Man pages for kathrynrozengagnon/CLIPflexR
CLIP tools and wrappers in R

annotatePeaksWithPatternsSearch for small RNA targets, or any pattern, in peaks
bamtobedConvert Bam to Bed
bowtie2_indexMake index for Rbowtie2
bowtie_alignAlignment using Rbowtie2
bzip2Wrapper function for bzip2
chimera_processChimera process CLIP data
ClIP_alignAlign to Genome
CLIP_buildIDXBuild index for reference genome
ClIP_bw2Build bigwigs
compressWrapper function for gzip, bzip
countFromBedCount from beds to make count matrix
ctk_bed2rgbWrapper function for ctk's bed2rgb
ctk_cimsWrapper function for ctk's CIMS
ctk_citsWrapper function for ctk's CITS
ctk_fastq2collapseWrapper function for ctk's fastq2collapse
ctk_fastqFilterWrapper function for ctk's fastq_filter
ctk_getMutationTypeWrapper function for ctk's getMutationType
ctk_joinWrapperWrapper function for galaxy's joinWrapper
ctk_parseAlignmentWrapper function for ctk's parseAlignment
ctk_stripBarcodeWrapper function for ctk's stripBarcode
ctk_tag2collapseWrapper function for ctk's tag2collapse
ctk_tag2peakWrapper function for ctk's bed2rgb
ctk_tag2profileWrapper function for ctk's ctk_tag2profile
decompressWrapper function for gunzip, bunzip
extract_unmappedExtracts unmapped reads from BAM and writes them to a FASTA...
fastq_quality_filterWrapper function for fastq_quality_filter
fastq_quality_trimmerWrapper function for fastq_quality_trimmer
fastq_to_fastaWrapper function for fastq_to_fasta
fastx_barcode_splitterWrapper function for fastx_barcode_splitter
fastx_clipperWrapper function for fastx_clipper
fastx_collapserWrapper function for fastx_collapser
fastx_quality_statsWrapper function for fastx_quality_stats
fastx_trimmerWrapper function for fastx_trimmer
fetchSequencesForClIPRetrieve sequences from under peaks/regions
homer_peaksWrapper function for Homer's makeTagDirectory and findPeaks
install_ctkInstall ctk pipeline
Ranges_countMap unprocessed or processed reads to genome and count small...
revmap_countReverse map small RNAs to processed or unprocessed reads
revmap_processProcess reads to remove linker artifacts or filter by length
kathrynrozengagnon/CLIPflexR documentation built on Dec. 8, 2022, 7:31 p.m.