#' get Cases and Genetic Profiles of selected Studies.
#' @usage getCasesGenProfs()
#' @return This function is run by the "Get Cases and Genetic Profiles for selected Studies in starting window. This function needs to select at least one study and display Cases and genetic profiles in the main window.
#' @examples
#' cgds <- cBioPortal(
#' hostname = "www.cbioportal.org",
#' protocol = "https",
#' api = "/api/v2/api-docs"
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' getDataByGenes( api = cgds,
#' studyId = "gbm_tcga_pub",
#' genes = c("NF1", "TP53", "ABL1"),
#' by = "hugoGeneSymbol",
#' molecularProfileIds = "gbm_tcga_pub_mrna"
#' )
#' @export
getCasesGenProfs <- function(){
if(exists("ttCasesGenProfs", envir = ENV)){
tktitle(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs) <- "Cases list and Genetic Profiles"
#tkwm.geometry(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs, "550x420")
topMenu <- tkmenu(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs) # Create a menu
tkconfigure(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs, menu = topMenu) # Add it to the 'ENV$ttCasesGenProfs' window
OpenMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff=FALSE)
ClinMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
MutMenu<- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
ProfMenu<- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
PhenoMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
GSEAMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff= FALSE)
ClassMenu<- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff=FALSE)
PlotMenu<- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
HelpMenu<- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
GeneListMenu <- tkmenu(OpenMenu, tearoff=FALSE)
Gene1 <- tkmenu(PlotMenu, tearoff= FALSE)
Gene2 <- tkmenu(PlotMenu, tearoff= FALSE)
Survival <- tkmenu(PlotMenu, tearoff= FALSE)
get <- tkmenu(GSEAMenu, tearoff=FALSE)
GSEAlm <- tkmenu(GSEAMenu, tearoff=FALSE)
TreeClass <- tkmenu(ClassMenu, tearoff=FALSE)
#tkadd(topMenu,"command", label = "Gene List", command= function()getGeneList())
tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "Load", menu=OpenMenu)
tkadd(OpenMenu, "cascade", label = "Gene list", menu=GeneListMenu)
tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "Clinical Data", menu=ClinMenu)
tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "Mutation", menu= MutMenu)
tkadd(topMenu,"command", label = "Methylation", command= function()getMetDataMultipleGenes())
tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "Profiles", menu=ProfMenu)
#tkadd(topMenu, "command", label = "Profile Data", command=function()getProfilesData())
tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "PhenoTest", menu=PhenoMenu)
tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label ="GSEA", menu=GSEAMenu)
tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label ="Classification", menu=ClassMenu)
tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "Plot", menu=PlotMenu)
tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "Help", menu = HelpMenu)
tkadd(PlotMenu, "cascade", label= "1Gene", menu=Gene1)
tkadd(PlotMenu, "cascade", label= "2Genes", menu=Gene2)
tkadd(PlotMenu, "cascade", label= "Survival", menu=Survival)
tkadd(PlotMenu, "command", label = "Circos", command = function() getCircos(dimension = "All"))
tkadd(GSEAMenu, "cascade", label = "get", menu=get)
#tkadd(GSEAMenu, "command", label = "Which MSig for gene list", command= function()Match_GeneList_MSigDB())
#tkadd(GSEAMenu, "command", label = "get MSigDB for eSet", command= function()getMSigDB())
tkadd(GSEAMenu, "cascade", label= "linear Model", menu=GSEAlm)
#Second Menu
tkadd(GeneListMenu, "command", label = "File", command = function() getGeneList())
tkadd(GeneListMenu, "command", label = "Example", command = function() getGeneListExample())
tkadd(GeneListMenu, "command", label = "MSigDB", command = function() getGeneListFromMSigDB())
tkadd(ClinMenu, "command", label = "Multiple Cases",
command = function() getClinicData_MultipleCases(getSummaryGSEAExists=0))
