
parse_package <- function(base_path, load_code, registry, global_options = list()) {
  env <- load_code(base_path)
  desc <- read_pkg_description(base_path)

  files <- package_files(base_path)
  parsed <- lapply(files, parse_blocks, env = env, registry = registry,
                   global_options = global_options, fileEncoding = desc$Encoding %||% "UTF-8")
  blocks <- unlist(parsed, recursive = FALSE)

  list(env = env, blocks = blocks)

parse_text <- function(text, registry = default_tags(), global_options = list()) {
  file <- tempfile()
  writeLines(text, file)

  env <- new.env(parent = parent.env(globalenv()))
  methods::setPackageName("roxygen_devtest", env)

  sys.source(file, envir = env)
  blocks <- parse_blocks(file, env, registry = registry,
                         global_options = global_options)

  list(env = env, blocks = blocks)

parse_blocks <- function(file, env, registry, global_options = list(), fileEncoding = "UTF-8") {

  lines <- read_lines_enc(file, file_encoding = fileEncoding)
  parsed <- parse(text = lines, keep.source = TRUE, srcfile = srcfilecopy(file, lines, isFile = TRUE))
  if (length(parsed) == 0) return()

  refs <- utils::getSrcref(parsed)
  comment_refs <- comments(refs)

  extract <- function(call, ref, comment_ref) {
    block <- parse_block(comment_ref, file, registry,
                         global_options = global_options)
    if (length(block) == 0) return()

    block$object <- object_from_call(call, env, block, file)
    block$srcref <- list(filename = file, lloc = as.vector(ref))

  Map(extract, parsed, refs, comment_refs)

parse_block <- function(x, file, registry, offset = x[[1]], global_options = list()) {
  tags <- tokenise_block(as.character(x), file = basename(file), offset = offset)
  if (length(tags) == 0)

  ## markdown on/off based on global flag and presense of @md & @nomd
  ## we need to use markdown_global_default as well, because global_options
  ## can be NULL, e.g. if called from parse_text()

  names <- vapply(tags, `[[`, "tag", FUN.VALUE = character(1))
  has_md <- "md" %in% names
  has_nomd <- "noMd" %in% names

  md <- global_options$markdown %||% markdown_global_default
  if (has_md) md <- TRUE
  if (has_nomd) md <- FALSE

  if (has_md && has_nomd) {
      "Both @md and @noMd, no markdown parsing, in block at ",
      file, ":", offset

  tags <- parse_description(tags)
  tags <- compact(lapply(tags, parse_tag, registry = registry))

  # Convert to existing named list format - this isn't ideal, but
  # it's what roxygen already uses
  vals <- lapply(tags, `[[`, "val")
  names <- vapply(tags, `[[`, "tag", FUN.VALUE = character(1))
  setNames(vals, names)

parse_tag <- function(x, registry) {

  if (!(x$tag %in% ls(registry))) {
    return(roxy_tag_warning(x, "unknown tag"))


parse_description <- function(tags) {
  if (length(tags) == 0) {

  tag_names <- vapply(tags, `[[`, "tag", FUN.VALUE = character(1))
  if (tag_names[1] != "") {

  intro <- tags[[1]]
  intro$val <- str_trim(intro$val)
  tags <- tags[-1]
  tag_names <- tag_names[-1]

  paragraphs <- str_trim(str_split(intro$val, fixed('\n\n'))[[1]])

  # 1st paragraph = title (unless has @title)
  if ("title" %in% tag_names) {
    title <- NULL
  } else if (length(paragraphs) > 0) {
    title <- roxy_tag("title", paragraphs[1], intro$file, intro$line)
    paragraphs <- paragraphs[-1]
  } else {
    title <- roxy_tag("title", "", intro$file, intro$line)

  # 2nd paragraph = description (unless has @description)
  if ("description" %in% tag_names) {
    description <- NULL
  } else if (length(paragraphs) > 0) {
    description <- roxy_tag("description", paragraphs[1], intro$file, intro$line)
    paragraphs <- paragraphs[-1]
  } else {
    # Description is required, so if missing description, repeat title.
    description <- roxy_tag("description", title$val, intro$file, intro$line)

  # Every thing else = details, combined with @details
  if (length(paragraphs) > 0) {
    details_para <- paste(paragraphs, collapse = "\n\n")

    # Find explicit @details tags
    didx <- which(tag_names == "details")
    if (length(didx) > 0) {
      explicit_details <- vapply(tags[didx], `[[`, "val",
        FUN.VALUE = character(1))
      tags <- tags[-didx]
      details_para <- paste(c(details_para, explicit_details), collapse = "\n\n")

    details <- roxy_tag("details", details_para, intro$file, intro$line)
  } else {
    details <- NULL

  c(compact(list(title, description, details)), tags)

# For each src ref, find the comment block preceeding it
comments <- function(refs) {
  srcfile <- attr(refs[[1]], "srcfile")

  # first_line, first_byte, last_line, last_byte
  com <- vector("list", length(refs))
  for(i in seq_along(refs)) {
    # Comments begin after last line of last block, and this block is included
    # so that it can be parsed for additional comments
    if (i == 1) {
      first_byte <- 1
      first_line <- 1
    } else {
      first_byte <- refs[[i - 1]][4] + 1
      first_line <- refs[[i - 1]][3]

    last_line <- refs[[i]][3]
    last_byte <- refs[[i]][4]

    lloc <- c(first_line, first_byte, last_line, last_byte)
    com[[i]] <- srcref(srcfile, lloc)

klmr/roxydoxy documentation built on May 20, 2019, 4:09 p.m.