
Defines functions num_dt num_fctr num_cont

Documented in num_cont num_dt num_fctr

#' @title num_cont: Compute mean (standard deviation)
#' @description Given a single numeric vector, will compute mean and
#' standard deviation, returning results in string. Mostly called by
#' other functions.
#' @usage numeric_cont(x, .digits=2)
#' @param x A numeric vector
#' @param .digits Significant figures to round to
#' @return A character string of length 1, 'mean (SD)'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(Scotty)
#' num_cont(mtcars$mpg)
num_cont <- function(x, .digits=2, ...) {

  mean <- signif(mean(x, na.rm=T), digits = .digits)
  sd <- signif(sd(x, na.rm=T), digits = .digits)

  .flag <- dplyr::if_else(sum(is.na(x)) / length(x)>0.10, '*', '')

  result <- paste0(mean, ' (', sd, ')', .flag)
#' @title num_fctr: Compute number (proportion as percent)
#' @description Given a single numeric vector or factor,
#' will compute no. equal to a .referent value and percent of total,
#' returning results in string. Mostly called by other functions.
#' @usage num_fctr(x, .digits=2, .referent = TRUE)
#' @param x A numeric or factor class vector
#' @param .digits Significant figures to round to
#' @param .referent Value to compute no. (percent) for
#' @return A character string of length 1, 'No. (percent)'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(Scotty)
#' num_fctr(mtcars$cyl, .referent=4)
num_fctr <- function(x, .digits=2, .referent = TRUE, ...) {

  if (class(x)=='numeric' | class(x)=='logical') .referent = as.numeric(.referent)

  n <- sum(x==.referent, na.rm=T)
  prop <- sum(x==.referent, na.rm=T) / length(x)

  .flag <- dplyr::if_else(sum(is.na(x)) / length(x)>0.10, '*', '')

  n_nm <- format(n,  big.mark=",")
  perc_nm <- scales::percent(prop)

  result <- paste0(n_nm, ' (', perc_nm, ')', .flag)

#' @title num_dt: Compute median date, range.
#' @description Given a single integer vector (with origin specified)
#' or data class vector, will compute median day and a range
#' (default min/max) and percent of total, returning results in string.
#' Mostly called by other functions.
#' @usage num_dt(x, median = TRUE, range='min/max', origin=NULL)
#' @param x A integer or date class vector
#' @param nomedian A logical vector, indicates whether to report median or not.
#' Default = TRUE.
#' @param range A character string to indicate range values. options:
#' 'min/max'.
#' @param origin Default NULL. If specified,
#' must be a date class object of length 1. For use if date variable is in
#' raw integer format.
#' @return A character string of length 1, 'Median date (date1, date2)'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(mdsR)
#' mds_dta <- mdsR::mds_cohort
#' num_dt(mds_dta$dmdate)
num_dt <- function(dt, median = TRUE, range='min/max', origin=NULL, ...) {

  if (class(dt) !='Date') {
    dt <- lubridate::as_date(dt, origin=origin)

  .flag <- if_else(sum(is.na(dt)) / length(dt)>0.10, '*', '')

  if (median == TRUE) {
    dt_med <- format(median(dt))
  } else {dt_med <- ''}

  if (range == 'min/max') {
    range_dt = paste0(min(dt), ', ', max(dt))
  } else { range_dt = ''}

  result <- paste0(dt_med, ' (', range_dt, ')', .flag)
kmcconeghy/Scotty documentation built on Aug. 26, 2020, 11:45 p.m.