two columns!')
if (any(iter.return > n.iter) || any(int.return > n.iter))
stop('selected iteration to return greater than n.iter')
if (!is.null(varnames.grp) && length(varnames.grp) != ncol(x))
stop('length(varnames.grp) must be equal to ncol(x)')
if (length(mtry.select.prob) != ncol(x))
stop('length mtry.select.prob must equal number of features')
if (length(weights) != nrow(x))
stop('length weights differs from # training observations')
if (!is.null(xtest)) {
if (ncol(xtest) != ncol(x))
stop('training/test data must have same number of features')
if (is.null(ytest))
stop('test set responses not indicated')
if (nrow(xtest) != length(ytest))
stop('xtest and ytest must contain the same number of observations')
# Check all RIT and set to defaul if missing
if (is.null(rit.param$depth)) rit.param$depth <- 5
if (is.null(rit.param$ntree)) rit.param$ntree <- 500
if (is.null(rit.param$nchild)) rit.param$nchild <- 2
if (is.null(rit.param$class.id)) rit.param$class.id <- 1
if (is.null(rit.param$min.nd)) rit.param$min.nd <- 1
if (is.null(rit.param$class.cut) && is.numeric(y))
rit.param$class.cut <- median(y)
# Set variable and grouping names if not supplied
if (is.null(colnames(x)))
colnames(x) <- paste0('X', 1:ncol(x))
if (is.null(varnames.grp))
varnames.grp <- colnames(x)
class.irf <- is.factor(y)
imp.str <- ifelse(type == 'ranger', 'variable.importance', 'importance')
# Fit a series of iteratively re-weighted RFs
rf.list <- list()
for (iter in 1:n.iter) {
# Grow Random Forest on full data
if (verbose) print(paste('iteration = ', iter))
rf.list[[iter]] <- parRF(x, y, xtest, ytest, ntree=ntree, n.core=n.core,
type=type, mtry=mtry,
keep.inbag=oob.importance, ...)
# Update feature selection probabilities
mtry.select.prob <- rf.list[[iter]][[imp.str]]
mtry <- min(mtry, sum(mtry.select.prob != 0))
# Set minimum selection probability
mtry.select.prob[mtry.select.prob < 1e-5] <- 1e-5
# Select iteration to return interactions based on OOB error
if (select.iter) {
selected.iter <- selectIter(rf.list, y=y)
iter.return <- selected.iter
int.return <- selected.iter
# Generate bootstrap samples for stability analysis
if (is.null(bs.sample) && !is.null(int.return))
bs.sample <- lreplicate(n.bootstrap, bsSample(y))
importance <- list()
for (iter in int.return) {
# Run gRIT across RF grown on full dataset to extract interactions.
if (verbose) cat('finding interactions...\n')
rit.param$ntree <- rit.param$ntree# * n.bootstrap
ints.eval <- gRIT(rf.list[[iter]], x=x, y=y,
ints.idx.eval <- ints.eval$int.idx
# Grow RFs on BS samples to evaluate stability of recovered interactions.
if (length(ints.eval) > 0) {
if (verbose) cat('evaluating interactions...\n')
if (iter == 1) rf.weight <- rep(1, ncol(x))
if (iter > 1) rf.weight <- rf.list[[iter - 1]][[imp.str]]
importance[[iter]] <- stabilityScore(x, y,
} else {
importance[[iter]] <- nullReturnStab()
# Combine reults for return
out <- list()
out$rf.list <- rf.list
if (select.iter) out$selected.iter <- selected.iter
if (!is.null(int.return)) out$interaction <- importance
if (length(iter.return) == 1) {
iter.wt <- iter.return - 1
if (iter.return > 1) out$weights <- out$rf.list[[iter.wt]][[imp.str]]
out$rf.list <- out$rf.list[[iter.return]]
if (length(int.return) == 1) {
out$interaction <- importance[[int.return]]
selectIter <- function(rf.list, y) {
# Evaluate optimal iteration based on prediction error in OOB samples.
# For classification: accuracy. For regression: MSE.
type <- class(rf.list[[1]])
if (type == 'randomForest') {
predicted <- lapply(rf.list, function(z) as.numeric(z$predicted))
} else if (type == 'ranger') {
predicted <- lapply(rf.list, function(z) as.numeric(z$predictions))
} else {
stop('rf.list must contain ranger or randomForest objects')
if (is.factor(y)) {
predicted <- lapply(predicted, '-', 1)
y <- as.numeric(y) - 1
eFun <- function(y, yhat) sum(xor(y, yhat))
} else {
eFun <- function(y, yhat) mean((yhat - y) ^ 2, na.rm=TRUE)
error <- sapply(predicted, eFun, y=y)
min.err <- min(error)
id.select <- max(which(error == min.err))
sampleClass <- function(y, cl, n) {
# Take a bootstrap sample from a particular class of observations
sampled <- sample(which(y == cl), n, replace=TRUE)
bsSample <- function(y) {
# Generate outer layer bootstrap samples
n <- length(y)
if (is.factor(y)) {
# Take bootstrap sample that maintains class balance of full data
ncl <- table(y)
class <- as.factor(names(ncl))
sample.id <- mapply(function(cc, n) sampleClass(y, cc, n), class, ncl)
sample.id <- c(unlist(sample.id))
} else {
sample.id <- sample(n, replace=TRUE)
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