
Defines functions prune

Documented in prune

#' @import Matrix methods arules

#' @title Classifier Builder
#' @description  An implementation of the CBA-CB M1 algorithm (Liu et al, 1998) adapted for R and arules package apriori implementation in place of CBA-RG.
#' @references Ma, Bing Liu Wynne Hsu Yiming. Integrating classification and association rule mining. Proceedings of the fourth international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining. 1998.
#' @param rules object of class rules from arules package
#' @param txns input object with transactions.
#' @param classitems a list of items to appear in the consequent (rhs) of the rules.
#' @param default_rule_pruning boolean indicating whether default pruning should be performed. If set to TRUE, default pruning is performed as in the CBA algorithm.
#'   If set to FALSE, default pruning is not performed i.e. all rules surviving data coverage pruning are kept. In either case, a default rule is added to the end of the classifier.
#' @param rule_window the number of rules to precompute for CBA data coverage pruning. The default value can be adjusted to decrease runtime.
#' @param input_list_sorted_by_length indicates by default that the input rule list is sorted by antecedent length (as output by arules), if this param is set to false, the list will be resorted
#' @param debug output debug messages.
#' @param greedy_pruning setting to TRUE activates early stopping condition: pruning will be stopped on first rule on which total error increases.
#' @return Returns an object of class \link{rules}. Note that `rules@quality` slot has been extended
#' with additional measures, specifically `orderedConf`, `orderedSupp`, and `cumulativeConf`. The rules are output in the order
#' in which they are assumed to be applied in classification. Only the first applicable rule is used to
#' classify the instance. As a result, in addition to rule confidence -- which is computed over the
#' whole training dataset -- it makes sense to define order-sensitive confidence, which is computed
#' only from instances reaching the given rule as \eqn{a/(a+b)}, where \eqn{a} is the number of instances
#' matching both the antecedent and consequent (available in slot `orderedSupp`) and \eqn{b} is the number of instances matching the antecedent, but
#' not matching the consequent of the given rule.  The cumulative confidence is an experimental measure,
#' which is computed as the accuracy of the rule list comprising the given rule and all higher priority
#' rules (rules with lower index) with uncovered instances excluded from the computation.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{topRules}}
#' @examples
#'  #Example 1
#'   txns <- as(discrNumeric(datasets::iris, "Species")$Disc.data,"transactions")
#'   appearance <- getAppearance(datasets::iris,"Species")
#'   rules <- apriori(txns, parameter = list(confidence = 0.5,
#'   support= 0.01, minlen= 2, maxlen= 4),appearance = appearance)
#'   prune(rules,txns, appearance$rhs)
#'   inspect(rules)
#' #Example 2
#'  utils::data(Adult) # this dataset comes with the arules package
#'  classitems <- c("income=small","income=large")
#'  rules <- apriori(Adult, parameter = list(supp = 0.3, conf = 0.5,
#'  target = "rules"), appearance=list(rhs=classitems, default="lhs"))
#'  # produces 25 rules
#'  rulesP <- prune(rules,Adult,classitems)
#'  rulesP@quality # inspect rule quality measured including the new additions
#'  # Rules after data coverage pruning: 8
#'  # Performing default rule pruning.
#'  # Final rule list size:  6

prune <- function(rules, txns, classitems,default_rule_pruning=TRUE, rule_window=50000,greedy_pruning=FALSE, input_list_sorted_by_length = TRUE,debug=FALSE){

  if (!default_rule_pruning & greedy_pruning)
    stop("When greedy_pruning is enabled, default_rule_pruning must be enabled too")
  if (length(rules)==0)
    stop("Cannot prune empty rule list")
  # compute rule length
      rules@quality$lhs_length <- colSums(rules@lhs@data)
      rulesWithEmptyAntecedent <- which(rules@quality$lhs_length==0)
      if (length(rulesWithEmptyAntecedent) > 0)
        rules <- rules[-rulesWithEmptyAntecedent]
        if (debug) message("Rule(s) with empty antecedent removed")
      if (length(rules) == 0)
        warning("There are no rules with non-empty antecedent.")
        warning("Cannot prune empty rule list")
    }, error= function(err)
      warning("Is there at least one rule with non empty antecedent?")
  # sort rules according to CBA criteria
  # the first of the following two lines is not necessary as long as the rule set was mined by apriori
  if (!input_list_sorted_by_length)
    rules <- sort(rules, by = "lhs_length", decreasing="false")

  rules <- sort(rules, by = c("confidence", "support"))

