
Defines functions call_to_usage wrap_usage args_call args_string usage_args is_padded_infix_fun is_infix_fun is_replacement_fun function_usage object_usage.s4method object_usage.s4generic object_usage.s3method object_usage.function object_usage.data object_usage.default object_usage format.rd_section_usage roxy_tag_rd.roxy_tag_usage roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_usage

#' @export
roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_usage <- function(x) {
  x <- tag_value(x)
  x$val <- rd(x$val)

#' @export
roxy_tag_rd.roxy_tag_usage <- function(x, base_path, env) {
  if (identical(x$val, rd("NULL"))) {
    usage <- NULL
  } else {
    usage <- x$val
  rd_section("usage", usage)

#' @export
format.rd_section_usage <- function(x, ...) {
  rd_macro(x$type, build_rd(x$value, collapse = "\n\n"), space = TRUE)

# object_usage ------------------------------------------------------------

object_usage <- function(x) {

#' @export
object_usage.default <- function(x) {

#' @export
object_usage.data <- function(x) {

#' @export
object_usage.function <- function(x) {
  function_usage(x$alias, formals(x$value), identity)

object_usage.s3generic <- object_usage.function

#' @export
object_usage.s3method <- function(x) {
  method <- attr(x$value, "s3method")
  s3method <- function(name) {
    paste0("\\method{", name, "}{", auto_backtick(method[2]), "}")
  function_usage(method[1], formals(x$value), s3method)

#' @export
object_usage.s4generic <- function(x) {
  function_usage(x$value@generic, formals(x$value), identity)

#' @export
object_usage.s4method <- function(x) {
  s4method <- function(name) {
    classes <- as.character(x$value@defined)
    paste0("\\S4method{", name, "}{", paste0(classes, collapse = ","), "}")
  function_usage(x$value@generic, formals(x$value), s4method)

# Function usage ----------------------------------------------------------

# Usage:
# replacement, infix, regular
# function, s3 method, s4 method, data

function_usage <- function(name, formals, format_name = identity) {
  if (is_replacement_fun(name) && !is_infix_fun(name)) {
    name <- str_replace(name, fixed("<-"), "")
    if (identical(format_name, identity)) {
      name <- auto_backtick(name)
    name <- gsub("%", "\\%", name, fixed = TRUE)
    formals$value <- NULL

    wrap_usage(name, format_name, formals, suffix = " <- value")
  } else if (is_infix_fun(name) && identical(format_name, identity)) {
    # If infix, and regular function, munge format
    arg_names <- names(formals)
    name <- format_name(name)
    if (is_padded_infix_fun(name)) {
      name <- paste0(" ", name, " ")
    build_rd(arg_names[1], name, arg_names[2])
  } else {
    if (identical(format_name, identity)) {
      name <- auto_backtick(name)
    name <- gsub("%", "\\%", name, fixed = TRUE)
    wrap_usage(name, format_name, formals)

is_replacement_fun <- function(name) {
  str_detect(name, fixed("<-"))
is_infix_fun <- function(name) {
  ops <- c(
    "+", "-", "*", "^", "/",
    "==", ">", "<", "!=", "<=", ">=",
    "&", "|",
    "[[", "[", "$", ":", "::", ":::"
  str_detect(name, "^%.*%$") || name %in% ops
is_padded_infix_fun <- function(name) {
  ops <- c(
    "+", "-", "*", "/",
    "==", ">", "<", "!=", "<=", ">=",
    "&", "|"
  str_detect(name, "^%.*%$") || name %in% ops

usage_args <- function(args) {
  is.missing.arg <- function(arg) {
    is.symbol(arg) && deparse(arg) == ""
  arg_to_text <- function(arg) {
    if (is.missing.arg(arg)) return("")
    text <- enc2utf8(deparse(arg, backtick = TRUE, width.cutoff = 500L))
    text <- paste0(text, collapse = "\n")
    Encoding(text) <- "UTF-8"

  map_chr(as.list(args), arg_to_text)

args_string <- function(x, space = " ") {
  sep <- ifelse(names(x) != "" & x != "", paste0(space, "=", space), "")

  nms <- names2(x)
  arg_names <- ifelse(nms == "", "", escape(auto_backtick(nms)))
  paste0(arg_names, sep, escape(x))

args_call <- function(call, args) {
  paste0(call, "(", paste0(args, collapse = ", "), ")")

#' @param name Function name
#' @param format_name Single argument that returns formatted function name
#' @param formals List of function formals
#' @param suffix Optional suffix, used for replacement functions
#' @noRd
wrap_usage <- function(name, format_name, formals, suffix = NULL, width = 80L) {
  if (roxy_meta_get("old_usage", FALSE)) {
    # Use nbsp to keep argument name & default value on same line
    args <- args_string(usage_args(formals), "\u{A0}")
    x <- args_call(format_name(name), args)
    out <- wrapUsage(x, width = as.integer(width), indent = 2)

    out <- gsub("\u{A0}", " ", out, useBytes = TRUE)
    Encoding(out) <- "UTF-8"

    return(rd(paste0(out, suffix)))

  args <- args_string(usage_args(formals))
  bare <- args_call(name, args)

  if (!str_detect(bare, "\n") && nchar(bare, type = "width") < width) {
    # Don't need to wrap
    out <- args_call(format_name(name), args)
  } else {
    # Wrap each argument and put on own line
    args <- paste0("  ", args)
    args <- map_chr(args, wrapUsage, width = 90, indent = 4)
    out <- paste0(format_name(name), "(\n", paste0(args, collapse = ",\n"), "\n)")

  rd(paste0(out, suffix))

# helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

# used for testing
call_to_usage <- function(code, env = pkg_env()) {
  obj <- call_to_object(!!enexpr(code), env)
klutometis/roxygen documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 7:42 p.m.