
Defines functions nd.nfd

Documented in nd.nfd

#' Network Flow Distance
#' @param A a list of length \eqn{N} containing adjacency matrices.
#' @param order the order of Laplacian; currently only 0 and 1 are supported.
#' @param out.dist a logical; \code{TRUE} for computed distance matrix as a \code{dist} object.
#' @param vect a vector of parameters \eqn{t} whose values will be used.
#' @return a named list containing \describe{
#' \item{D}{an \eqn{(N\times N)} matrix or \code{dist} object containing pairwise distance measures.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load example data
#' data(graph20)
#' # compute two diffusion-based distances and visualize
#' out1 = nd.gdd(graph20, out.dist=FALSE)
#' out2 = nd.nfd(graph20, out.dist=FALSE)
#' # visualize
#' opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2), pty="s")
#' image(out1$D[,20:1],col=gray((0:32)/32), main="nd.gdd",axes=FALSE)
#' image(out2$D[,20:1],col=gray((0:32)/32), main="nd.nfd",axes=FALSE)
#' par(opar)
#' }
#' @export
nd.nfd <- function(A, order=0, out.dist=TRUE, vect=seq(from=0,to=10,length.out=1000)){
  # 1. list of length larger than 1
  if ((!is.list(A))||(length(A)<=1)){
    stop("* nd.nfd : input 'A' should be a list of length larger than 1.")
  # 2. transform the data while checking
  listA = list_transform(A, NIflag="not")
  # 3. vect
  if ((!is.vector(vect))||(any(vect<0))||(any(is.na(vect)))||(any(is.infinite(vect)))){
    stop("* nd.nfd : input 'vect' should be a vector of nonnegative real numbers.")
  vect = sort(vect)

  # N = length(listA)
  # mat_dist = array(0,c(N,N))
  # for (i in 1:(N-1)){
  #   L1 = as.matrix(gdd_laplacian(listA[[i]]))
  #   for (j in (i+1):N){
  #     L2    = as.matrix(gdd_laplacian(listA[[j]]))
  #     L12dist = lfdistance(L1,L2,0.1)
  #     mat_dist[i,j] = L12dist
  #     mat_dist[j,i] = L12dist
  #   }
  # }

  N = length(listA)
  if (order==0){
    Lprocess = list_Adj2LapEigs(listA)
  } else if (order==1){
    if (length(unique(unlist(lapply(listA, sum))))!=1){
      stop("* nd.nfd : for the order 1 case, all networks must have same number of edges.")
    Lprocess = list_Adj2LapEigsOrder1(listA)
  } else {
    stop("* nd.nfd : orders other than k=0,1 are not supported.")
  Lvecs    = Lprocess$vectors
  Lvals    = Lprocess$values

  ## temporary test
  mat_dist = lfdistance_new_faster(Lvecs, Lvals, vect)
  # mat_dist = array(0,c(N,N))
  # for (i in 1:(N-1)){
  #   L1 = as.matrix(Lvecs[,,i])
  #   D1 = as.vector(Lvals[,i])
  #   for (j in (i+1):N){
  #     L2 = as.matrix(Lvecs[,,j])
  #     D2 = as.vector(Lvals[,j])
  #     distvalue = lfdistance_new(L1,D1,L2,D2,vect)
  #     mat_dist[i,j] = distvalue
  #     mat_dist[j,i] = distvalue
  #   }
  # }

  ## Return output
  if (out.dist){
    mat_dist = as.dist(mat_dist)
  output = list()
  output$D = mat_dist

## Dianbin's Example
# set.seed(23)
# Total<-20
# N1<-Total/2
# P1<-0.75
# P2<-0.6
# P12=0.04
# Iteration<-2
# CAP<-4
# bb<-list()         ## edges to remove
# bb[[1]]<-c(1,1)
# bb[[2]]<-c(4,19)
# bb[[3]]<-c(12,17)
# bb[[4]]<-c(13,18)
# bb[[5]]<-c(1,3)
# bb[[6]]<-c(15,8)
# bb[[7]]<-c(2,6)
# A<-matrix(0,nrow=Total,ncol=Total)                       ######### define adjacent matrix
# for(i in (1:(N1-1)))
# {for(j in ((i+1):N1))
# {A[i,j]<-rbinom(1,1,P1)
# A[j,i]<-A[i,j]}
# }
# for(i in ((N1+1):(Total-1)))
# {for(j in ((i+1):Total))
# { A[i,j]<-rbinom(1,1,P2)
# A[j,i]<-A[i,j]
# }
# }
# for(i in (1:N1))
# {for(j in (N1+1):Total)
# {A[i,j]<-rbinom(1,1,P12)
# A[j,i]<-A[i,j]
# }
# }
# listA = list()
# for (i in 1:7){
#    tgtA = A
#    idm  = bb[[i]][1]
#    idn  = bb[[i]][2]
#    tgtA[idm,idn] = 0
#    tgtA[idn,idm] = 0
#    listA[[i]] = tgtA
# }
# # compute two diffusion-based distances and visualize
# out1 = nd.gdd(listA, out.dist=FALSE)$D
# out2 = testdec(listA, out.dist=FALSE)$D
# par(mfrow=c(1,2))
# image(pracma::flipud(out1),col=gray((0:32)/32), main="Hammond Pairwise Distance",axes=FALSE)
# image(pracma::flipud(out2),col=gray((0:32)/32), main="Dianbin Pairwise Distance",axes=FALSE)
kisungyou/NetworkDistance documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 8:53 p.m.