  # obtain item ids in dataframe for class items
  classitemspositions <- vector(length = length(classitems))

  for (i in 1:length(classitems))
    classitemspositions[i] <- which(txns@itemInfo$labels==classitems[i])
  # compute class frequencies
  # this is neeeded to determine support of default rule during default rule pruning
  alldata_classfrequencies <- rowSums(txns@data[classitemspositions,])
  # set default class based on all transactions
  # this default will be used only in the rare situation when the first rule matches all transactions,
  # these will be removed, and thus no transactions will be left to compute default class
  default_class <- which.max(alldata_classfrequencies)
  orig_transaction_count <- length(txns)
  distinct_items <- ncol(txns)

  rules_to_remove <- c()

  rule_count <- length(rules)
  RULEWINDOW <- rule_window
  if (RULEWINDOW > rule_count)
    RULEWINDOW <- rule_count

  total_errors <- rep(NA, rule_count)

  default_classes <-rep(NA, rule_count)
  last_total_error_without_default <- 0
  last_total_error_with_default <- Inf

  #not necessary for CBA algorithm, used for list-based rule confidence computation
  def_rule_errors <-  rep(NA, rule_count)
  instances_uncovered <-  rep(NA, rule_count)
  #this variation on confidence is computed only from instances that reach that rule
  ordered_conf <- rep(NA, rule_count)
  ordered_supp <- rep(NA, rule_count)

  for(r in seq_len(rule_count))
    # the purpose of using rule windows is following:
    # bulk operations on multiple rules at a time may be cheaper than many iterative multiplications of single rule vectors with all transactions
    # however, when the number of input rules is large, this may result in many unneccesary operations
    # the RULEWINDOW parameter controls how many rules are processed at a time
    # there are two possible savings:
    ## in some cases, all transactions can be covered by first N rules, remaining rules thus may not need to be processed at all
    ## as the pruning proceeds through the rule list, the number of remaining transactions decreases, which makes subsequent multiplications cheaper

    # RT holds data precomputed for current window size
    if ((r-1)%%RULEWINDOW==0)
      if (RULEWINDOW==1)
        ws <- r
        we <- r
        ws <- ((r %/% RULEWINDOW)*RULEWINDOW)+1
        we <- ws + RULEWINDOW-1
        if (we > rule_count)
          we <- rule_count
      # the result of matrix mutliplication is a matrix for which element M[r,t] corresponds to how many items in rule r are matched by an item in transaction t
      # the conversion from nMatrix to dMatrix since the definition of matrix multiplication operations on nMatrix would mean different result than outlined above
      RT.lhs <- t(as(rules@lhs@data[,ws:we,drop = FALSE],"dMatrix")) %*% as(txns@data,"dMatrix")

      # this operation would also work without the subsetting by classitemspositions
      # now do the same thing for rhs
      # Performance tip: nMatrix can be cast to dMatrix just once, outside the loop for the entire matrix
      RT.rhs <- t(as(rules@rhs@data[classitemspositions,ws:we,drop = FALSE],
        "dMatrix")) %*% as(txns@data[classitemspositions,,drop = FALSE],"dMatrix")

      # thus the rule r's lhs matches the transaction t iff M[r,t] == number of items in t is the same as number of items in lhs of  rule r
      RT.matches_lhs <- (rules[ws:we,drop = FALSE]@quality$lhs_length==RT.lhs)
      # the rule r correctly covers the transaction t if the number of items in t matched by the LHS and RHS equals the length of the LHS plus 1 (RHS must always have length 1)
      RT.matches_lhs_and_rhs <- (rules[ws:we,drop = FALSE]@quality$lhs_length+1==RT.lhs+RT.rhs)
      # performance tip: now the RT.lhs and RT.rhs can be freed
    # the index of currently processed rule r is recomputed to relate to current window
    sr <- r - ws +1
    if (debug) message(paste("processing rule ",r, " sr = ", sr))

