
Defines functions exploreEfficientSet

Documented in exploreEfficientSet

#' Explore locally efficient set.
#' @description
#'   Explores a locally efficient set separately along the gradients of the two objectives
#'   \code{fn1} and \code{fn2}. Both explorations initially start in point \code{ind}. Such
#'   explorations obviously are only reasonable, if \code{ind} is a locally efficient point.
#'   See \code{\link{findLocallyEfficientPoint}} for further details.
#' @note 
#'   ATTENTION: Only turn off the sanity checks (\code{check.data = FALSE}),
#'   if you can ensure that all input parameters are provided in the correct format.
#' @template arg_ind
#' @template arg_fni
#' @template arg_grad
#' @template arg_max_no_steps_exploration
#' @template arg_explorationstep
#' @template arg_precgrad
#' @template arg_precnorm
#' @template arg_precangle
#' @template arg_lower
#' @template arg_upper
#' @template arg_checkdata
#' @template arg_show_info
#' @return [\code{\link{list}(4)}]\cr
#'   Returns a list with four elements. The first one provides the points that were found
#'   to be part of the efficient set.\cr
#'   The second element lists the corresponding number of performed function evaluations.\cr
#'   The third and fourth elements are lists, containing information on the edges of the
#'   efficient set. This information consists of a \code{\link{logical}} indicating whether
#'   it could be confirmed that the found efficient set definitely is only a local efficient
#'   set. Important note: a value of \code{FALSE} does not imply that the found efficient set
#'   has to be globally efficient, as it could also be a multi-objective trap. In addition
#'   those two sublists also contain the actual positions of the evaluated points outside
#'   the efficient set, their single-objective gradients as well as the number of function
#'   evaluations (per objective) performed to compute these gradients.\cr
#'   Note that these (up to two) points (\code{end1$external} and \code{end2$external})
#'   are reasonable starting points for a gradient descent towards a better efficient set.
#' @examples
#' # Define two single-objective test problems:
#' fn1 = function(x) sum((x - c(0.2, 1))^2)
#' fn2 = function(x) 2 * x[1]^2 - x[1] * x[2] + 0.3 * x[2]^2
#' # c(0.2, 1) is obviously a local optimum of fn1, so let's explore the efficient set from there:
#' exploreEfficientSet(c(0.2, 1), fn1, fn2, max.no.steps.exploration = 50L, exploration.step = 0.05)
#' @export
exploreEfficientSet = function(ind, fn1, fn2, gradient.list = list(g1 = NULL, g2 = NULL),
  max.no.steps.exploration = 400L, exploration.step = 0.2, prec.grad = 1e-6,
  prec.norm = 1e-6, prec.angle = 1e-4, lower, upper, check.data = TRUE, show.info = TRUE) {

  assertNumeric(ind, any.missing = FALSE, null.ok = FALSE)
  d = length(ind)
  if (check.data) {
    assertNumber(exploration.step, lower = 0, finite = TRUE, null.ok = FALSE)
    assertNumber(prec.grad, lower = 0, finite = TRUE, null.ok = FALSE)
    assertNumber(prec.norm, lower = 0, finite = TRUE, null.ok = FALSE)
    if (missing(lower)) {
      lower = rep(-Inf, d)
    } else if ((length(lower) == 1L) & (d != 1L)) {
      lower = rep(lower, d)
    if (missing(upper)) {
      upper = rep(Inf, d)
    } else if ((length(upper) == 1L) & (d != 1L)) {
      upper = rep(upper, d)
    assertNumeric(lower, len = d, any.missing = FALSE, null.ok = FALSE)
    assertNumeric(upper, len = d, any.missing = FALSE, null.ok = FALSE)
    assertTRUE(all(lower <= upper))
    assertList(gradient.list, types = c("numeric", "null", "integerish", "double"),
      any.missing = TRUE, min.len = 1L, null.ok = FALSE)
    if (is.null(gradient.list)) {
      stop("The gradient list needs to consist of p list elements.")
    assertLogical(show.info, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1L, null.ok = FALSE)
    # ensure that ind is locally efficient
    if (show.info && !is.null(performGradientStep(ind = ind, fn1 = fn1,
      fn2 = fn2, lower = lower, upper = upper, prec.grad = prec.grad,
      prec.norm = prec.norm, prec.angle = prec.angle,
      check.data = FALSE)$offspring)) {
      catf("ATTENTION: The exploration of the efficient set was started from a locally non-efficient point.")

