
Defines functions check_pair get_coef_idx who_centile2tsftmm who_centile2ssftmm who_centile2muaccm who_centile2hcircm who_centile2bmi who_centile2wtkg who_centile2lencm who_centile2lenhtcm who_centile2htcm who_zscore2tsftmm who_zscore2ssftmm who_zscore2muaccm who_zscore2hcircm who_zscore2bmi who_zscore2wtkg who_zscore2lencm who_zscore2lenhtcm who_zscore2htcm who_tsftmm2centile who_ssftmm2centile who_muaccm2centile who_hcircm2centile who_bmi2centile who_lencm2centile who_lenhtcm2centile who_htcm2centile who_wtkg2centile who_tsftmm2zscore who_ssftmm2zscore who_muaccm2zscore who_hcircm2zscore who_bmi2zscore who_lencm2zscore who_lenhtcm2zscore who_htcm2zscore who_wtkg2zscore who_value2centile who_value2zscore who_zscore2value who_centile2value

Documented in who_bmi2centile who_bmi2zscore who_centile2bmi who_centile2hcircm who_centile2htcm who_centile2lencm who_centile2lenhtcm who_centile2muaccm who_centile2ssftmm who_centile2tsftmm who_centile2value who_centile2wtkg who_hcircm2centile who_hcircm2zscore who_htcm2centile who_htcm2zscore who_lencm2centile who_lencm2zscore who_lenhtcm2centile who_lenhtcm2zscore who_muaccm2centile who_muaccm2zscore who_ssftmm2centile who_ssftmm2zscore who_tsftmm2centile who_tsftmm2zscore who_value2centile who_value2zscore who_wtkg2centile who_wtkg2zscore who_zscore2bmi who_zscore2hcircm who_zscore2htcm who_zscore2lencm who_zscore2lenhtcm who_zscore2muaccm who_zscore2ssftmm who_zscore2tsftmm who_zscore2value who_zscore2wtkg

#' Convert WHO z-scores/centiles to anthro measurements (generic)
#' Get values of a specified measurement for a given WHO centile/z-score and growth standard pair (e.g. length vs. age) and sex over a specified grid
#' @param x vector specifying the values of x over which to provide the centiles for y
#' @param p centile or vector of centiles at which to compute values (a number between 0 and 100 - 50 is median)
#' @param y_var y variable name (typically "htcm" or "wtkg") that specifies which variable of values should be returned for the specified value of q - see details
#' @param x_var x variable name (typically "agedays") - see details
#' @param sex "Male" or "Female"
#' @param data optional data frame that supplies any of the other variables provided to the function
#' @details for all supported pairings of \code{y_var} and \code{x_var} , type \code{names(who_coefs)}
#' @seealso \code{\link{who_value2centile}}, \code{\link{who_value2zscore}}
#' @examples
#' # median height vs. age for females
#' x <- seq(0, 365, by = 7)
#' med <- who_centile2value(x)
#' plot(x, med, xlab = "age in days", ylab = "median female height (cm)")
#' # 99th percentile of weight vs. age for males from age 0 to 1461 days
#' dat <- data.frame(x = rep(seq(0, 1461, length = 100), 2),
#'   sex = rep(c("Male", "Female"), each = 100))
#' dat$p99 <- who_centile2value(x, p = 99, y_var = "wtkg", sex = sex, data = dat)
#' lattice::xyplot(kg2lb(p99) ~ days2years(x), groups = sex, data = dat,
#'   ylab = "99th percentile weight (pounds) for males",
#'   xlab = "age (years)", auto.key = TRUE)
#' @export
#' @rdname who_centile2value
who_centile2value <- function(x, p = 50, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "lenhtcm",
  sex = "Female", data = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(data)) {
    x <- v_eval(substitute(x), try(x, silent = TRUE), data)
    p <- v_eval(substitute(p), try(p, silent = TRUE), data)
    x_var <- v_eval(substitute(x_var), try(x_var, silent = TRUE), data)
    y_var <- v_eval(substitute(y_var), try(y_var, silent = TRUE), data)
    sex <- v_eval(substitute(sex), try(sex, silent = TRUE), data)

  dat <- data.frame(
    x = x,
    p = p,
    x_var = x_var,
    y_var = y_var,
    sex = sex,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  idx <- which(dat$y_var == "lenhtcm")
  if (length(idx) > 0) {
    idx2 <- which(dat$y_var == "lenhtcm" & dat$x < 731)
    dat$y_var[idx2] <- "lencm"
    idx2 <- which(dat$y_var == "lenhtcm")
    dat$y_var[idx2] <- "htcm"

  if (! all(unique(dat$sex) %in% c("Male", "Female")))
    stop("sex must be 'Male' or 'Female'")