#tkadd(ClinMenu, "command", label = "All", command = function() getClinicData_MultipleCases())
#tkadd(ClinMenu, "command", label = "Single Case", command = function() getClinicData_SingleCase())
#tkadd(ClinMenu, "command", label = "Quit", command = function() tkdestroy(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs))
tkadd(MutMenu, "command", label = "All", command=function() getMutData())
tkadd(MutMenu, "command", label = "Specific", command= function() getSpecificMut())
tkadd(ProfMenu, "command", label = "Single Gene",
command= function() getProfilesDataSingleGene()) # getProfilesDataMultipleGenes(getSummaryGSEAExists=0)
tkadd(ProfMenu, "command", label = "Multiple Genes",
command= function() getProfilesDataMultipleGenes(getSummaryGSEAExists=0))
tkadd(ProfMenu, "command", label = "ListProfData",
command= function() getListProfData(ENV$checked_Studies_id, ENV$GeneList))
tkadd(Gene1, "command", label = "2 Gen. Profiles", command = function() plot_1Gene_2GenProfs())
tkadd(Gene2, "command", label = "1 Gen. Profile", command = function() plot_2Genes_1GenProf())
tkadd(Survival, "command", label = "Kaplan-Meier", command = function() getSurvival(Coxph = 0))
tkadd(Survival, "command", label = "CoxPH", command = function() getSurvival(Coxph = 1))
tkadd(PhenoMenu, "command", label = "eSet", command = function() geteSet())
tkadd(PhenoMenu, "command", label= "Pheno/Exp", command= function() getPhenoTest())
#tkadd(get, "command", label = "CLS file", command= function()getCLSfile())
#tkadd(get, "command", label = "GCT file", command= function()getGCTfile())
tkadd(get, "command", label = "GCT,CLS files", command= function() getGCT_CLSfiles())
tkadd(get, "command", label= "Results", command= function() Run.GSEA())
tkadd(get, "command", label= "Summary", command= function() getSummaryGSEA())
tkadd(GSEAlm, "command", label = "Which MSig for gene list", command= function() Match_GeneList_MSigDB())
tkadd(GSEAlm, "command", label= "SubMSigDB/eSet", command= function() getMSigDB(ENV$eSet,1))
tkadd(GSEAlm, "command", label= "Phenotypes into Disease", command= function() getGSEAlm_Variables())
tkadd(GSEAlm, "command", label= "Disease vs Disease", command= function() getGSEAlm_Diseases())
#tkadd(GSEAMenu, "command", label= "GSEAlm", command= function()getGSEAlm())
tkadd(ClassMenu, "command", label= "Genes/Diseases", command= function() getGenesClassifier())
# tkadd(ClassMenu, "command", label= "Genes/Pheno Single", command= function() getGenesTree_SingleCase())
#tkadd(ClassMenu, "command", label= "Genes/Pheno Multiple", command= function() getGenesTree_MultipleCases())
tkadd(ClassMenu, "cascade", label= "Genes/Pheno Tree", menu=TreeClass)
tkadd(TreeClass, "command", label= "Single", command= function() getGenesTree_SingleCase())
tkadd(TreeClass, "command", label= "Multiple", command= function() getGenesTree_MultipleCases())
tkadd(HelpMenu, "command", label="Vignette", command= function() canceR_Vignette())
tkadd(HelpMenu, "command", label= "Issue", command = function() canceR_Issue())
tkadd(HelpMenu, "command", label = "About", command= function() about())
# Take LABELS in ENV$ttCasesGenProfs
tklabel0 = tklabel(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs, text= "The Cases (Samples)")
tklabel1 =tklabel(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs,text="The Genetic Profiles")
tkgrid(tklabel0,tklabel1, columnspan=2, pady = 10)
#Define Scrolls
yscr1 <- tkscrollbar(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs, repeatinterval=2,
xscr1 <- tkscrollbar(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs, repeatinterval=2,orient="horizontal",
yscr2 <- tkscrollbar(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs, repeatinterval=2,
xscr2 <- tkscrollbar(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs, repeatinterval=2,orient="horizontal",
xscr1Info <- tkscrollbar(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs, repeatinterval=2,orient="horizontal",
xscr2Info <- tkscrollbar(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs, repeatinterval=2,orient="horizontal",
#policeInfo <-tkfont.create(family="arial", size=10)
#Define Frame and LISTBOX
