
Defines functions iqbin iqbin_stretch iqbin_assign

Documented in iqbin iqbin_assign iqbin_stretch

### iterative quantile binning functions
#' Iterative Quantile Binning
#' @description used for binning the numeric values by empirical quantile
#' @param data data frame to be binned (will coerce matrix or tibble to simple data frame)
#' @param bin_cols vector of column names of variables to iteratively bin, ordered first to last
#' @param nbins vector of number of bins per step of iterative binning, ordered first to last
#' @param jit vector of margins for uniform jitter to each dimension to create seperability of tied obs due to finite precision
#' @param output Output Structure: "data" for just the binned data,"definition" for a list of bin centers and boundaries, or "both" for list containing both data and definition
#' @return output list containing values specified by user
#' @family iterative quantile binning functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' iqbin(data=iris, bin_cols=c("Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width","Petal.Width"),
#'                     nbins=c(3,5,2), output="both",jit=rep(0.001,3))
#' iqbin(data=iris, bin_cols=c("Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width","Petal.Width"),
#'                     nbins=c(3,5,2), output="data")
#' iqbin(data=iris, bin_cols="Sepal.Length",nbins=3, output="both")

iqbin <- function(data, bin_cols, nbins, jit = rep(0,length(bin_cols)), output="data"){
  data <- as.data.frame(data) 
  bin_dim <- length(bin_cols)
  # Initialize with first binning step
  bin_jit <- NULL
  step_bin_info <- quant_bin_1d(xs=data[,bin_cols[1]],nbin=nbins[1],output="both",jit=jit[1])
  # if(sum(jit>0)>0) bin_jit <- data.frame("V1"=step_bin_info$jit_values) #!# drop for timing study
  bin_bounds <- matrix(c(step_bin_info$bin_bounds[1:nbins[1]],
                       nrow=nbins[1],byrow=FALSE )
  bin_index_overall <- step_bin_info$bin_number
  # Loop over remaining variables to use quantile binning WITHIN each of previous state bins
  if(bin_dim >=2){
    for(d in 2:bin_dim){
      stack_size <- nrow(bin_bounds)
      stack_matrix <- make_stack_matrix(stack_size,nbins[d])
      bin_bounds <- cbind(stack_matrix %*% bin_bounds,matrix(rep(NA,2*stack_size*nbins[d]),ncol=2))
      bin_index_within <- rep(NA,nrow(data))
      # iterate through unique bins from prior step which are the {1,1+nbins[d],1+2*nbins[d],...} rows of the bin matrices
      for(b in 1:prod(nbins[1:(d-1)]) ){
        in_bin_b <- bin_index_overall==b
        step_bin_info <- quant_bin_1d(xs=data[in_bin_b,bin_cols[d]], nbin=nbins[d],output="both",jit=jit[d])
        bin_bounds[(b-1)*nbins[d]+1:nbins[d],c(2*d-1,2*d)] <- matrix(c(step_bin_info$bin_bounds[1:nbins[d]],
        bin_index_within[in_bin_b] <- step_bin_info$bin_number
      bin_index_overall <- (bin_index_overall-1)*nbins[d] + bin_index_within
  # add bin index column to data with collapse indeces in for each bin into single 
  data$bin_index <- bin_index_overall
  # Create list tree structure for fast queries
  bin_list <- make_bin_list(bin_bounds,nbins)
  if(output=="data") iqbin_obj <- list(data=data,bin_jit=bin_jit)
  if(output=="definition") {
    iqbin_obj <- list(bin_bounds=bin_bounds, bin_cols=bin_cols, nbins=nbins, jit=jit, bin_list=bin_list)
    iqbin_obj <- list(bin_data=list(data=data,bin_jit=bin_jit),
                      bin_def=list(bin_bounds=bin_bounds, bin_cols=bin_cols, nbins=nbins, jit=jit, bin_list=bin_list))
    attributes(iqbin_obj)$iq_obj_type <- "iqbin"

