
#' Calculate statistics for a dataset
#' A 1-way ANOVA is performed across an attribute on data with a single 
#' timepoint. A 2-way ANOVA is performed across an attribute on data with 
#' multiple timepoints (this will take quite awhile if done on data with 
#' an extreme number of timepoints). Note that a 1-way ANOVA is statistically
#' identical to a two-sample t-test when there are only two sample groups.
#' @param obj A valid DAM object (created by \code{\link{newExperiment}}
#' @param attribute Which attribute stats should be calculated against.
#' @return Returns 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' activity <- toInterval(DAM_DD, 12, units = "hours", aggregateBy = "sum")
#' activity <- toAvgDay(activity)
#' statsAct <- calcStats(activity, "genotype")
setGeneric("calcANOVA", function(obj, attribute, ..., vector) {standardGeneric("calcANOVA")})
setMethod("calcANOVA", signature = c("DAM", "character"),
          definition = function(obj, attribute){
            # okay do a one-way anova if there's only one row
            model <- NULL
            if (length(obj@data[, 1]) == 1) {
              model <- calcAnova1(obj, 1, attribute)
            } else {
              model <- calcAnova2(obj, attribute)
setMethod("calcANOVA", signature = c("DAM", "character", "numeric"), 
          definition = function(obj, attribute, vector) {
            df <- data.frame(vialNum = names(vector),
                             attr = obj@sample_info[, which(colnames(obj@sample_info) == attribute)],
                             values = vector)
            df$attr <- as.factor(df$attr)
            model <- aov(df$values ~ df$attr)

# compute 1-way ANOVA, return which comparisons gave p <= 0.05
setGeneric("calcAnova1", function(obj, row, attribute) {standardGeneric("calcAnova1")})
setMethod("calcAnova1", signature = c("DAM", "numeric", "character"), 
          definition = function(obj, row, attribute) {
            dat <- getVals(obj@data)[row, ]
            attributes <- obj@sample_info[, attribute]
            if (length(dat) != length(attributes)) {
              stop("Number of conditions is unequal to the data length.")
            model <- aov(dat ~ attributes)


# this is the internal function used to call 2 way anovas
setGeneric("calcAnova2", function(obj, attribute) {standardGeneric("calcAnova2")})
setMethod("calcAnova2", signature = c("DAM", "character"), 
          definition = function(obj, attribute) { 
            melted <- toTidy(obj)
            col <- which(colnames(melted) == attribute)
            colnames(melted)[col] <- "attr"
            melted$read_index <- as.factor(melted$read_index)
            # okay compute the model
            model <- with(melted, aov(value ~ attr * read_index))

#' Run a Tukey HSD post-hoc test
#' This is a convenience function designed to print out all of the significant 
#' comparisons (p < 0.05) from an ANOVA model
#' @param aov An ANOVA model (created with \code{\link{stats::aov}})
#' @param sig.only Return only significant tests?
#' @return Returns all of the significant 
#' @export
setGeneric("calcTukeyHSD", function(aov, ..., sig.only = FALSE) {standardGeneric("calcTukeyHSD")})
setMethod("calcTukeyHSD", signature = c("aov"), 
          definition = function(aov, ..., sig.only) {
            pvals <- TukeyHSD(aov)
            if (sig.only) {
              # take only pvals <= 0.05
              pvals <- lapply(pvals, function(element) {
                element <- element[element[, 4] <= 0.05, ]
kazi11/actmon documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:53 a.m.