  ## initialize
  p = length(gradient.list)
  fn.evals = matrix(0L, nrow = 1L, ncol = p)
  opt.path = matrix(ind, nrow = 1L)

  ## FIXME: hard-coded for p = 2
  ## single-objective gradients of the very first individual
  g1 = gradient.list$g1
  g2 = gradient.list$g2

  # compute gradient of the first objective
  if (is.null(g1)) {
    g1 = -estimateGradientBothDirections(fn = fn1, ind = ind,
      prec.grad = prec.grad, check.data = FALSE,
      lower = lower, upper = upper)
    fn.evals[1L, 1L] = p * d
  grad1 = g1 = normalizeVectorCPP(vec = g1, prec = prec.norm)

  # compute gradient of the second objective
  if (is.null(g2)) {
    g2 = -estimateGradientBothDirections(fn = fn2, ind = ind,
      prec.grad = prec.grad, check.data = FALSE,
      lower = lower, upper = upper)
    fn.evals[1L, 2L] = p * d
  grad2 = g2 = normalizeVectorCPP(vec = g2, prec = prec.norm)

  ## initialize external points per objective, their gradient lists,
  ## as well as their costs
  external1 = external2 = NULL
  ext1.gradient.list = vector(mode = "list", length = p)
  names(ext1.gradient.list) = sprintf("g%i", seq_len(p))
  ext2.gradient.list = ext1.gradient.list
  fn.evals.ext1 = fn.evals.ext2 = NULL

  ## explore along fn1
  is.local1 = FALSE
  for (i in seq_len(max.no.steps.exploration)) {
    parent = opt.path[nrow(opt.path),]
    offspring = assureBoundsCPP(ind = parent,
      g = exploration.step * normalizeVectorCPP(vec = grad1, prec = prec.norm),
      lower = lower, upper = upper)
    if (identical(parent, offspring)) {
      ## if the offspring and parent are identical, we can't move further into
      ## the direction of fn1

    ## if they are not identical, we have to figure out, whether the offspring
    ## is (a) a point along the efficient set, (b) a point outside the
    ## efficient set (pointing back towards it), or (c) a point in an adjacent
    ## basin
    g1.off = -estimateGradientBothDirections(fn = fn1, ind = offspring,
      prec.grad = prec.grad, check.data = FALSE,
      lower = lower, upper = upper)
    g1.off = normalizeVectorCPP(vec = g1.off, prec = prec.norm)
    if (computeVectorLengthCPP(g1.off) == 0) {
      ## if the offspring's gradient in the direction of fn1 is 0, we must have
      ## reached a local optimum of fn1 and can't proceed
      opt.path = rbind(opt.path, offspring)
      fn.evals = rbind(fn.evals, 0L)
      ## costs for computing g1.off
      fn.evals[nrow(fn.evals), 1L] = p * d

    g2.off = -estimateGradientBothDirections(fn = fn2, ind = offspring,
      prec.grad = prec.grad, check.data = FALSE,
      lower = lower, upper = upper)
    g2.off = normalizeVectorCPP(vec = g2.off, prec = prec.norm)
    if (computeVectorLengthCPP(g2.off) == 0) {
      ## if the offspring's gradient in the direction of fn2 is 0, we can't
      ## move further; note that this scenario is unlikely (if even possible?!)
      ## as we were moving in the direction of fn1
      opt.path = rbind(opt.path, offspring)
      fn.evals = rbind(fn.evals, 0L)
      ## costs for computing g1.off and g2.off
      fn.evals[nrow(fn.evals), 1:2] = p * d

    angle.offspring = computeAngleCPP(vec1 = g1.off, vec2 = g2.off, prec = prec.norm)
    angle.grad1 = computeAngleCPP(g1.off, grad1, prec = prec.norm)
    if ((angle.offspring > 90) & (angle.grad1 < 90)) {
      ## as long as the offspring's gradients show in opposite directions
      ## (> 90 degree), as well as the offspring's current and its preceeding
      ## individual's gradients in the direction of fn1 (angle.grad1) show in
      ## similar directions (< 90 degree), we can move on
      opt.path = rbind(opt.path, offspring)
      fn.evals = rbind(fn.evals, 0L)
      ## costs for computing g1.off and g2.off
      fn.evals[nrow(fn.evals), 1:2] = p * d

