
Defines functions glinternet.cv

Documented in glinternet.cv

## ==============================================================
## The original version of the code is obtained from 
## R package "glinternet" ver 1.0.5 written by 
## Michael Lim and Trevor Hastie.  
## The code is modified to handle Cross Validation instability.           
## ==============================================================

glinternet.cv = function(X, Y, numLevels, nFolds=10, lambda=NULL, nLambda=50, lambdaMinRatio=0.01, interactionCandidates=NULL, screenLimit=NULL, family=c("gaussian", "binomial"), tol=1e-5, maxIter=5000, verbose=FALSE, numCores=1){

                                        #get call and family
    thisCall = match.call()
    family = match.arg(family)
                                        #make sure inputs are valid
    n = length(Y)
    pCat = sum(numLevels > 1)
    pCont = length(numLevels) - pCat
    stopifnot(n==nrow(X), pCat+pCont==ncol(X), family=="gaussian"||family=="binomial")
    fullfitted = glinternet(X, Y, numLevels, lambda, nLambda, lambdaMinRatio,
                            interactionCandidates,screenLimit, family=family,
                            tol=tol, maxIter=maxIter, verbose=verbose, numCores=numCores)
    if(verbose)cat("\n Done fit on all data\n")

                                        #create the folds
    folds = sample(rep(1:nFolds, ceiling(n/nFolds)), n, replace=FALSE)
                                        #perform cv
    compute_loss = function(y, yhat, family){
      if (family == "gaussian") return (sum((y-yhat)^2)/(2*length(y)))
    yhat = sapply(yhat, function(x) min(max(1e-15, x), 1-1e-15))
    -(t(y)%*%log(yhat) + t(1-y)%*%log(1-yhat))/length(y)
    loss = matrix(0, nFolds, nLambda)

    X.orig.exp <- model.matrixBayes(~.*., data=as.data.frame(X))
    for (fold in 1:nFolds){
        testIndex= folds == fold
        trainIndex = !testIndex
        X.check <- model.matrixBayes(~.*., data=as.data.frame(X[trainIndex,,drop=FALSE]))
        if(ncol(X.check) == ncol(X.orig.exp)){
            fitted = glinternet(X[trainIndex,,drop=FALSE], Y[trainIndex], numLevels,
                                lambda, nLambda, lambdaMinRatio, interactionCandidates,
                                screenLimit, numToFind=NULL, family, tol, maxIter, verbose, numCores)
            YtestHat = predict(fitted, X[testIndex,,drop=FALSE], "response")
            loss[fold, ] = apply(YtestHat, 2, function(yhat) compute_loss(Y[testIndex], yhat, family))
            loss[fold, ] = rep(NA, nLambda)
            ## Added this function to skip when some parition does not have necessary levels.
        if(verbose)cat("\n Done fold",fold,"\n")

    loss <- na.omit(loss)
                                        #compute cv errors and get minimum
    cv = apply(loss, 2, mean)
    cvStd = apply(loss, 2, sd)
    bestIndex1Std = which(cv <= min(cv)+cvStd[which.min(cv)])
    bestIndex = which.min(cv)
    if (length(bestIndex1Std) == nLambda) lambdaHat1Std = lambdaHat = lambda[bestIndex]
    else {
        lambdaHat1Std = lambda[bestIndex1Std[1]]
        lambdaHat = lambda[bestIndex]
### Return fit on full dataset with chosen lambda
    output = list(call=thisCall, glinternetFit=fullfitted,
                  fitted=fullfitted$fitted[, bestIndex],
                  lambda=lambda, lambdaHat=lambdaHat,
                  lambdaHat1Std=lambdaHat1Std, cvErr=cv, cvErrStd=cvStd,
                  family=family, numLevels=numLevels, nFolds=nFolds)
    class(output) = "glinternet.cv"
    return (output)
kosukeimai/FindIt documentation built on March 19, 2024, 11:25 a.m.