
#' Add a section (div element) to body
#' @param my_html html in a vector of strings; output from 'create_html'.
#' @param class character string; class name (optional)
#' @param id character string; id name (optional)
#' @param align character string; 'left', 'center', 'right'. (optional)
#' @param into character string; unique identifier of a line in the html. Element id is highly recommended.
#' @export
add_div <- function(my_html, class, id, align, into = "<body>") {
  str0 <- "<div"
  if (!missing(class))
    str0 %<>% paste0(sprintf(" class='%s'", class))
  if (!missing(id))
    str0 %<>% paste0(sprintf(" id='%s'", id))
  if (!missing(align))
    str0 %<>% paste0(sprintf(" align='%s'", align))
  str0 %<>% paste0(">")
  str0 %<>% c("</div>")
  insert_into(my_html, str0, into)

#' Add a container (div element) to body
#' @param my_html html in a vector of strings; output from 'create_html'.
#' @param id character string; id name (optional)
#' @param align character string; 'left', 'center', 'right'. (optional)
#' @param into character string; unique identifier of a line in the html. Element id is highly recommended.
#' @export
add_container <- curry::partial(add_div, list(class = "container"))

#' Add a item (div element) to body
#' @param my_html html in a vector of strings; output from 'create_html'.
#' @param id character string; id name (optional)
#' @param align character string; 'left', 'center', 'right'. (optional)
#' @param into character string; unique identifier of a line in the html. Element id is highly recommended.
#' @export
add_item <- curry::partial(add_div, list(class = "item"))

#' Add a section (div element) to body
#' @param my_html html in a vector of strings; output from 'create_html'.
#' @param id character string; id name (optional)
#' @param align character string; 'left', 'center', 'right'. (optional)
#' @param into character string; unique identifier of a line in the html. Element id is highly recommended.
#' @export
add_column <- curry::partial(add_div, list(class = "column"))

#' Add a section (div element) to body
#' @param my_html html in a vector of strings; output from 'create_html'.
#' @param id character string; id name (optional)
#' @param align character string; 'left', 'center', 'right'. (optional)
#' @param into character string; unique identifier of a line in the html. Element id is highly recommended.
#' @export
add_row <- curry::partial(add_div, list(class = "row"))

#' Add Javascript to body
#' @param my_html html in a vector of strings; output from 'create_html'.
#' @param script character string; script to add.
#' @param ... Other parameter passing to tag attributes.
#' @export
add_script <- function(my_html, script, ...) {
  script <- add_widget(tag = "script", text = paste0(script, "\n"), ...)
  script <- paste(paste(script, collapse = "\n"), "\n")
  insert_into(my_html, script, "<body>")

#' Add Javascript from file to body
#' @param my_html html in a vector of strings; output from 'create_html'.
#' @param file filepath to the JS file
#' @param ... Other parameter passing to tag attributes.
#' @export
add_script_from_file <- function(my_html, file, ...) {
  add_script(my_html, html_to_string(file), ...)

#' Add Javascript from link
#' @param my_html html in a vector of strings; output from 'create_html'.
#' @param link weblink to the JS file
#' @param ... Other parameter passing to tag attributes.
#' @export
add_script_from_link <- function(my_html, link, ...) {
  script <- add_widget(tag = "script", text = "", src = link, ...)
  script <- paste(script, collapse = "")
  insert_into(my_html, script, "<head>")

#' Add title to body
#' @param my_html html in a vector of strings; output from 'create_html'.
#' @param title character string; the title
#' @param size integer; size of title
#' @param into character string; unique identifier of a line in the html. Element id is highly recommended.
#' @export
add_title <- function(my_html, title, size = 3, into = "<body>") {
  my_title <- sprintf("<h%s>%s</h%s>", size, title, size)
  insert_into(my_html, my_title, into)

#' Add text
#' @param my_html html in a vector of strings; output from 'create_html'.
#' @param text character string; text to be added.
#' @param into character string; unique identifier of a line in the html. Element id is highly recommended.
#' @export
add_text <- function(my_html, text, into = "<body>") {
  insert_into(my_html, text, into)
kcf-jackson/jsReact documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:01 a.m.