
Defines functions significant

Documented in significant

#' @title Significance estimation for Similarity of Matrices Index (SMI)
#' @description Permutation based hypothesis testing for SMI. The nullhypothesis is that a linear function
#' of one matrix subspace is included in the subspace of another matrix.
#' @param smi \code{smi} object returned by call to \code{SMI}.
#' @param B integer number of permutations, default = 10000.
#' @param replicates integer vector of replicates.
#' @details For each combination of components significance is estimated by sampling from a null distribution
#' of no similarity, i.e. when the rows of one matrix is permuted B times and corresponding SMI values are
#' computed. If the vector \code{replicates} is included, replicates will be kept together through
#' permutations.
#' @return A matrix containing P-values for all combinations of components.
#' @author Kristian Hovde Liland
#' @references Similarity of Matrices Index - Ulf G. Indahl, Tormod Næs Kristian Hovde Liland
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.SMI}} (print.SMI/summary.SMI), \code{\link{RV}} (RV2/RVadj), \code{\link{r1}} (r2/r3/r4/GCD), \code{\link{allCorrelations}} (matrix correlation comparison).
#' @examples
#' X1  <- scale( matrix( rnorm(100*300), 100,300), scale = FALSE)
#' usv <- svd(X1)
#' X2  <- usv$u[,-3] %*% diag(usv$d[-3]) %*% t(usv$v[,-3])
#' (smi <- SMI(X1,X2,5,5))
#' significant(smi, B = 1000) # default B = 10000
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @export
significant <- function(smi, B = 10000, replicates = NULL){
  T <- attr(smi,'scores')$Scores1
  U <- attr(smi,'scores')$Scores2
  # Orthogonal Projection
  if(attr(smi, "orthogonal")){
      return(significantRcpp(smi, T, U, B)/B)
    } else {
      perm <- unique(replicates)-1L
      nrep <- sum(replicates == 1)
      nseg <- length(replicates) / nrep
      return(significantRepRcpp(smi, T, U, B, perm, nrep, nseg, (1:nrep)-1L)/B)

  # Procrustes Rotation
  } else { 
    N     <- dim(T)[1]
    ncomp <- dim(smi)
    smi_B <- array(0, dim = c(ncomp,B))
    pb <- progress_bar$new(total = B, format = "  [:bar] :percent (:eta)")
      nrep <- sum(replicates == 1)
      nseg <- length(replicates) / nrep
    for(b in 1:B){
        ind <- sample(N)
      } else {
        ind <- (rep(sample(nseg), each = nrep)-1)*nrep + c(sapply(1:nseg, function(i) sample(nrep)))
      TU <- crossprod(T[ind,],U)
      for(p in 1:ncomp[1]){
        for(q in 1:ncomp[2]){
          s <- svd(TU[1:p,1:q, drop=FALSE], nu = 0, nv = 0)$d
          smi_B[p,q,b] <- mean(s)^2
    # P-values
    Pval <- matrix(0, ncomp[1], ncomp[2])
    for(p in 1:ncomp[1]){
      for(q in 1:ncomp[2]){
        Pval[p,q] <- sum(pmax(smi_B[p,q,],1-smi_B[p,q,])<smi[p,q])/B
khliland/MatrixCorrelation documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 3:13 a.m.