
Defines functions gostate print.gostate plot.gostate is.gostate

Documented in gostate is.gostate plot.gostate

#' Go game state
#' @description \code{gostate} object stores a go game state including
#' stone configuration on the board and the numbers of prisoners.
#' @param board  a \code{data.frame} representing stone allocation.
#' It must have variables (\code{x}, \code{y}, \code{color})
#' @param boardsize baord size (integer)
#' @param b_captured,w_captured  numbers of captured stone (integer)
#' @param movenumber integer of move number
#' @param lastmove integer vector of length three that indicates the last move
#' location and color in the order of (x, y, color)
#' @param points \code{data.frame} of territory locations
#' @param comment character vectror of comments
#' @return \code{gostate} object
#' @examples
#' gostate(data.frame(x = 4, y = 4, color = 1), 19, 0, 0)
#' @export
gostate <- function(board, boardsize, b_captured, w_captured,
                    movenumber = NULL, lastmove = NULL,
                    points = NULL, comment = NULL)
  # argument check
  if (!is.data.frame(board))
    stop("board must inherits data.frame")
  if (!all(c("x", "y", "color") %in% names(board)))
    stop("board must have variables 'x' 'y' and 'color'")

  # remove points with out-of-bound rows
  if (!is.null(points)) {
    points <- dplyr::filter_(points,
                             ~x >= 1L, ~y >= 1L,
                             ~x <= boardsize, ~y <= boardsize)
  out <- structure(
    .Data = list(board = board, boardsize = boardsize, movenumber = movenumber,
                 b_captured = b_captured, w_captured = w_captured,
                 lastmove = lastmove, points = points, comment = comment),
    class = "gostate")

#' @export
print.gostate <- function(x, ...)
  ### print board state on console

  graphic_param <- set_graphic_param(...)

  # trancate x and y labels
  graphic_param$xlabels <- graphic_param$xlabels[1:x$boardsize]
  graphic_param$ylabels <- graphic_param$ylabels[1:x$boardsize]

  y <- matrix(graphic_param$emptymark, nrow = x$boardsize, ncol = x$boardsize)
  mark <- ifelse(x$board$color == BLACK,
                 graphic_param$blackmark, graphic_param$whitemark)
  y[cbind(x$board$y, x$board$x)] <- mark
  y[] <- sprintf("%2s", y)
  y <- apply(y, 1, paste0, collapse = "")

  # add vertical label
  y <- paste(sprintf("%2s| ", graphic_param$ylabels), y, sep = "")

  # flip y-axis so that the  origin is at the left bottom
  y <- rev(y)

  # add horizontal label
  y <- c(paste("    ",
               sprintf("%2s", graphic_param$xlabels) %>% paste0(collapse = ""),
               sep = ""),
         paste("    ", paste0(rep("--", x$boardsize), collapse = ""), sep= ""),
  y <- paste0(y, collapse = "\n")

  cat("  move", x$movenumber, "\n")
  cat("  black captured:", x$b_captured,
      "  white captured:", x$w_captured, "\n")
  if (!is.null(x$lastmove)) {
    color <- ifelse(x$lastmove[3] == BLACK, "black", "white")
    if (x$lastmove[1] < 1L || x$lastmove[2] < 1L ||
        x$lastmove[1] > x$boardsize || x$lastmove[2] > x$boardsize) {
      # out-of-bounds, means pass
      cat(sprintf("  last move: %s pass\n", color))
    } else {
      xpos <- graphic_param$xlabels[x$lastmove[1]]
      ypos <- graphic_param$ylabels[x$lastmove[2]]
      cat(sprintf("  last move: %s %s%s\n", color, xpos, ypos))

  if (!is.null(x$comment)) {
    cat(paste0(x$comment, collapse = "\n"), "\n")


#' Draw go board state as graphic
#' @param x \code{gostate} object
#' @param y not in use
#' @param marklast logical indicating if last move should be marked
#' @param markpoints logical indicating if territories should be marked
#' @param ... graphic parameters
#' @return \code{ggoban} object, which inherits \code{ggplot} class
#' @seealso \code{\link{gogame_graphics}}
#' @export
#' @method plot gostate
#' @examples
#' stateat(saikoyo, 116) %>% plot()
plot.gostate <- function(x, y, marklast = TRUE, markpoints = FALSE, ...)
  # draw stone allocation
  # remove pass moves
  notPass <- (x$board$x >= 1L && x$board$x <= x$boardsize &&
                x$board$y >= 1L && x$board$y <= x$boardsize)
  out <- ggoban(x$boardsize, ...) %>%
    addstones(x = x$board$x[notPass], y = x$board$y[notPass],
              color = x$board$color[notPass])

  # add marker to the last move
  if (marklast && !is.null(x$lastmove)) {
    # plot marker only when last move is not pass
    if (x$lastmove[1] >= 1L && x$lastmove[2] >= 1L &&
        x$lastmove[1] <= x$boardsize && x$lastmove[2] <= x$boardsize) {
      lastmovemarker <- attr(out, "graphic_param")$lastmovemarker
      graphic_param <- set_graphic_param(...)
      out <- out %>%
        addmarkers(x = x$lastmove[1], y = x$lastmove[2], color = x$lastmove[3],
                   marker = lastmovemarker)

  if (markpoints && !is.null(x$points)) {
    out <- out %>%
      addterritory(x = x$points$x, y = x$points$y, color = x$points$color)


#' Check if the object is gostate class
#' @param x R object
#' @return logical
#' @export
is.gostate <- function(x)
  return(inherits(x, "gostate"))
kota7/gogamer documentation built on May 20, 2019, 1:10 p.m.