
Defines functions pe nSurvival

Documented in nSurvival

# nSurvival roxy [sinew] ----
#' @title Time-to-event sample size calculation (Lachin-Foulkes)
#' @description \code{nSurvival()} is used to calculate the sample size for a clinical trial
#' with a time-to-event endpoint. The Lachin and Foulkes (1986) method is used.
#' \code{nEvents} uses the Schoenfeld (1981) approximation to provide sample
#' size and power in terms of the underlying hazard ratio and the number of
#' events observed in a survival analysis. The functions \code{hrz2n()},
#' \code{hrn2z()} and \code{zn2hr()} also use the Schoenfeld approximation to
#' provide simple translations between hazard ratios, z-values and the number
#' of events in an analysis; input variables can be given as vectors.
#' \code{nSurvival()} produces an object of class "nSurvival" with the number
#' of subjects and events for a set of pre-specified trial parameters, such as
#' accrual duration and follow-up period. The calculation is based on Lachin
#' and Foulkes (1986) method and can be used for risk ratio or risk difference.
#' The function also consider non-uniform (exponential) entry as well as
#' uniform entry.
#' If the logical \code{approx} is \code{TRUE}, the variance under alternative
#' hypothesis is used to replace the variance under null hypothesis.  For
#' non-uniform entry, a non-zero value of \code{gamma} for exponential entry
#' must be supplied. For positive \code{gamma}, the entry distribution is
#' convex, whereas for negative \code{gamma}, the entry distribution is
#' concave.
#' \code{nEvents()} uses the Schoenfeld (1981) method to approximate the number
#' of events \code{n} (given \code{beta}) or the power (given \code{n}).
#' Arguments may be vectors or scalars, but any vectors must have the same
#' length.
#' The functions \code{hrz2n}, \code{hrn2z} and \code{zn2hr} also all apply the
#' Schoenfeld approximation for proportional hazards modeling.  This
#' approximation is based on the asymptotic normal distribtuion of the logrank
#' statistic as well as related statistics are asymptotically normal.  Let
#' \eqn{\lambda} denote the underlying hazard ratio (\code{lambda1/lambda2} in
#' terms of the arguments to \code{nSurvival}). Further, let \eqn{n} denote the
#' number of events observed when computing the statistic of interest and
#' \eqn{r} the ratio of the sample size in an experimental group relative to a
#' control. The estimated natural logarithm of the hazard ratio from a
#' proportional hazards ratio is approximately normal with a mean of
#' \eqn{log{\lambda}} and variance \eqn{(1+r)^2/nr}. Let \eqn{z} denote a
#' logrank statistic (or a Wald statistic or score statistic from a
#' proportional hazards regression model). The same asymptotic theory implies
#' \eqn{z} is asymptotically equivalent to a normalized estimate of the hazard
#' ratio \eqn{\lambda} and thus \eqn{z} is asymptotically normal with variance
#' 1 and mean \deqn{\frac{log{\lambda}r}{(1+r)^2}.} Plugging the estimated
#' hazard ratio into the above equation allows approximating any one of the
#' following based on the other two: the estimate hazard ratio, the number of
#' events and the z-statistic. That is, \deqn{\hat{\lambda}=
#' \exp(z(1+r)/\sqrt{rn})} \deqn{z=\log(\hat{\lambda})\sqrt{nr}/(1+r)} \deqn{n=
#' (z(1+r)/\log(\hat{\lambda}))^2/r.}
#' \code{hrz2n()} translates an observed interim hazard ratio and interim
#' z-value into the number of events required for the Z-value and hazard ratio
#' to correspond to each other. \code{hrn2z()} translates a hazard ratio and
#' number of events into an approximate corresponding Z-value. \code{zn2hr()}
#' translates a Z-value and number of events into an approximate corresponding
#' hazard ratio. Each of these functions has a default assumption of an
#' underlying hazard ratio of 1 which can be changed using the argument
#' \code{hr0}. \code{hrn2z()} and \code{zn2hr()} also have an argument
#' \code{hr1} which is only used to compute the sign of the computed Z-value in
#' the case of \code{hrn2z()} and whether or not a z-value > 0 corresponds to a
#' hazard ratio > or < the null hazard ratio \code{hr0}.
#' @param lambda1,lambda2 event hazard rate for placebo and treatment group
#' respectively.
#' @param eta equal dropout hazard rate for both groups.
#' @param ratio randomization ratio between placebo and treatment group.
#' Default is balanced design, i.e., randomization ratio is 1.
#' @param Ts maximum study duration.
#' @param Tr accrual (recruitment) duration.
#' @param alpha type I error rate. Default is 0.025 since 1-sided testing is
#' default.
#' @param beta type II error rate. Default is 0.10 (90\% power). Not needed for
#' \code{nEvents()} if n is provided.
#' @param sided one or two-sided test? Default is one-sided test.
#' @param approx logical. If \code{TRUE}, the approximation sample size formula
#' for risk difference is used.
#' @param type type of sample size calculation: risk ratio (\dQuote{rr}) or
#' risk difference (\dQuote{rd}).
#' @param entry patient entry type: uniform entry (\code{"unif"}) or
#' exponential entry (\code{"expo"}).
#' @param gamma rate parameter for exponential entry. \code{NA} if entry type
#' is \code{"unif"} (uniform). A non-zero value is supplied if entry type is
#' \code{"expo"} (exponential).
#' @param x An object of class "nSurvival" returned by \code{nSurvival()}
#' (optional: used for output; "months" or "years" would be the 'usual'
#' choices).
#' @param hr Hazard ratio. For \code{nEvents}, this is the hazard ratio under
#' the alternative hypothesis (>0).
#' @param hr0 Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis (>0, for \code{nEvents},