  # since coefficients are available only by pair/sex
  # we need to call this for each unique combination
  centile2value_single_pars <- function(x, y, x_var, y_var, sex) {
    pair <- paste(y_var, x_var, sep = "_")

    coefs <- growthstandards::who_coefs[[pair]][[sex]]$data
    oob <- which(x < min(coefs$x) | x > max(coefs$x))

    # subset to neighborhood surrounding input
    idx <- get_coef_idx(x, coefs$x)
    coefs <- coefs[idx, , drop = FALSE] # nolint
    if (nrow(coefs) == 1) {
      coefs <- data.frame(y = y, coefs, row.names = NULL)
    } else {
      coefs <- data.frame(
        x = x,
        y = y,
        l = approx(coefs$x, coefs$l, x)$y,
        m = approx(coefs$x, coefs$m, x)$y,
        s = approx(coefs$x, coefs$s, x)$y)

    res <- with(coefs, m * ((1 + qnorm(y / 100) * l * s)^(1 / l))) # nolint

    if (y_var %in% c("wtkg", "bmi")) {
      z <- qnorm(y / 100)
      calc_sd <- function(sd)
        with(coefs, m * ((1 + l * s * sd) ^ (1 / l))) # nolint
      sd3_pos <- calc_sd(3)
      sd3_neg <- calc_sd(-3)
      sd23_pos <- sd3_pos - calc_sd(2)
      sd23_neg <- calc_sd(-2) - sd3_neg

      res2 <- rep(NA, length(y))
      ind <- which(z < 0)
      res2[ind] <- (z[ind] + 3) * sd23_neg[ind] + sd3_neg[ind]
      ind <- which(z > 0)
      res2[ind] <- (z[ind] - 3) * sd23_pos[ind] + sd3_pos[ind]

      coefs2 <- coefs
      coefs2$y <- res2
      z2 <- with(coefs2, ((y / m)^l - 1) / (s * l)) # nolint

      ind <- which(z2 < -3 | z2 > 3)
      res[ind] <- res2[ind]

    if (length(oob) > 0) {
      message("Observations with ", x_var, " value of ",
        paste(x[oob], collapse = ", "),
        " are outside the range of the standard. Setting to NA.")
      res[oob] <- NA

    idx <- which(is.infinite(res))
    res[idx] <- NA


  ht_idx <- which(dat$y_var == "htcm" & dat$x <= 730)
  ln_idx <- which(dat$y_var == "lencm" & dat$x > 730)

  idx <- which(dat$y_var == "lencm")
  if (length(idx) > 0)
    dat$y_var[idx] <- "htcm"

  dat <- dat %>%
    dplyr::group_by(x_var, y_var, sex) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(res = centile2value_single_pars(x, p, x_var[1], y_var[1], sex[1]))

  if (length(ht_idx) > 0)
    dat$res[ht_idx] <- dat$res[ht_idx] - 0.7
  if (length(ln_idx) > 0)
    dat$res[ln_idx] <- dat$res[ln_idx] + 0.7


#' @param z z-score or vector of z-scores at which to compute values
#' @export
#' @rdname who_centile2value
who_zscore2value <- function(x, z = 0, y_var = "lenhtcm", x_var = "agedays",
  sex = "Female", data = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(data)) {
    x <- v_eval(substitute(x), try(x, silent = TRUE), data)
    z <- v_eval(substitute(z), try(z, silent = TRUE), data)
    x_var <- v_eval(substitute(x_var), try(x_var, silent = TRUE), data)
    y_var <- v_eval(substitute(y_var), try(y_var, silent = TRUE), data)
    sex <- v_eval(substitute(sex), try(sex, silent = TRUE), data)

  who_centile2value(p = 100 * pnorm(z), x = x, y_var = y_var, x_var = x_var, sex = sex)