    # cur_rule holds data for current rule r
    cur_rule.matches_lhs <- RT.matches_lhs[sr,]
    if (TRUE %in% cur_rule.matches_lhs)
      if (debug) message(paste("Antecedent of rule ",r , " matches at least 1 transaction"))
      # check if rule completely matches  at least one transaction
      R.matches_lhs_and_rhs <- RT.matches_lhs_and_rhs[sr,]
      if (TRUE %in% R.matches_lhs_and_rhs)
        if (debug) message(paste("Rule ",r, " correctly covers at least 1 transaction"))
        # remove transactions matching lhs
        RT.matches_lhs <- RT.matches_lhs[,!cur_rule.matches_lhs,drop=FALSE]
        RT.matches_lhs_and_rhs <- RT.matches_lhs_and_rhs[,!cur_rule.matches_lhs,drop=FALSE]
        # remove covered instances from data to allow default rule computation

        # drop=FALSE ensures that when txns is subset so that it contains only one transaction the result is not converted to a vector, which would result into an error during assignment
        txns@data <- txns@data[,!cur_rule.matches_lhs,drop = FALSE]
        # total errors are computed and set only for rules which will not be pruned
        total_errors[r] <- last_total_error_without_default+sum(cur_rule.matches_lhs-R.matches_lhs_and_rhs)

        ordered_supp[r] <- sum(R.matches_lhs_and_rhs)
        ordered_conf[r] <- ordered_supp[r]/sum(cur_rule.matches_lhs)

        # last_total_error should exclude default rule error, which is added to total_errors[r] later
        last_total_error_without_default <- total_errors[r]

        # check if there are any more transactions to process
        if (ncol(txns@data)==0)
          if (debug) message(paste("rule ",r, " No transactions to process"))
          rules_to_remove <- c(rules_to_remove,(r+1):rule_count)
          # there are no transactions left from which to compute the default class for this rule
          # use default class from the last iteration
          default_classes[r] <- default_class
          instances_uncovered[r] <- 0
          # compute default rule error only if there are any transactions left
          classfrequencies <- rowSums(txns@data[classitemspositions,,drop=FALSE])
          default_class <- which.max(classfrequencies)
          majority_class_tran_count <- classfrequencies[default_class]
          default_err_count <- length(txns) - majority_class_tran_count

          total_errors[r] <- total_errors[r] + default_err_count
          default_classes[r] <- default_class

          # for ordered confidence computation (not in original CBA)
          def_rule_errors[r] <- default_err_count
          instances_uncovered[r] <- sum(classfrequencies)
          # experimental option  (not in original CBA)
          if (greedy_pruning)
            if (last_total_error_with_default<total_errors[r])
              if (debug) message(paste("Total error including default increase on rule  ",r))
              rules_to_remove <- c(rules_to_remove,(r+1):rule_count)
            last_total_error_with_default <- total_errors[r]
        if (debug) message(paste("Rule ",r, " does not match at least 1 transaction correctly"))
        rules_to_remove <- c(rules_to_remove,r)
      if (debug) message(paste("Antecedent of rule ",r, " does not match at least 1 transaction"))
      rules_to_remove <- c(rules_to_remove,r)

  message(paste("Original rules: ",rule_count))
  if (length(rules_to_remove)>0)
    rules <- rules[-rules_to_remove]
    total_errors <- total_errors[-rules_to_remove]
    def_rule_errors <- def_rule_errors[-rules_to_remove]
    default_classes <- default_classes[-rules_to_remove]
    instances_uncovered <- instances_uncovered[-rules_to_remove]
    ordered_conf <- ordered_conf[-rules_to_remove]
    ordered_supp <- ordered_supp[-rules_to_remove]