#' \code{!= hr}).
#' @param hr1 Hazard ratio under the alternate hypothesis for \code{hrn2z,
#' zn2hr} (>0, \code{!= hr0})
#' @param n Number of events. For \code{nEvents} may be input to compute power
#' rather than sample size.
#' @param tbl Indicator of whether or not scalar (vector) or tabular output is
#' desired for \code{nEvents()}.
#' @param z A z-statistic.
#' @param ... Allows additional arguments for \code{print.nSurvival()}.
#' @return \code{nSurvival} produces a list with the following component
#' returned: \item{type}{As input.} \item{entry}{As input.} \item{n}{Sample
#' size required (computed).} \item{nEvents}{Number of events required
#' (computed).} \item{lambda1}{As input.} \item{lambda2}{As input.}
#' \item{eta}{As input.} \item{ratio}{As input.} \item{gamma}{As input.}
#' \item{alpha}{As input.} \item{beta}{As input.} \item{sided}{As input.}
#' \item{Ts}{As input.} \item{Tr}{As input.}
#' \code{nEvents} produces a scalar or vector of sample sizes (or powers) when
#' \code{tbl=FALSE} or, when \code{tbl=TRUE} a data frame of values with the
#' following columns: \item{hr}{As input.} \item{n}{If \code{n[1]=0} on input
#' (default), output contains the number of events need to obtain the input
#' Type I and II error. If \code{n[1]>0} on input, the input value is
#' returned.} \item{alpha}{As input.} \item{beta}{If \code{n[1]=0} on input
#' (default), \code{beta} is output as input. Otherwise, this is the computed
#' Type II error based on the input \code{n}.} \item{Power}{One minus the
#' output \code{beta}. When \code{tbl=FALSE, n[1]>0}, this is the value or
#' vector of values returned.} \item{delta}{Standardized effect size
#' represented by input difference between null and alternative hypothesis
#' hazard ratios.} \item{ratio}{Ratio of experimental to control sample size
#' where 'experimental' is the same as the group with hazard represented in the
#' numerator of the hazard ratio.} \item{se}{Estimated standard error for the
#' observed log(hazard ratio) with the given sample size.}
#' \code{hrz2n} outputs a number of events required to approximately have the
#' input hazard ratio, z-statistic and sample size correspond. \code{hrn2z}
#' outputs an approximate z-statistic corresponding to an input hazard ratio
#' and number of events. \code{zn2hr} outputs an approximate hazard ratio
#' corresponding to an input z-statistic and number of events.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # consider a trial with
#' # 2 year maximum follow-up
#' # 6 month uniform enrollment
#' # Treatment/placebo hazards = 0.1/0.2 per 1 person-year
#' # drop out hazard 0.1 per 1 person-year
#' # alpha = 0.025 (1-sided)
#' # power = 0.9 (default beta=.1)
#' ss <- nSurvival(
#'   lambda1 = .2, lambda2 = .1, eta = .1, Ts = 2, Tr = .5,
#'   sided = 1, alpha = .025
#' )
#' #  group sequential translation with default bounds
#' #  note that delta1 is log hazard ratio; used later in gsBoundSummary summary
#' x <- gsDesign(
#'   k = 5, test.type = 2, n.fix = ss$nEvents, nFixSurv = ss$n,
#'   delta1 = log(ss$lambda2 / ss$lambda1)
#' )
#' # boundary plot
#' plot(x)
#' # effect size plot
#' plot(x, plottype = "hr")
#' # total sample size
#' x$nSurv
#' # number of events at analyses
#' x$n.I
#' # print the design
#' x
#' # overall design summary
#' cat(summary(x))
#' # tabular summary of bounds
#' gsBoundSummary(x, deltaname = "HR", Nname = "Events", logdelta = TRUE)
#' # approximate number of events required using Schoenfeld's method
#' # for 2 different hazard ratios
#' nEvents(hr = c(.5, .6), tbl = TRUE)
#' # vector output
#' nEvents(hr = c(.5, .6))
#' # approximate power using Schoenfeld's method
#' # given 2 sample sizes and hr=.6
#' nEvents(hr = .6, n = c(50, 100), tbl = TRUE)
#' # vector output
#' nEvents(hr = .6, n = c(50, 100))
#' # approximate hazard ratio corresponding to 100 events and z-statistic of 2
#' zn2hr(n = 100, z = 2)
#' # same when hr0 is 1.1
#' zn2hr(n = 100, z = 2, hr0 = 1.1)
#' # same when hr0 is .9 and hr1 is greater than hr0
#' zn2hr(n = 100, z = 2, hr0 = .9, hr1 = 1)
#' # approximate number of events corresponding to z-statistic of 2 and
#' # estimated hazard ratio of .5 (or 2)
#' hrz2n(hr = .5, z = 2)
#' hrz2n(hr = 2, z = 2)
#' # approximate z statistic corresponding to 75 events
#' # and estimated hazard ratio of .6 (or 1/.6)
#' # assuming 2-to-1 randomization of experimental to control
#' hrn2z(hr = .6, n = 75, ratio = 2)
#' hrn2z(hr = 1 / .6, n = 75, ratio = 2)
#' @author Shanhong Guan \email{shanhong.guan@@gmail.com}, Keaven Anderson
#' \email{keaven_anderson@@merck.com}
#' @seealso \code{vignette("gsDesignPackageOverview")}, \link{plot.gsDesign},
#' \link{gsDesign}, \link{gsHR}
#' @references Lachin JM and Foulkes MA (1986), Evaluation of Sample Size and
#' Power for Analyses of Survival with Allowance for Nonuniform Patient Entry,
#' Losses to Follow-Up, Noncompliance, and Stratification. \emph{Biometrics},
#' 42, 507-519.
#' Schoenfeld D (1981), The Asymptotic Properties of Nonparametric Tests for
#' Comparing Survival Distributions. \emph{Biometrika}, 68, 316-319.
#' @keywords design
#' @aliases print.nSurvival
#' @rdname nSurvival
#' @export
# nSurvival function [sinew] ----
nSurvival <- function(lambda1 = 1 / 12, lambda2 = 1 / 24, Ts = 24, Tr = 12,
                      eta = 0, ratio = 1,
                      alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.10, sided = 1,
                      approx = FALSE, type = c("rr", "rd"),
                      entry = c("unif", "expo"), gamma = NA) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  entry <- match.arg(entry)

