
Defines functions plot_associations plot.featureHits plot.contextHits summary.contextHits print.contextHits is.contextHits contextHits summary.featureHits print.featureHits is.featureHits featureHits

Documented in plot.contextHits plot.featureHits print.contextHits print.featureHits summary.contextHits summary.featureHits

featureHits <- function(hits, queries) {
  ## S3 class
  sentence = NULL ## used in data.table syntax, but need to have bindings for R CMD check
  if(is.null(hits)) hits = data.frame(code=character(), feature=character(), doc_id=character(), sentence = numeric(), hit_id=numeric(),token_id=numeric())
  if (!'sentence' %in% colnames(hits)) {
    if (nrow(hits) > 0) hits[, sentence := NA] else hits$sentence = numeric()
  #hits = as.data.frame(hits[,c('code','feature','doc_id','sentence','token_id', 'hit_id')])
  hits = hits[,c('code','feature','doc_id','sentence','token_id', 'hit_id')]
  fh = list(hits=hits, queries=queries)
  class(fh) = c('featureHits', class(fh))
  if(!is.featureHits(fh)) stop('Not a proper featureHits object')

is.featureHits <- function(fh, ...) {
  if (!inherits(fh$hits, 'data.frame')) return(FALSE)
  if (!all(c('code','feature','doc_id','hit_id', 'sentence', 'token_id') %in% colnames(fh$hits))) return(FALSE)
  #if (!all(c('keyword','condition','code','condition_once') %in% colnames(fh$queries))) return(FALSE)

#' S3 print for featureHits class
#' @param x a featureHits object, as returned by \link{search_features}
#' @param ... not used
#' @method print featureHits
#' @examples
#' text = c('A B C', 'D E F. G H I', 'A D', 'GGG')
#' tc = create_tcorpus(text, doc_id = c('a','b','c','d'), split_sentences = TRUE)
#' hits = search_features(tc, c('query label# A AND B', 'second query# (A AND Q) OR ("D E") OR I'))
#' hits
#' @export
print.featureHits <- function(x, ...){
  if(!is.featureHits(x)) stop('Not a proper featureHits object')
  n_hits = nrow(unique(x$hits[,c('code', 'hit_id')]))
  n_docs = length(unique(x$hits$doc_id))
  n_sent = if(any(is.na(x$hits$sentence))) NULL else nrow(unique(x$hits[,c('doc_id','sentence')]))
  cat(n_hits, 'hits (in', n_docs, 'documents')
  if(!is.null(n_sent)) cat(' /', n_sent, 'sentences)\n') else cat(')\n')

#' S3 summary for featureHits class
#' @param object a featureHits object, as returned by \link{search_features}
#' @param ... not used
#' @method summary featureHits
#' @examples
#' text = c('A B C', 'D E F. G H I', 'A D', 'GGG')
#' tc = create_tcorpus(text, doc_id = c('a','b','c','d'), split_sentences = TRUE)
#' hits = search_features(tc, c('query label# A AND B', 'second query# (A AND Q) OR ("D E") OR I'))
#' summary(hits)
#' @export
summary.featureHits <- function(object, ...){
  doc_id = sentence = hit_id = NULL ##  used in data.table syntax, but need to have bindings for R CMD check

  #if(is.null(x$hits)) return(NULL)
  if (!any(is.na(object$hits$sentence))){
    object$hits$sentence = paste(object$hits$doc_id, object$hits$sentence, sep='_')
    agg = data.table(object$hits)[, list(hits = length(unique(hit_id)),
                              sentences = length(unique(sentence)),
                              documents = length(unique(doc_id))),
  } else {
    agg = data.table(object$hits)[, list(hits = length(unique(hit_id)),
                              documents = length(unique(doc_id))),

contextHits <- function(hits, queries) {
  ## S3 class
  sentence = NULL ## used in data.table syntax, but need to have bindings for R CMD check
  if(is.null(hits)) hits = data.frame(code=character(), doc_id=character(), sentence = numeric())
  if (!'sentence' %in% colnames(hits)) {
    if (nrow(hits) > 0) hits[, sentence := NA] else hits$sentence = numeric()
  hits = as.data.frame(hits[,c('code','doc_id','sentence')])

  ch = list(hits=hits, queries=queries)
  class(ch) = c('contextHits', class(ch))
  if(!is.contextHits(ch)) stop('Not a proper contextHits object')

is.contextHits <- function(ch, ...) {
  if (!inherits(ch$hits, 'data.frame')) return(FALSE)
  if (!all(c('code','doc_id','sentence') %in% colnames(ch$hits))) return(FALSE)
  if (!all(c('query','code') %in% colnames(ch$queries))) return(FALSE)

#' S3 print for contextHits class
#' @param x a contextHits object, as returned by \link{search_contexts}
#' @param ... not used
#' @method print contextHits
#' @examples
#' text = c('A B C', 'D E F. G H I', 'A D', 'GGG')
#' tc = create_tcorpus(text, doc_id = c('a','b','c','d'), split_sentences = TRUE)
#' hits = search_contexts(tc, c('query label# A AND B', 'second query# (A AND Q) OR ("D E") OR I'))
#' hits
#' @export
print.contextHits <- function(x, ...){
  if(!is.contextHits(x)) stop('Not a proper featureHits object')
  n_docs = length(unique(x$hits$doc_id))
  n_sent = if(any(is.na(x$hits$sentence))) NULL else nrow(x$hits[,c('doc_id','sentence')])
  cat(n_docs, 'documents')
  if(!is.null(n_sent)) cat(' /', n_sent, 'sentences') else cat('\n')

