
Defines functions gsSurvCalendar

Documented in gsSurvCalendar

#' Time-to-event endpoint design with calendar timing of analyses
#' @param test.type Test type. See \code{\link{gsSurv}}.
#' @param alpha Type I error rate. Default is 0.025 since 1-sided
#'   testing is default.
#' @param sided \code{1} for 1-sided testing, \code{2} for 2-sided testing.
#' @param beta Type II error rate. Default is 0.10
#'   (90\% power); \code{NULL} if power is to be computed based on
#'   other input values.
#' @param astar Normally not specified. If \code{test.type = 5}
#'   or \code{6}, \code{astar} specifies the total probability
#'   of crossing a lower bound at all analyses combined. This
#'   will be changed to \code{1 - alpha} when default value of
#'   \code{0} is used. Since this is the expected usage,
#'   normally \code{astar} is not specified by the user.
#' @param sfu A spending function or a character string
#'   indicating a boundary type (that is, \code{"WT"} for
#'   Wang-Tsiatis bounds, \code{"OF"} for O'Brien-Fleming bounds and
#'   \code{"Pocock"} for Pocock bounds). For one-sided and symmetric
#'   two-sided testing is used to completely specify spending
#'   (\code{test.type = 1}, \code{2}), \code{sfu}. The default value is
#'   \code{sfHSD} which is a Hwang-Shih-DeCani spending function.
#' @param sfupar Real value, default is \code{-4} which is an
#'   O'Brien-Fleming-like conservative bound when used with the
#'   default Hwang-Shih-DeCani spending function. This is a
#'   real-vector for many spending functions. The parameter
#'   \code{sfupar} specifies any parameters needed for the spending
#'   function specified by \code{sfu}; this will be ignored for
#'   spending functions (\code{sfLDOF}, \code{sfLDPocock})
#'   or bound types (\code{"OF"}, \code{"Pocock"})
#'   that do not require parameters.
#' @param sfl Specifies the spending function for lower
#'   boundary crossing probabilities when asymmetric,
#'   two-sided testing is performed
#'   (\code{test.type = 3}, \code{4}, \code{5}, or \code{6}).
#'   Unlike the upper bound,
#'   only spending functions are used to specify the lower bound.
#'   The default value is \code{sfHSD} which is a
#'   Hwang-Shih-DeCani spending function. The parameter
#'   \code{sfl} is ignored for one-sided testing
#'   (\code{test.type = 1}) or symmetric 2-sided testing
#'   (\code{test.type = 2}).
#' @param sflpar Real value, default is \code{-2}, which, with the
#'   default Hwang-Shih-DeCani spending function, specifies a
#'   less conservative spending rate than the default for the
#'   upper bound.
#' @param calendarTime Vector of increasing positive numbers
#'   with calendar times of analyses. Time 0 is start of
#'   randomization.
#' @param spending Select between calendar-based spending and
#'   information-based spending.
#' @param lambdaC Scalar, vector or matrix of event hazard
#'   rates for the control group; rows represent time periods while
#'   columns represent strata; a vector implies a single stratum.
#' @param hr Hazard ratio (experimental/control) under the
#'   alternate hypothesis (scalar).
#' @param hr0 Hazard ratio (experimental/control) under the null
#'   hypothesis (scalar).
#' @param eta Scalar, vector or matrix of dropout hazard rates
#'   for the control group; rows represent time periods while
#'   columns represent strata; if entered as a scalar, rate is
#'   constant across strata and time periods; if entered as a
#'   vector, rates are constant across strata.
#' @param etaE Matrix dropout hazard rates for the experimental
#'   group specified in like form as \code{eta}; if \code{NULL},
#'   this is set equal to \code{eta}.
#' @param gamma A scalar, vector or matrix of rates of entry by
#'   time period (rows) and strata (columns); if entered as a
#'   scalar, rate is constant across strata and time periods;
#'   if entered as a vector, rates are constant across strata.
#' @param R A scalar or vector of durations of time periods for
#'   recruitment rates specified in rows of \code{gamma}. Length is the
#'   same as number of rows in \code{gamma}. Note that when variable
#'   enrollment duration is specified (input \code{T = NULL}), the final
#'   enrollment period is extended as long as needed.
#' @param S A scalar or vector of durations of piecewise constant
#'   event rates specified in rows of \code{lambda}, \code{eta} and \code{etaE};
#'   this is \code{NULL} if there is a single event rate per stratum
#'   (exponential failure) or length of the number of rows in \code{lambda}
#'   minus 1, otherwise.
#' @param minfup A non-negative scalar less than the maximum value
#'   in \code{calendarTime}. Enrollment will be cut off at the
#'   difference between the maximum value in \code{calendarTime}
#'   and \code{minfup}.
#' @param ratio Randomization ratio of experimental treatment
#'   divided by control; normally a scalar, but may be a vector with
#'   length equal to number of strata.
#' @param r Integer value controlling grid for numerical
#'   integration as in Jennison and Turnbull (2000); default is 18,
#'   range is 1 to 80. Larger values provide larger number of grid
#'   points and greater accuracy. Normally \code{r} will not be changed by
#'   the user.
#' @param tol Tolerance for error passed to the \code{\link{gsDesign}} function.
#' @export
#' @rdname gsSurvCalendar
#' @examples
#' # First example: while timing is calendar-based, spending is event-based
#' x <- gsSurvCalendar() %>% toInteger()
#' gsBoundSummary(x)
#' # Second example: both timing and spending are calendar-based
#' # This results in less spending at interims and leaves more for final analysis
#' y <- gsSurvCalendar(spending = "calendar") %>% toInteger()
#' gsBoundSummary(y)
#' # Note that calendar timing for spending relates to planned timing for y
#' # rather than timing in y after toInteger() conversion
#' # Values plugged into spending function for calendar time
#' y$usTime
#' # Actual calendar fraction from design after toInteger() conversion
#' y$T / max(y$T)
gsSurvCalendar <- function(
    test.type = 4, alpha = 0.025, sided = 1, beta = 0.1, astar = 0,
    sfu = gsDesign::sfHSD, sfupar = -4,
    sfl = gsDesign::sfHSD, sflpar = -2,
    calendarTime = c(12, 24, 36),
    spending = c("information", "calendar"),
    lambdaC = log(2) / 6, hr = .6, hr0 = 1, eta = 0, etaE = NULL,
    gamma = 1, R = 12, S = NULL, minfup = 18, ratio = 1,
    r = 18, tol = 1e-06) {
  checkVector(calendarTime, isType = "numeric") 
  if (min(diff(calendarTime)) < 0) stop(paste("calendarTime must be an increasing vector of positive numbers, including final analysis\n input calendarTime = ",
                                              paste(calendarTime, collapse = ", ")))
  x <- nSurv(
    lambdaC = lambdaC, hr = hr, hr0 = hr0, eta = eta, etaE = etaE,
    gamma = gamma, R = R, S = S, T = max(calendarTime),
    minfup = minfup, ratio = ratio,
    alpha = alpha, beta = beta, sided = sided