#' Convert anthro measurements to WHO z-scores/centiles (generic)
#' Compute z-scores or centiles with respect to the WHO growth standard for given values of x vs. y (typically x is "agedays" and y is a measure like "htcm").
#' @param x value or vector of values that correspond to a measure defined by \code{x_var}
#' @param y value or vector of values that correspond to a measure defined by \code{y_var}
#' @param x_var x variable name (typically "agedays") - see details
#' @param y_var y variable name (typically "htcm", "lencm", or "wtkg") - see details
#' @param sex "Male" or "Female"
#' @param data optional data frame that supplies any of the other variables provided to the function
#' @details for all supported pairings of \code{y_var} and \code{x_var} , type \code{names(who_coefs)}
#' @seealso \code{\link{who_centile2value}}, \code{\link{who_zscore2value}}
#' @examples
#' # z-scores
#' who_value2zscore(1670, in2cm(44))
#' who_value2zscore(1670, lb2kg(48), y_var = "wtkg")
#' who_value2centile(1670, in2cm(44))
#' who_value2centile(1670, lb2kg(48), y_var = "wtkg")
#' # add haz derived from WHO data and compare to that provided with data
#' cpp$haz <- who_value2zscore(x = agedays,  y = lencm, sex = sex, data = cpp)
#' # note that you can also do it this way
#' #' cpp$haz <- who_value2zscore(cpp$agedays, cpp$lencm, sex = cpp$sex)
#' @export
#' @rdname who_value2zscore
who_value2zscore <- function(
  x, y,
  x_var = "agedays", y_var = "lenhtcm",
  sex = "Female",
  data = NULL
) {
  if (!is.null(data)) {
    x <- v_eval(substitute(x), try(x, silent = TRUE), data)
    y <- v_eval(substitute(y), try(y, silent = TRUE), data)
    x_var <- v_eval(substitute(x_var), try(x_var, silent = TRUE), data)
    y_var <- v_eval(substitute(y_var), try(y_var, silent = TRUE), data)
    sex <- v_eval(substitute(sex), try(sex, silent = TRUE), data)

  dat <- data.frame(
    x = x, y = y,
    x_var = x_var, y_var = y_var,
    sex = sex,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  idx <- which(dat$y_var == "lenhtcm")
  if (length(idx) > 0) {
    idx2 <- which(dat$y_var == "lenhtcm" & dat$x < 731)
    dat$y_var[idx2] <- "lencm"
    idx2 <- which(dat$y_var == "lenhtcm")
    dat$y_var[idx2] <- "htcm"

  idx <- which(dat$y_var == "htcm" & dat$x <= 730)
  if (length(idx) > 0)
    dat$y[idx] <- dat$y[idx] + 0.7

  idx <- which(dat$y_var == "lencm" & dat$x > 730)
  if (length(idx) > 0)
    dat$y[idx] <- dat$y[idx] - 0.7

  idx <- which(dat$y_var == "lencm")
  if (length(idx) > 0)
    dat$y_var[idx] <- "htcm"

  if (! all(unique(dat$sex) %in% c("Male", "Female")))
    stop("sex must be 'Male' or 'Female'")

  # since coefficients are available only by pair/sex
  # we need to call this for each unique combination
  value2zscore_single_pars <- function(x, y, x_var, y_var, sex) {
    pair <- paste(y_var, x_var, sep = "_")

    coefs <- growthstandards::who_coefs[[pair]][[sex]]$data
    oob <- which(x < min(coefs$x) | x > max(coefs$x))

    # subset to neighborhood surrounding input
    idx <- get_coef_idx(x, coefs$x)
    coefs <- coefs[idx, , drop = FALSE] # nolint

    if (nrow(coefs) == 1) {
      coefs <- data.frame(y = y, coefs, row.names = NULL)
    } else {
      coefs <- data.frame(
        x = x,
        y = y,
        m = approx(coefs$x, coefs$m, x)$y,
        l = approx(coefs$x, coefs$l, x)$y,
        s = approx(coefs$x, coefs$s, x)$y

    res <- with(coefs, ((y / m)^l - 1) / (s * l)) # nolint

    if (y_var %in% c("wtkg", "bmi")) {
      calc_sd <- function(sd)
        with(coefs, m * ((1 + l * s * sd) ^ (1 / l))) # nolint
      sd3_pos <- calc_sd(3)
      sd3_neg <- calc_sd(-3)
      sd23_pos <- sd3_pos - calc_sd(2)
      sd23_neg <- calc_sd(-2) - sd3_neg
      idx <- !is.na(res) & res > 3
      res[idx] <- (3 + ((y - sd3_pos) / sd23_pos))[idx]
      idx <- !is.na(res) & res < -3
      res[idx] <- (-3 + ((y - sd3_neg) / sd23_neg))[idx]

