Man pages for kokonech/InTAD
Search for correlation between epigenetic signals and gene expression in TADs

combineInTADPreparation for correlation analysis
combineWithLoopsPreparation for correlation analysis via loops
enhSelEnhancer signals subset detected from medulloblatoma samples
enhSelGRGenomic coordiantes of enhancer signals subet
exprsGene expression counts table
filterGeneExprFunction to filter gene expression
findCorFromLoopsFunction to perfrom correlation analysis via loops.
findCorrelationFunction to perfrom correlation analysis in TADs
fnSEPreparation for correlation analysis for a signal
geneCoordsGene coords GRanges to estimate gene expression
InTADSigThe InTADSig Class
loadSigInTADLoad InTADSig object from text files
loopsDfSelData frame containing coordinates of loops
mbAnnDataData frame containing information about samples
newSigInTADCreate InTADSig object
plotCorAcrossRefFunction to plot correlation across genome
plotCorrelationFunction to plot correlation
rpkmCountsSelGene expression subset from medulloblastoma samples
sigCoordsSignal coords GRanges
signalsSignal values table
tadGRGenomic coordiantes of topologically associated domains
txsSelGenomic coordiantes of genes subset
kokonech/InTAD documentation built on Jan. 1, 2021, 9:23 p.m.