#frameOverall <- tkframe(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs)
#frame1 <- tkframe(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs,relief="groove",borderwidth=5, height = 100, width = 500)
ENV$tc<-tklistbox(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs,height=15, width= 68 ,
ENV$tl<-tklistbox(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs,height=15, width= 68,
tInfoC<-tklistbox(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs,height=2, width= 68,
#tkconfigure(tInfoC, foreground="blue", font=policeInfo)
tInfoG<-tklistbox(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs,height=2, width= 68,
#tkconfigure(tInfoG, foreground="blue", font=policeInfo)
tkgrid(yscr1,ENV$tc,ENV$tl,yscr2, columnspan=1)
tkgrid.configure(yscr1,rowspan=20, columnspan=1,sticky="nsw")
tkgrid.configure(yscr2,rowspan=20, sticky="nsw")
tkgrid.configure(xscr1,rowspan=2, columnspan=2,sticky="ew")
tkgrid.configure(xscr2,rowspan=2, columnspan= 4,sticky="ew")
tklabel2 = tklabel(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs, text= "Selected Cases (Samples)")
tklabel3 = tklabel(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs,text="Selected Genetic Profiles")
tkgrid(tklabel2,tklabel3, columnspan=2, pady = 10)
tkgrid(tInfoC, tInfoG, columnspan=2)
tkgrid.configure(xscr2Info,rowspan=2,columnspan= 3,sticky="ew")
loadSelectedCases <- function(){
curselectCases <- as.numeric(tkcurselection(ENV$tc))+1
lcurselectCases <- length(curselectCases)
ENV$curselectCases <- curselectCases
ENV$CaseChoice <- ENV$CasesStudies[curselectCases+1]
if (lcurselectCases == 0){
#ENV$curselectCases <- NULL
msgSelectCase="Select at least one Case"
} else {
## correspond each case to its study
StudyRefCase = NULL
for( k in 1: lcurselectCases){
h <- 1
while (curselectCases[k] > (ENV$n_Cases[h] + 1)){
curselectCases[k] <- curselectCases[k] - ENV$n_Cases[h] - 1
h <- h + 1
StudyRefCase <- cbind(StudyRefCase, ENV$checked_Studies_id[h])
ENV$StudyRefCase <- StudyRefCase
#redefine curselectCases
ENV$curselectCases <- as.numeric(tkcurselection(ENV$tc)) + 1
lcurselectCases <- length(ENV$curselectCases)
##loop converting curselectCases value of case to index value of the same case
n_Cases_sum <- 0
for( j in 1:lcurselectCases){
for (i in seq(ENV$checked_Studies_id)){
if (curselectCases[j] <= (n_Cases_sum + ENV$n_Cases[i] + i)){
curselectCases[j] <- curselectCases[j] - 1
n_Cases_sum <- n_Cases_sum + ENV$n_Cases[i] + 1
ENV$curselectCases <-curselectCases
tkdelete(tInfoC, 0, 1)
tkinsert(tInfoC, "end", ENV$curselectCases)
tkinsert(tInfoC, "end", ENV$CaseChoice)
loadSelectedGenProfs <- function(){
curselectGenProfs = as.numeric(tkcurselection(ENV$tl))+1
lcurselectGenProfs = length(curselectGenProfs)
ENV$curselectGenProfs <- curselectGenProfs
ENV$GenProfChoice <- ENV$GenProfsStudies[curselectGenProfs+1]
if (lcurselectGenProfs ==0){
#ENV$curselectGenProfs <- NULL
msgSelectCase="Select at least one Genetic Profil";
} else {
## group selected Cases by study. To avoid corresponding Genetic Profile and Case from different Study
StudyRefGenProf <- NULL
for( k in 1: lcurselectGenProfs){
while (curselectGenProfs[k] > (ENV$n_GenProfs[h]+1)){
curselectGenProfs[k] <- curselectGenProfs[k] - ENV$n_GenProfs[h] - 1
h= h+1
#Cancer Reference (StudyRefGenProf) were compared before to get Profile Data
StudyRefGenProf = cbind(StudyRefGenProf, ENV$checked_Studies_id[h])
##loop converting curselectGenProfs value of Genetic profile to index value of the same genetic profile in cgds
for( j in 1: lcurselectGenProfs){
for (i in seq(length(ENV$checked_Studies_id))){
if (curselectGenProfs[j] <= (n_GenProfs_sum + ENV$n_GenProfs[i] + i)){
curselectGenProfs[j] <- curselectGenProfs[j] - 1
n_GenProfs_sum <- n_GenProfs_sum + ENV$n_GenProfs[i] + 1
ENV$curselectGenProfs <- curselectGenProfs
LoadCases.but <-tkbutton(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs, text=" Load selected Cases ",
LoadGenProf.but <-tkbutton(ENV$ttCasesGenProfs, text=" Load selected Genetic Profiles ",
tkgrid(LoadCases.but,LoadGenProf.but, columnspan=2)
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