#' S3 summary for contextHits class
#' @param object a contextHits object, as returned by \link{search_contexts}
#' @param ... not used
#' @method summary contextHits
#' @examples
#' text = c('A B C', 'D E F. G H I', 'A D', 'GGG')
#' tc = create_tcorpus(text, doc_id = c('a','b','c','d'), split_sentences = TRUE)
#' hits = search_contexts(tc, c('query label# A AND B', 'second query# (A AND Q) OR ("D E") OR I'))
#' summary(hits)
#' @export
summary.contextHits <- function(object, ...){
  #if(is.null(object$hits)) return(NULL)
  doc_id = sentence = NULL  ## used in data.table syntax, but need to have bindings for R CMD check

  if (!any(is.na(object$hits$sentence))){
    object$hits$sentence = paste(object$hits$doc_id, object$hits$sentence, sep='_')
    object = data.table(object$hits)[, list(sentences = length(unique(sentence)),
                              documents = length(unique(doc_id))),

  } else {
    object = data.table(object$hits)[, list(documents = length(unique(doc_id))),

#' S3 plot for contextHits class
#' @param x a contextHits object, as returned by \link{search_contexts}
#' @param min_weight      Optionally, the minimum weight for an edge in the network
#' @param backbone_alpha  Optionally, the alpha threshold for backbone extraction (similar to a p-value, and lower is more strict)
#' @param ... not used
#' @method plot contextHits
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tc = create_tcorpus(sotu_texts, doc_column='id')
#' hits = search_contexts(tc, c('War# war* OR army OR bomb*','Terrorism# terroris*',
#'                               'Economy# econom* OR bank*','Education# educat* OR school*'))
#' plot(hits)
#' }
#' @export
plot.contextHits <- function(x, min_weight=0, backbone_alpha=NA, ...){
  invisible(plot_associations(x, measure='cosine', min_weight=min_weight, backbone_alpha=backbone_alpha, ...))

#' S3 plot for featureHits class
#' @param x a featureHits object, as returned by \link{search_features}
#' @param min_weight      Optionally, the minimum weight for an edge in the network
#' @param backbone_alpha  Optionally, the alpha threshold for backbone extraction (similar to a p-value, and lower is more strict)
#' @param ... not used
#' @method plot featureHits
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' tc = create_tcorpus(sotu_texts, doc_column='id')
#' hits = search_features(tc, c('War# war* OR army OR bomb*','Terrorism# terroris*',
#'                               'Economy# econom* OR bank*','Education# educat* OR school*'))
#' plot(hits)
#' }
#' @export
plot.featureHits <- function(x, min_weight=0, backbone_alpha=NA, ...){
  invisible(plot_associations(x, measure='cosine', min_weight=min_weight, backbone_alpha=backbone_alpha, ...))

plot_associations <- function(hits, min_weight=0, backbone_alpha=NA, measure=c('con_prob','con_prob_weighted','cosine','count_directed','count_undirected','chi'), context_level=c('document','sentence'), n=c('documents','sentences','hits'), ...) {
  if (!inherits(hits, 'featureHits') && !inherits(hits, 'contextHits')) stop('hits has to be a featureHits or contextHits object')
  if (inherits(hits, 'contextHits') && n=='hits') stop('count cannot be "hits" for contextHits results')
  measure = match.arg(measure)
  context_level = match.arg(context_level)

  g = semnet(hits, measure = 'con_prob_weighted', backbone = !is.na(backbone_alpha))

  n = match.arg(n)
  totalhits = summary(hits)
  if (context_level == 'sentence' && !'sentences' %in% colnames(totalhits)) stop('Cannot use context_level = "sentence" if the queried tcorpus does not have sentence information')
  if (n == 'sentences' && !'sentences' %in% colnames(totalhits)) stop('Cannot use n = "sentences" if the queried tcorpus does not have sentence information')
  igraph::V(g)$freq = totalhits[match(igraph::V(g)$name, totalhits$code), n]
  igraph::V(g)$name = paste0(igraph::V(g)$name, '\n(', igraph::V(g)$freq, ')')

  #igraph::V(g)$color = substr(grDevices::rainbow(nrow(totalhits), s=0.4,alpha=0.5), 1,7)

  size = igraph::V(g)$freq
  size = (size / max(size))*100
  size[size < 3] = 3
  igraph::V(g)$size = size

  if (!measure %in% c('cosine','count_undirected')) {
    e = igraph::get.edges(g, igraph::E(g))
    #igraph::E(g)$color = substr(grDevices::rainbow(nrow(totalhits), s=0.25,alpha=0.25), 1,7)[e[,1]]
  invisible(plot_semnet(g, vertexcolor_attr = 'color', vertexsize_attr='freq', max_backbone_alpha=backbone_alpha))
kasperwelbers/tcorpus documentation built on May 4, 2024, 12:18 p.m.