    if (length(oob) > 0) {
      message("Observations with ", x_var, " value of ",
        paste(x[oob], collapse = ", "),
        " are outside the range of the standard. Setting to NA.")
      res[oob] <- NA

  dat <- dat %>%
    dplyr::group_by(x_var, y_var, sex) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(res = value2zscore_single_pars(x, y, x_var[1], y_var[1], sex[1]))


#' @export
#' @rdname who_value2zscore
who_value2centile <- function(
  x, y,
  x_var = "agedays",
  y_var = "lenhtcm",
  sex = "Female",
  data = NULL
) {

  if (!is.null(data)) {
    x <- v_eval(substitute(x), try(x, silent = TRUE), data)
    y <- v_eval(substitute(y), try(y, silent = TRUE), data)
    x_var <- v_eval(substitute(x_var), try(x_var, silent = TRUE), data)
    y_var <- v_eval(substitute(y_var), try(y_var, silent = TRUE), data)
    sex <- v_eval(substitute(sex), try(sex, silent = TRUE), data)

  pnorm(who_value2zscore(x = x, y = y, x_var = x_var, y_var = y_var, sex = sex)) * 100

## **2zscore

#' Convert anthro measurements to WHO z-scores/centiles
#' @param agedays age in days
#' @param wtkg weight (kg) measurement(s) to convert
#' @param htcm height(cm) measurement(s) to convert
#' @param lencm length(cm) measurement(s) to convert
#' @param lenhtcm length or height(cm) measurement(s) to convert
#' @param bmi body-mass index measurement(s) to convert
#' @param hcircm head circumference (cm) measurement(s) to convert
#' @param muaccm mid-upper arm circumference (cm) measurement(s) to convert
#' @param ssftmm subscalpular skinfold (mm) measurement(s) to convert
#' @param tsftmm triceps skinfold (mm) measurement(s) to convert
#' @param sex "Male" or "Female"
#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
#' @examples
#' cpp$haz <- who_value2zscore(x = agedays,  y = lencm, sex = sex, data = cpp)
who_wtkg2zscore <- function(agedays, wtkg, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2zscore(agedays, wtkg, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "wtkg", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_htcm2zscore <- function(agedays, htcm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2zscore(agedays, htcm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "htcm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_lenhtcm2zscore <- function(agedays, lenhtcm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2zscore(agedays, lenhtcm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "lenhtcm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_lencm2zscore <- function(agedays, lencm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2zscore(agedays, lencm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "lencm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_bmi2zscore <- function(agedays, bmi, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2zscore(agedays, bmi, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "bmi", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_hcircm2zscore <- function(agedays, hcircm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2zscore(agedays, hcircm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "hcircm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_muaccm2zscore <- function(agedays, muaccm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2zscore(agedays, muaccm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "muaccm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_ssftmm2zscore <- function(agedays, ssftmm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2zscore(agedays, ssftmm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "ssftmm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_tsftmm2zscore <- function(agedays, tsftmm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2zscore(agedays, tsftmm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "tsftmm", sex = sex)

## **2centile

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_wtkg2centile <- function(agedays, wtkg, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2centile(agedays, wtkg, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "wtkg", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_htcm2centile <- function(agedays, htcm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2centile(agedays, htcm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "htcm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_lenhtcm2centile <- function(agedays, lenhtcm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2centile(agedays, lenhtcm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "lenhtcm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_lencm2centile <- function(agedays, lencm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2centile(agedays, lencm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "lencm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_bmi2centile <- function(agedays, bmi, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2centile(agedays, bmi, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "bmi", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_hcircm2centile <- function(agedays, hcircm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2centile(agedays, hcircm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "hcircm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_muaccm2centile <- function(agedays, muaccm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2centile(agedays, muaccm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "muaccm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_ssftmm2centile <- function(agedays, ssftmm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2centile(agedays, ssftmm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "ssftmm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_var2zscore
who_tsftmm2centile <- function(agedays, tsftmm, sex = "Female") {
  who_value2centile(agedays, tsftmm, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "tsftmm", sex = sex)

