
Defines functions olpp_R do.olpp

Documented in do.olpp

#' Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projection
#' Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projection (OLPP) is a variant of \code{do.lpp}, which
#' extracts orthogonal basis functions to reconstruct the data in a more intuitive fashion.
#' It adopts PCA as preprocessing step and uses only one eigenvector at each iteration in that
#' it might incur warning messages for solving near-singular system of linear equations. Current
#' implementation may not return an orthogonal projection matrix as of the paper. We plan to
#' fix this issue in the near future.
#' @param X an \eqn{(n\times p)} matrix or data frame whose rows are observations
#' @param ndim an integer-valued target dimension.
#' @param type a vector of neighborhood graph construction. Following types are supported;
#'  \code{c("knn",k)}, \code{c("enn",radius)}, and \code{c("proportion",ratio)}.
#'  Default is \code{c("proportion",0.1)}, connecting about 1/10 of nearest data points
#'  among all data points. See also \code{\link{aux.graphnbd}} for more details.
#' @param symmetric either \code{"intersect"} or \code{"union"} is supported. Default is \code{"union"}.
#' See also \code{\link{aux.graphnbd}} for more details.
#' @param t bandwidth for heat kernel in \eqn{(0,\infty)}
#' @return a named \code{Rdimtools} S3 object containing
#' \describe{
#' \item{Y}{an \eqn{(n\times ndim)} matrix whose rows are embedded observations.}
#' \item{projection}{a \eqn{(p\times ndim)} whose columns are basis for projection.}
#' \item{algorithm}{name of the algorithm.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## use iris data
#' data(iris)
#' set.seed(100)
#' subid = sample(1:150, 50)
#' X     = as.matrix(iris[subid,1:4])
#' label = as.factor(iris[subid,5])
#' ##  connecting 10% and 25% of data for graph construction each.
#' output1 <- do.olpp(X,ndim=2,type=c("proportion",0.10))
#' output2 <- do.olpp(X,ndim=2,type=c("proportion",0.25))
#' ## Visualize
#' #  In theory, it should show two separated groups of data
#' opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plot(output1$Y, col=label, pch=19, main="OLPP::10% connected")
#' plot(output2$Y, col=label, pch=19, main="OLPP::25% connected")
#' par(opar)
#' }
#' @references
#' \insertRef{cai_orthogonal_2006}{Rdimtools}
#' @seealso \code{\link{do.lpp}}
#' @author Kisung You
#' @rdname linear_OLPP
#' @concept linear_methods
#' @export
do.olpp <- function(X,ndim=2,type=c("proportion",0.1),symmetric=c("union","intersect"),t=1.0){
  # Preprocessing : typecheck is always first step to perform.
  if ((!is.numeric(ndim))||(ndim<1)||(ndim>ncol(X))||is.infinite(ndim)||is.na(ndim)){
    stop("*do.olpp : 'ndim' is a positive integer in [1,#(covariates)].")
  ndim   = as.integer(ndim)
  pcatgt = sum(base::eigen(stats::cov(X))$values>0)
  if (pcatgt <= ndim){
    pcarun  = dt_pca(X, ndim, FALSE)
    pcaproj = pcarun$projection

    result = list()
    result$Y = X%*%pcaproj
    result$projection = pcaproj
    result$algorithm  = "linear:OLPP"
    return(structure(result, class="Rdimtools"))
  pcadim = min(base::ncol(X)-1, pcatgt)

  # Preprocessing 2 : parameters
  # 2-1. aux.graphnbd
  #   type : vector of c("knn",k), c("enn",radius), or c("proportion",ratio)
  #   symmetric : 'intersect','union', or 'asymmetric'
  # 2-2. OLPP itself
  #   weight     : TRUE
  #   preprocess : 'null','center','decorrelate', or 'whiten'
  #   t          : heat kernel bandwidth

  nbdtype = type;
  nbdsymmetric = match.arg(symmetric)
  # algweight = weight
  # if (!is.logical(algweight)){
  #   stop("* do.olpp : 'weight' should be a logical variable.")
  # }
  # if (missing(preprocess)){
  #   algpreprocess = "center"
  # } else {
  #   algpreprocess = match.arg(preprocess)
  # }
  if (!is.numeric(t)||(t<=0)||is.na(t)||is.infinite(t)){
    stop("* do.olpp : 't' is a bandwidth parameter in (0,infinity).")

  # Preprocessing 3 : data preprocessing
  # tmplist = aux.preprocess.hidden(X,type=algpreprocess,algtype="linear")
  # trfinfo = tmplist$info
  # pX      = tmplist$pX
  # pX = X

  #   step 1. PCA preprocessing
  # covX    = stats::cov(pX)
  # eigtest = eigen(covX, only.values=TRUE)
  # pcadim  = max(sum(eigtest$values > 0), ndim+1)
  # if (pcadim <= ndim){
  #   warning("* do.olpp : target 'ndim' is larger than intrinsic data dimension achieved from PCA.")
  #   output = do.pca(X, ndim=pcadim,preprocess=algpreprocess)
  #   return(output)
  # }

  pXpca = dt_pca(X, pcadim, FALSE)
  Xpca  = pXpca$Y
  Wpca  = (pXpca$projection)

  #   step 2. adjacency graph
  #   here, wD is now Distance Matrix, which is denoted as S in the note.
  nbdstruct = aux.graphnbd(Xpca, method="euclidean", type=nbdtype, symmetric=nbdsymmetric)
  D     = nbdstruct$dist
  Dmask = nbdstruct$mask
  nD    = ncol(D)
  wD    = Dmask*D
  idnan = is.na(wD)
  # if (!algweight){
  #   wD = wD*exp(-matrix(as.double(Dmask),nrow=nD)/t)
  # }

  S = exp(-(wD^2)/1.0)
  S[idnan] = 0

  #   step 3. main projection matrix
  # Wolpp = aux.adjprojection(method_olpp(t(Xpca), wD, ndim));
  Wolpp = (olpp_R(Xpca, S, ndim))

  #   step 4. computation !
  #   1. adjust projection matrix
  proj_all = (Wpca%*%Wolpp)

  #   2. return output
  result = list()
  result$Y = X%*%proj_all
  result$projection = proj_all
  result$algorithm  = "linear:OLPP"
  return(structure(result, class="Rdimtools"))

# auxiliary ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
olpp_R <- function(X, S, ndim){
  # prepare
  D = base::diag(base::rowSums(S))
  L = D-S
  p = base::ncol(X)

  # preliminary computation
  XDXt.inv = base::solve(t(X)%*%D%*%X)
  XLXt     = t(X)%*%L%*%X

  # initialize
  a1 = base::eigen(XDXt.inv%*%XLXt)$vectors[,p]
  B  = t(a1)%*%base::solve(t(X)%*%D%*%X, a1)

  # iterate
  A = matrix(a1, ncol=1)
  for (i in 1:(ndim-1)){
    # compute the eigenvector
    Mk = (diag(p) - XDXt.inv%*%(A%*%base::solve(B,t(A))))%*%XDXt.inv%*%XLXt
    # update others
    a.now = base::eigen(Mk)$vectors[,p]
    A     = cbind(A, a.now)
    B     = t(A)%*%XDXt.inv%*%A
  colnames(A) = NULL
kisungyou/Rdimtools documentation built on Jan. 2, 2023, 9:55 a.m.