#' Stretching to Add Tolerance Buffer to outermost Iterative Quantile Bins
#' @description We may wish to include values just outside the constructed bins in future applications. \code{iqbin_stretch} redefines the outermost bin in each dimension from a definition created by \code{\link{iqbin}}
#' @param iq_def  iterative quantile binning definition list from \code{\link{iqbin}} function
#' @param tol vector of tolerance values to stretch each dimension for future binning
#' @return updated binning definition list with outermost bin boundaries extended by tolerance values
#' @family iterative quantile binning functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' iq_def <- iqbin(data=iris, 
#'                 bin_cols=c("Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width","Petal.Width"),
#'                 nbins=c(3,2,2), output="both")
#' stretch_iq_def <- iqbin_stretch(iq_def, tol = c(1,1,1))
#' iq_def$bin_def$bin_bounds
#' stretch_iq_def$bin_def$bin_bounds

iqbin_stretch <- function(iq_def, tol){
  b = nrow(iq_def$bin_def$bin_bounds)
  p = length(iq_def$bin_def$nbins)
  if(p ==1 ){
    iq_def$bin_def$bin_bounds[1,1] <- iq_def$bin_def$bin_bounds[1,1] - tol[1]
    iq_def$bin_def$bin_bounds[b,2] <- iq_def$bin_def$bin_bounds[b,2] + tol[1]
  } else {
    for (d in 1:p){
      blocks <- prod(iq_def$bin_def$nbins[1:d-1])
      blocks_n <- b/blocks
      subblocks <- prod(iq_def$bin_def$nbins[1:d])
      subblocks_n <- b/subblocks
      # stretch the bins
      for(block in 1:blocks){
        lowest_in_block <- seq(1+((block-1)*blocks_n),subblocks_n+((block-1)*blocks_n),by=1)
        highest_in_block <- seq(blocks_n-subblocks_n+1+((block-1)*blocks_n), blocks_n+((block-1)*blocks_n),by=1)
        iq_def$bin_def$bin_bounds[lowest_in_block,2*d-1] <- iq_def$bin_def$bin_bounds[lowest_in_block,2*d-1] - tol[d]
        iq_def$bin_def$bin_bounds[highest_in_block,2*d] <- iq_def$bin_def$bin_bounds[highest_in_block,2*d] + tol[d]

  iq_def$bin_def$bin_list <- make_bin_list(iq_def$bin_def$bin_bounds,iq_def$bin_def$nbins)

#' Assigning New observations to Existing Iterative Quantile Bins
#' @description Assigning New observations to Existing Iterative Quantile Bins by using binning definition created by \code{\link{iqbin}} function 
#' @param bin_def Iterative quantile binning definition list as output from \code{\link{iqbin}} function
#' @param new_data Data frame with column names matching the binned columns from bin-training data
#' @param output Matches format of \code{\link{iqbin}} and inherets properties from \code{\link{iqnn}} if applicable {"data","both"}
#' @param strict TRUE/FALSE: If TRUE Observations must fall within existing bins to be assigned; if FALSE the outer bins in each dimension are unbounded to allow outlying values to be assigned.
#' @return list of new_data, binned data and indecies. Optionally the bin definition may also be included
#' @family iterative quantile binning functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' withhold_index <- c(1,2,51,52,101,102)
#' iq_def <- iqbin(data=iris[-withhold_index,],
#'                 bin_cols=c("Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width","Petal.Width"),
#'                 nbins=c(3,2,2), output="definition")
#' iqbin_assign(bin_def=iq_def, new_data=iris[withhold_index,], output="data")

iqbin_assign <- function(bin_def, new_data, output="data", strict=FALSE){
  # new_data <- as.data.frame(new_data)
  #!# need to introduce similar jitter to new data as in definition so "boundary" points allocated randomly
  # loop over each obs in new data, identify the bin indeces then return bin centers for associated bins
  new_data$bin_index <- sapply(1:nrow(new_data), function(i){
    val <- bin_index_finder_nest(new_data[i,bin_def$bin_cols],bin_def, strict=strict)
    if(is.null(val)) val = NA
  if(output=="bin_index") return(new_data$bin_index)
  if(output=="data") return(new_data)
    return(list(bin_data=list(data=new_data, bin_index = new_data$bin_index),
kmaurer/iqbin documentation built on Jan. 1, 2020, 6:48 p.m.