
Defines functions corrPairsMSI

Documented in corrPairsMSI

#' Calculate correlations of pairs of mass peaks from MSI data
#' Calculate correlations of pairs of mass peaks from MSI data (imported to
#' R with the \code{\link{msimat}} function). The list of pairs is supplied
#' as a data.frame with the parameter \code{pairs}.
#' Example usage scenario for this function: Mass differences for all pairwise
#' combinations of masses are tabulated with \code{\link{massdiff}}, and the
#' peak pairs corresponding to a specific adduct of interest are extracted with
#' \code{\link{diffGetPeaks}}. Check which peaks are significantly correlated to
#' each other with this function.
#' Correlation is calculated with \code{\link{cor.test}} function and by default
#' uses the Pearson method (two-sided, because correlations can be both positive
#' and negative). The Bonferroni correction is applied to the p-values before
#' assessing significance, but the original p-value is reported in column
#' "P.value" and can be used e.g. for false discovery rate analysis.
#' @param d msimat; MSI data with peaks as columns and pixels as rows,
#'        output from \code{\link{msimat}} function
#' @param diff massdiff; List of mass differences, parent and putative adduct
#'        ions, as produced by function \code{\link{massdiff}}
#' @param p.val numeric; p-value cutoff (before Bonferroni correction) (default:
#'        0.05)
#' @param method string; Method to use for \code{\link{cor.test}} (default:
#'        "pearson")
#' @param alternative string; Which alternative for \code{\link{cor.test}}
#'        (default: "greater")
#' @param how string; How to implement the multiple correlation tests. Options:
#'        "loop" (for loop - slow), "parallel" (multiple processors, using
#'         \code{\link{mclapply}} from package \code{parallel}), or "apply"
#'        (vectorized lapply function - default). Option "parallel" uses forking
#'        processes and is therefore not suitable for Windows systems.
#' @param ncores integer; Number of cores if using \code{how="parallel"}. Default is
#'        total number of cores minus one.
#' @param ... Other parameters to pass to \code{\link{cor.test}}
#' @return Object of class data.frame with the following fields:
#'         A - First peak mass in each pair
#'         B - Second peak mass in the pair
#'         Estimate - Estimated correlation
#'         P.value - P-value for the correlation (uncorrected)
#'         Significance - Whether p-value meets cutoff (specified by "p.val", with
#'                        Bonferroni correction)
#' @seealso \code{\link{corrPairsMSIchunks}} to split input data into manageable
#'          sizes to avoid going over available memory. Suggested if using the
#'          standard corrPairsMSI function causes R to run out of memory and
#'          crash.
#' @examples
#' d <- msimat(csv=system.file("extdata","msi.csv",package="mass2adduct"),sep=";")
#' d.diff <- massdiff(d) # Calculate mass differences from imported MSI data
#' d.diff.annot <- adductMatch(d.diff,add=adducts2) # Find mass diffs matching adducts
#' # Perform correlation tests on annotated peak pairs
#' d.diff.annot.cor <- corrPairsMSI(d,d.diff.annot,how="apply")
#' @export

corrPairsMSI <- function(d,
                         ...) {
  if (class(d) != "msimat") {
    stop("Input parameter d must be an msimat object")
  if (length(diff$diff) == 0) {
    stop("No pairs to compare. Perhaps width parameter for adduct matching was too narrow?")
  # Adapted from original code by Moritz
  # Get vectors representing parent and adduct ion masses
  ions.parent <- diff[["A"]]
  ions.adduct <- diff[["B"]]
  # Subset the MSI data frame to contain only target ions
  peaklist <- d[["peaks"]]
  idx.parent <- match(ions.parent, peaklist)
  idx.adduct <- match(ions.adduct, peaklist)
  A <- d[["mat"]][,idx.parent]
  B <- d[["mat"]][,idx.adduct]
  # Convert DFs to normal matrices for speed; otherwise if it is a sparse
  # matrix object, accessing the indices at the lapply function will be slow
  A <- Matrix::as.matrix(A)
  B <- Matrix::as.matrix(B)
  # Pairwise correlation with p-values
  numpairs <- dim(B)[2]
  message("Calculating correlations between ",numpairs," pairs")
  # Run cor.test, using different strategies
  # Loop -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (how[1] == "loop") { # Use a for-loop to run cor.test
    df <- data.frame(Estimate=numeric(numpairs),
    for (i in 1:numpairs){
      test <- cor.test(A[,i],
      df$Estimate[i] <- test$estimate
      df$P.value[i] <- test$p.value
  # Parallel -------------------------------------------------------------------
  else if (how[1] == "parallel") { # Use parallelized lapply to run cor.test
    # Check that this is a Unix system
    if (.Platform$OS.type != "unix") {
      stop("Parallel option only available on Unix-type systems")
    if (is.null(ncores)) {
      # If number of cores not specified, one fewer than total detected cores
      ncores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
    testresult <- parallel::mclapply(1:numpairs,
                                     function(x) {unlist(cor.test(A[,x], B[,x], method=method, alternative=alternative, ...)[c("estimate","p.value")])},
    testresult <- unlist(testresult)
    testresult <- matrix(testresult,nrow=numpairs,byrow=TRUE)
    df <- data.frame(Estimate=testresult[,1],
  # Apply ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  else { # Default - use lapply
    testresult <- lapply(1:numpairs,
                         function(x) {unlist(cor.test(A[,x], B[,x], method=method, alternative=alternative, ...)[c("estimate","p.value")])})
    testresult <- unlist(testresult)
    testresult <- matrix(testresult,nrow=numpairs,byrow=TRUE)
    df <- data.frame(Estimate=testresult[,1],
  # Put data frame together for output -----------------------------------------
  # test for significance with Bonferroni adjusted p-values (p value <= 0.05/number of pixels])
  adjusted.pvalue <- p.val/numpairs
  df$Significance <- ifelse(df$P.value<=adjusted.pvalue, 1, 0)
  # add the parental and adduct ions to the dataframe
  df$A <- ions.parent
  df$B <- ions.adduct
  df$diff <- diff[["diff"]]
  if (is.null(diff[["matches"]])) {
    # Retain only relevant fields
    df <- df[,c(4,5,6,1,2,3)]
  } else {
    # If this is the output from adductMatch.massdiff, also bind the adduct names
    df$matches <- diff[["matches"]]
    # Retain only relevant fields
    df <- df[,c(4,5,6,7,1,2,3)]
  # Report number of significantly correlated pairs found
  num.signif <- sum(df$Significance)
  message("Significant correlations found at p-value cutoff of ", p.val, " (with Bonferroni correction): ", num.signif)
  # Return data frame
  class(df) <- c("massdiff","data.frame")
kbseah/mass2adduct documentation built on June 9, 2021, 9:20 p.m.