  message(paste("Rules after data coverage pruning:",length(rules)))
  # perform default rule pruning
  if (default_rule_pruning)
    message("Performing default rule pruning.")
    # find "last rule" the first rule with the smallest number of errors
    if (debug)
      message("total errors by rule")
      print (total_errors)

    last_rule_pos <- which.min(total_errors)
    # keep only the top rules until "last rule"(inclusive)
    rules <- rules[1:last_rule_pos]
    total_errors <- total_errors[1:last_rule_pos]
    def_rule_errors <- def_rule_errors[1:last_rule_pos]
    default_classes <- default_classes[1:last_rule_pos]
    instances_uncovered <- instances_uncovered[1:last_rule_pos]
    ordered_conf <- ordered_conf[1:last_rule_pos]
    ordered_supp <- ordered_supp[1:last_rule_pos]
  else {
    last_rule_pos <- length(rules)
  # compute ordered confidence estimate for the default rule from the incorrect classifications
  # by the last regular rule in the list caused by applying the the default rule on instances
  # uncovered by this rule
  defaultRuleOrderedConfidence <- 1- def_rule_errors[last_rule_pos]/instances_uncovered[last_rule_pos]
  # append ordered confidence estimates to regular rules, defaultRuleOrderedConfidence will be
  # appended later
  rules@quality <- cbind(rules@quality,orderedConf=ordered_conf)
  rules@quality <- cbind(rules@quality,orderedSupp=ordered_supp)
  # compute cumulative_confidence - the accuracy of the rule list up to the given rule excluding uncovered
  # instances
  cumulative_confidence<- 1 - (total_errors- def_rule_errors)/(orig_transaction_count - instances_uncovered)

  cumulative_confidence_default_rule <- 1- total_errors[last_rule_pos]/orig_transaction_count
  # append ordered confidence estimates to regular rules, defaultRuleOrderedConfidence will be
  # appended later
  rules@quality <- cbind(rules@quality,cumulativeConf=cumulative_confidence)

  # add default rule to the end
  ## the lhs of the default rule has no items (all item positions to 0 in the item matrix)
  rules@lhs@data <- cbind(rules@lhs@data, as(matrix(0, distinct_items,1),"nMatrix"))

  # now prepare the rhs of the default rule
  # first prepare empty vector
  default_rhs <- as(matrix(0, distinct_items,1),"nMatrix")
  # the class associated with the default rule is the class that has been precomputed as part of evaluation of the "last rule"
  default_rhs[classitemspositions[default_classes[last_rule_pos]]] <- TRUE
  # finally append the default rule rhs to the rules rhs  matrix
  rules@rhs@data <- cbind(rules@rhs@data, default_rhs)
  # compute the support and confidence (will be the same) of the default rule
  default_rule_absolute_support <- alldata_classfrequencies[default_classes[last_rule_pos]]
  default_rule_support_confidence <- default_rule_absolute_support/orig_transaction_count
  #Coverage is the support of the left-hand-side of the rule, in case of default rule all instances are covered
  coverage_default <- 1.0
  # lift of default rule is also 1.0
  lift_default <- 1.0
  #count is absolute support
  def_rule_lhs_length <- 0
  def_rule_ordered_supp <- instances_uncovered[last_rule_pos] * defaultRuleOrderedConfidence

  #changing the order may have undesired consequences
  #the order is used, e.g., in method prediction
  rules@quality <- rbind(rules@quality,c(default_rule_support_confidence,default_rule_support_confidence,coverage_default,lift_default,default_rule_absolute_support,def_rule_lhs_length,defaultRuleOrderedConfidence,def_rule_ordered_supp,cumulative_confidence_default_rule))
  # set row name on the newly added default rule to "0"
  # so that it does not clash with any of the row names of the original rule list
  row.names(rules@quality)[nrow(rules@quality)] <- 0
  message(paste("Final rule list size: ",length(rules)))

kliegr/arc documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 6:44 p.m.