
library(purrr); library(doParallel); library(foreach); library(mlbgameday); 
library(stringr); library(xml2); library(dplyr); library(tidyr)
# Get a list of the current gids and fromat them to grab the "/players.xml" file for each gid.
# the update_gids.R script should be run prior to this. Otherwise we'll miss new players.
gidenv <- environment()
data(game_ids, package = "mlbgameday", envir = gidenv)
root <- paste0("")
# Format the urls.
# Format the urls.
glist <- game_ids %>% select(gameday_link)
glist = glist[,1]

glist <- glist %>% 
    purrr::map_chr(~ paste0(root, "year_", stringr::str_sub(., 5, 8), 
                            "/month_", stringr::str_sub(., 10,11), 
                            "/day_", stringr::str_sub(., 13, 14),"/", ., "/players.xml")) %>% as.list()

# NOTE: We only need to select the new gids that have been added. Any others would be doing double-work.
glist1 = glist[32753:length(glist)]

# Use parallel here, otherwise it would take forever.
no_cores <- detectCores() - 2
cl <- makeCluster(no_cores, type="FORK")  

umpires <- foreach::foreach(i = seq_along(glist1)) %dopar% {
    file <- tryCatch(xml2::read_xml(glist[[i]]), error=function(e) NULL)
        ump_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(file, "./umpires/umpire")
        ump_df <- purrr::map_dfr(ump_nodes, function(x) {
            out <- data.frame(t(xml2::xml_attrs(x)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


new_umps <- dplyr::bind_rows(umpires) %>% select("id", "first", "last") %>% filter(! %>% unique() %>%
    tidyr::unite(full_name, c("first", "last"), sep = " ")

rm(game_ids, glist, umpires); gc()

# Now we've got a data frame with uniqe player ids. We need to pull the current player data and do a left join.
bkup_current_umps <- mlbgameday::umpire_ids
current_umps <- mlbgameday::umpire_ids

# A duplicate column is created on the join due to slight changes in name spellings. OK just to drop it.
umpire_ids <- dplyr::left_join(current_umps, new_umps, by = "id") %>% 
    select("id", "full_name.x") %>% rename(full_name=full_name.x)

# The list returns duplicate ids because players sometimes change thier names. Example, "B.J" Upton began calling himself "Melvin".
# This is a crude work-around for that, only selecting one name.
umpire_ids <- umpire_ids[!duplicated(umpire_ids$id),]

# Save new ids
usethis::use_data(umpire_ids, overwrite = TRUE)
keberwein/mlbgameday documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:14 p.m.