      ## replace the "old" gradient in direction of fn1 by the current
      ## one and continue with the next iteration of the loop
      grad1 = g1.off
    } else {
      ## now, the offspring must have been an external point and we can store
      ## it as such
      external1 = offspring
      fn.evals.ext1 = matrix(0L, nrow = 1L, ncol = p)
      fn.evals.ext1[1:2] = p * d
      names(fn.evals.ext1) = sprintf("fn%i.evals", seq_len(p))
      if (angle.grad1 > 90) {
        ## if the direction of the gradients (of fn1) have changed between the
        ## offspring and its predecessor, we must have left the efficient set
        ## (but are still in the same basin)
      } else {
        ## otherwise, we must even have passed a ridge into a new basin
        is.local1 = TRUE
        ext1.gradient.list = list(g1 = g1.off, g2 = g2.off)

  ## perform the same steps to explore along fn2
  is.local2 = FALSE
  for (i in seq_len(max.no.steps.exploration)) {
    if (i == 1) {
      ## let's *start* the exploration with the original individual
      parent = opt.path[1L,]
    } else {
      parent = opt.path[nrow(opt.path),]
    offspring = assureBoundsCPP(ind = parent,
      g = exploration.step * normalizeVectorCPP(vec = grad2, prec = prec.norm),
      lower = lower, upper = upper)

    if (identical(parent, offspring)) {
      ## if the offspring and parent are identical, we can't move further into
      ## the direction of fn2

    g2.off = -estimateGradientBothDirections(fn = fn2, ind = offspring,
      prec.grad = prec.grad, check.data = FALSE,
      lower = lower, upper = upper)
    g2.off = normalizeVectorCPP(vec = g2.off, prec = prec.norm)
    if (computeVectorLengthCPP(g2.off) == 0) {
      ## if the offspring's gradient in the direction of fn2 is 0, we must have
      ## reached a local optimum of fn2 and can't proceed
      opt.path = rbind(opt.path, offspring)
      fn.evals = rbind(fn.evals, 0L)
      ## costs for computing g1.off and g2.off
      fn.evals[nrow(fn.evals), 1:2] = p * d

    g1.off = -estimateGradientBothDirections(fn = fn1, ind = offspring,
      prec.grad = prec.grad, check.data = FALSE,
      lower = lower, upper = upper)
    g1.off = normalizeVectorCPP(vec = g1.off, prec = prec.norm)
    if (computeVectorLengthCPP(g1.off) == 0) {
      ## if the offspring's gradient in the direction of fn1 is 0, we can't
      ## move further; note that this scenario is unlikely (if even possible?!)
      ## as we were moving in the direction of fn2
      opt.path = rbind(opt.path, offspring)
      fn.evals = rbind(fn.evals, 0L)
      ## costs for computing g1.off
      fn.evals[nrow(fn.evals), 1L] = p * d

    angle.offspring = computeAngleCPP(vec1 = g1.off, vec2 = g2.off, prec = prec.norm)
    angle.grad2 = computeAngleCPP(g2.off, grad2, prec = prec.norm)
    if ((angle.offspring > 90) & (angle.grad2 < 90)) {
      ## as long as the offspring's gradients show in opposite directions
      ## (> 90 degree), as well as the offspring's current and its preceeding
      ## individual's gradients in the direction of fn2 (angle.grad2) show in
      ## similar directions (< 90 degree), we can move on
      opt.path = rbind(opt.path, offspring)
      fn.evals = rbind(fn.evals, 0L)
      ## costs for computing g1.off and g2.off
      fn.evals[nrow(fn.evals), 1:2] = p * d

      ## replace the "old" gradient in direction of fn2 by the current
      ## one and continue with the next iteration of the loop
      grad2 = g2.off
    } else {
      ## now, the offspring must have been an external point and we can store
      ## it as such
      external2 = offspring
      fn.evals.ext2 = matrix(0L, nrow = 1L, ncol = p)
      fn.evals.ext2[1:2] = p * d
      names(fn.evals.ext2) = sprintf("fn%i.evals", seq_len(p))
      if (angle.grad2 > 90) {
        ## if the direction of the gradients (of fn2) have changed between the
        ## offspring and its predecessor, we must have left the efficient set
        ## (but are still in the same basin)
      } else {
        ## otherwise, we must even have passed a ridge into a new basin
        is.local2 = TRUE
        ext2.gradient.list = list(g1 = g1.off, g2 = g2.off)

  rownames(opt.path) = NULL
  rownames(fn.evals) = NULL

    opt.path = opt.path,
    fn.evals = fn.evals,
    end1 = list(
      is.local = is.local1,
      external = external1,
      gradient.list = ext1.gradient.list,
      evals = fn.evals.ext1
    end2 = list(
      is.local = is.local2,
      external = external2,
      gradient.list = ext2.gradient.list,
      evals = fn.evals.ext2
kerschke/mogsa documentation built on July 11, 2019, 11:52 p.m.