## zscore2**

#' Convert WHO z-scores/centiles to anthro measurements
#' @param agedays age in days
#' @param z z-score(s) to convert
#' @param p centile(s) to convert (must be between 0 and 100)
#' @param sex "Male" or "Female"
#' @examples
#' cpp$haz <- who_value2zscore(x = agedays,  y = lencm, sex = sex, data = cpp)
#' htcm <- who_zscore2htcm(cpp$agedays, cpp$haz, cpp$sex)
#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_zscore2htcm <- function(agedays, z = 0, sex = "Female") {
  who_zscore2value(agedays, z, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "htcm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_zscore2lenhtcm <- function(agedays, z = 0, sex = "Female") {
  who_zscore2value(agedays, z, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "lenhtcm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_zscore2lencm <- function(agedays, z = 0, sex = "Female") {
  who_zscore2value(agedays, z, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "lencm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_zscore2wtkg <- function(agedays, z = 0, sex = "Female") {
  who_zscore2value(agedays, z, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "wtkg", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_zscore2bmi <- function(agedays, z = 0, sex = "Female") {
  who_zscore2value(agedays, z, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "bmi", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_zscore2hcircm <- function(agedays, z = 0, sex = "Female") {
  who_zscore2value(agedays, z, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "hcircm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_zscore2muaccm <- function(agedays, z = 0, sex = "Female") {
  who_zscore2value(agedays, z, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "muaccm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_zscore2ssftmm <- function(agedays, z = 0, sex = "Female") {
  who_zscore2value(agedays, z, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "ssftmm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_zscore2tsftmm <- function(agedays, z = 0, sex = "Female") {
  who_zscore2value(agedays, z, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "tsftmm", sex = sex)

## centile2**

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_centile2htcm <- function(agedays, p = 50, sex = "Female") {
  who_centile2value(agedays, p, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "htcm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_centile2lenhtcm <- function(agedays, p = 50, sex = "Female") {
  who_centile2value(agedays, p, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "lenhtcm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_centile2lencm <- function(agedays, p = 50, sex = "Female") {
  who_centile2value(agedays, p, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "lencm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_centile2wtkg <- function(agedays, p = 50, sex = "Female") {
  who_centile2value(agedays, p, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "wtkg", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_centile2bmi <- function(agedays, p = 50, sex = "Female") {
  who_centile2value(agedays, p, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "bmi", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_centile2hcircm <- function(agedays, p = 50, sex = "Female") {
  who_centile2value(agedays, p, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "hcircm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_centile2muaccm <- function(agedays, p = 50, sex = "Female") {
  who_centile2value(agedays, p, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "muaccm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_centile2ssftmm <- function(agedays, p = 50, sex = "Female") {
  who_centile2value(agedays, p, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "ssftmm", sex = sex)

#' @export
#' @rdname who_zscore2var
who_centile2tsftmm <- function(agedays, p = 50, sex = "Female") {
  who_centile2value(agedays, p, x_var = "agedays", y_var = "tsftmm", sex = sex)

get_coef_idx <- function(x, coefx) {
  rng <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  itr <- findInterval(coefx, rng)

  lower <- which(itr == 0)
  if (length(lower) == 0) {
    lower <- NULL
  } else {
    lower <- max(lower)
  upper <- which(itr == 2)
  if (length(upper) == 0) {
    upper <- NULL
  } else {
    upper <- min(upper)

  idx <- c(lower, which(itr == 1), upper)

# check_single <- function(par, par_name) {
#   if (length(par) != 1)
#     stop("currently can only get z-scores for one ", par, " at a time")
# }

check_pair <- function(pair) {
  if (! pair %in% c(
    "wtkg_agedays", "htcm_agedays", "bmi_agedays",
    "hcircm_agedays", "muaccm_agedays", "ssftmm_agedays",
    "tsftmm_agedays", "wtkg_htcm", "wtkg_lencm"
    stop("x and y pairings must be one of
x_var   | y_var
agedays | wtkg
agedays | htcm
agedays | bmi
agedays | hcircm
agedays | muaccm
agedays | ssftmm
agedays | tsftmm
htcm    | wtkg
lencm   | wtkg
ki-tools/growthstandards documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 2:04 a.m.