
Defines functions NIPALS_PLS_component

#' Calculating a single PLS component
#' @param X Input matrix with rows and columns representing observations and variables
#' @param Y Dependend variable, in form of dummy matrix (multi-levels allowed) or numeric column vector
#' @return Returned is a list with the following entries:
#' \item{X.res}{Residual X matrix.}
#' \item{Y.res}{Residual Y matrix.}
#' \item{scores}{PLS component scores.}
#' \item{loadings}{PLS component loadings.}
#' \item{weights}{PLS component weights.}
#' \item{betas}{PLS X coefficients.}
#' \item{Q.pc}{PLS Y coefficient.}
#' @author Torben Kimhofer \email{tkimhofer@@gmail.com}
#' @noRd
NIPALS_PLS_component <- function(X, Y) {
    # X=T*P +E Y=U*Q +F*
    dd <- 1
    count <- 1
    # initialise scores (t_h)
    u_h <- cbind(Y[, 1])  # u_h start is Y
    while (dd > 1e-10) {
        # X block: calc weights, normalise and cacultate scores (t_h)
        w_h <- t(X) %*% u_h/drop(crossprod(u_h))
        w_h <- w_h/sqrt(sum(w_h^2))  # scale to length 1
        # calc X scores (t_h)
        t_h <- X %*% w_h/drop(crossprod(w_h))  # normalisation not needed (is one)
        # check convergence of t with last iteration (dd crit in while loop)
        if (count > 1) {
            dd <- sum((t_h[, 1] - t_old[, 1])^2)
        t_old <- t_h
        ## Y block, calc weights, normalise and calc Y scores steps can be omitted for 2 class Y (simply by setting q_h=1)
        q_h <- t(Y) %*% t_h/drop(crossprod(t_h))
        q_h <- q_h/sqrt(sum(q_h^2))  # normalisation
        u_h <- (Y) %*% (q_h)/drop(crossprod((q_h)))
        count <- count + 1
    # calculate the X loadings and rescale scores and weights accordingly
    p_h <- (t(X) %*% t_h)/drop(crossprod(t_h))
    p_h <- p_h/sqrt(sum(q_h^2))
    # calc y loadings
    yl <- t(Y) %*% u_h/drop(crossprod(u_h))
    # calc b for residuals Y calculate beta (regression coefficient) via inverse insted of subtracting q_h directly
    b <- (t(u_h) %*% t_h)/drop(crossprod(t_h))
    # # calc b for residuals Y # calculate beta (regression coefficient) via inverse insted of subtracting q_h directly b= solve(t(t_h) %*% t_h) %*%
    # t(t_h) %*% cbind(u_h) Y_res = Y - t( b[1,1] *t(t_h)) %*% (q_h) calc residual matrice X and Y
    X_res <- X - (t_h %*% t(p_h))
    Y_res <- Y - (drop(b) * t_h) %*% t(q_h)
    # define slots for PLS_Torben object
    res <- list(X.res = X_res, Y.res = Y_res, scores = t_h, loadings = t(p_h), weights = t(w_h), betas = as.numeric(b), Qpc = q_h)
    # track = setClass('PLS_Torben', slots=c(Xres='matrix', Yres='matrix', scores='matrix', loadings='matrix', weights='matrix', betas='numeric',
    # Qpc='matrix')) #, Xcenter='numeric', Xscale='numeric', Ycenter='numeric', Yscale='numeric' # create slots for PLS_Torben objects
    # mod_pls=track(Xres=X_res, Yres=Y_res, scores=t_h, loadings=t(p_h), weights=t(w_h), betas=as.numeric(b), Qpc=q_h) #, Xcenter=meanX, Xscale=sdX,
    # Ycenter=meanY, Yscale=sdY
kimsche/MetaboMate documentation built on Aug. 8, 2020, 1:14 a.m.