  # Get interim expected event counts and sample size based on
  # input gamma, eta, lambdaC, R, S, minfup
  eDC <- NULL
  eDE <- NULL
  eNC <- NULL
  eNE <- NULL
  T <- NULL
  k <- length(calendarTime)
  for (i in 1:k) {
    xx <- nEventsIA(tIA = calendarTime[i], x = x, simple = FALSE)
    eDC <- rbind(eDC, xx$eDC)
    eDE <- rbind(eDE, xx$eDE)
    eNC <- rbind(eNC, xx$eNC)
    eNE <- rbind(eNE, xx$eNE)
  timing <- rowSums(eDC) + rowSums(eDE)
  timing <- timing / max(timing)
  # if calendar spending, set usTime, lsTime
  if (spending[1] == "calendar") {
    lsTime <- calendarTime / max(calendarTime)
  } else {
    lsTime <- NULL
  usTime <- lsTime

  # Now inflate events to get targeted power
  y <- gsDesign::gsDesign(
    k = k, test.type = test.type, alpha = alpha / sided,
    beta = beta, astar = astar, n.fix = x$d, timing = timing,
    sfu = sfu, sfupar = sfupar, sfl = sfl, sflpar = sflpar, tol = tol,
    delta1 = log(hr), delta0 = log(hr0),
    usTime = usTime, lsTime = lsTime
  y$hr <- hr
  y$hr0 <- hr0
  y$R <- x$R
  y$S <- x$S
  y$minfup <- x$minfup
  # Inflate fixed design enrollment to get targeted events
  inflate <- max(y$n.I) / x$d
  y$gamma <- x$gamma * inflate
  y$eDC <- inflate * eDC
  y$eDE <- inflate * eDE
  y$eNC <- inflate * eNC
  y$eNE <- inflate * eNE
  y$ratio <- ratio
  y$lambdaC <- x$lambdaC
  y$etaC <- x$etaC
  y$etaE <- x$etaE
  y$variable <- x$variable
  y$tol <- tol
  y$T <- calendarTime
  class(y) <- c("gsSurv", "gsDesign")

  nameR <- nameperiod(cumsum(y$R))
  stratnames <- paste("Stratum", 1:ncol(y$lambdaC))
  if (is.null(y$S)) {
    nameS <- "0-Inf"
  } else {
    nameS <- nameperiod(cumsum(c(y$S, Inf)))
  rownames(y$lambdaC) <- nameS
  colnames(y$lambdaC) <- stratnames
  rownames(y$etaC) <- nameS
  colnames(y$etaC) <- stratnames
  rownames(y$etaE) <- nameS
  colnames(y$etaE) <- stratnames
  rownames(y$gamma) <- nameR
  colnames(y$gamma) <- stratnames
keaven/gsDesign documentation built on July 30, 2024, 4:59 p.m.