  method <- match(type, c("rr", "rd"))
  accrual <- match(entry, c("unif", "expo")) == 1

  xi0 <- 1 / (1 + ratio)
  xi1 <- 1 - xi0

  if (is.na(method)) {
    stop("Only rr (risk ratio) or rd (risk difference) is valid!")

  # average hazard rate under H_1
  ave.haz <- lambda1 * xi0 + lambda2 * xi1

  # vector of hazards: placebo, test, and average
  haz <- c(lambda1, lambda2, ave.haz)

  prob.e <- sapply(haz, pe,
    eta = eta, Ts = Ts, Tr = Tr,
    gamma = gamma, unif = accrual

  zalpha <- stats::qnorm(1 - alpha / sided)
  zbeta <- stats::qnorm(1 - beta)

  haz.ratio <- log(lambda1 / lambda2)
  haz.diff <- lambda1 - lambda2

  if (method == 1) { # risk ratio
    power <- zalpha / sqrt(prob.e[3] * xi0 * xi1) +
      zbeta * sqrt((xi0 * prob.e[1])^(-1) +
        (xi1 * prob.e[2])^(-1))
    N <- (power / haz.ratio)^2
    E <- N * (xi0 * prob.e[1] + xi1 * prob.e[2])
  else { # risk difference
    if (approx) { # use approximation
      power <- (zalpha + zbeta) * sqrt((lambda1^2 * (xi0 * prob.e[1])^(-1) +
        lambda2^2 * (xi1 * prob.e[2])^(-1)))
    else { # use variance under H_0 and H_a
      power <- zalpha * (xi0 * xi1 * prob.e[3] / ave.haz^2)^(-1 / 2) +
        zbeta * sqrt((lambda1^2 * (xi0 * prob.e[1])^(-1) +
          lambda2^2 * (xi1 * prob.e[2])^(-1)))
    N <- (power / haz.diff)^2
    E <- N * (xi0 * prob.e[1] + xi1 * prob.e[2])

  # output all the input parameters, including entry type and
  # method, and sample size
  outd <- list(
    type = type, entry = entry, n = N,
    nEvents = E,
    lambda1 = lambda1, lambda2 = lambda2,
    eta = eta, ratio = ratio,
    gamma = gamma, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, sided = sided,
    Ts = Ts, Tr = Tr, approx = approx
  class(outd) <- "nSurvival"

# Hidden Functions

# pe function [sinew] ----
pe <- function(lam, eta = 0, Ts, Tr, unif = TRUE, gamma) {
  q1 <- lam / (lam + eta)

  if (unif) {
    q2 <- exp(-(lam + eta) * (Ts - Tr)) - exp(-(lam + eta) * Ts)
    q3 <- (lam + eta) * Tr
    resu <- q1 * (1 - q2 / q3)
  else {
    if (is.na(gamma)) {
      stop("Exponential entry! gamma cannot be misssing")

    t2 <- lam * gamma * exp(-(lam + eta) * Ts) * (1 - exp((lam + eta - gamma) * Tr))
    t3 <- (1 - exp(-gamma * Tr)) * (lam + eta) * (lam + eta - gamma)
    resu <- q1 + t2 / t3

keaven/gsDesign documentation built on July 30, 2024, 4:59 p.m.