
Defines functions Brick_vizart_plot_heatmap

Documented in Brick_vizart_plot_heatmap

#' Create the entire HDF5 structure and load the bintable
#' `Brick_vizart_plot_heatmap` creates various heatmaps and plots TADs. 
#' This function provides the capability to plot various types of heatmaps from
#' Hi-C data. 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item One sample heatmap.
#'  \item Two sample heatmap (One sample on upper and other on lower).
#'  \item All of the above with 90 degree rotation.
#'  \item All of the above but with signal capped at a certain value.
#'  \item All of the above but filtered by distance.
#'  \item All of the above with TADs/TAD borders plotted on top.
#' }
#' @inheritParams Brick_add_ranges
#' @param File \strong{Required}
#' A character vector containing the output filename to write.
#' @param Bricks \strong{Required}
#' A list of length 1 (in case of one sample heatmaps) or 2 (in case
#' of two sample heatmaps) specifying the BrickContainers from where
#' to fetch the data.
#' @param x_coords \strong{Required}
#' A character vector of length 1 specifying the coordinates from where to fetch
#' the data.
#' @param y_coords \strong{Required}
#' A character vector of length 1 specifying the coordinates from where to fetch
#' the data.
#' @param FUN \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' If any sort of transformations should be applied to the data before plotting.
#' Such as, log10 or log2 transformations. 
#' @param value_cap \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' If present, values beyond a certain quantile will be capped to that quantile.
#' In Hi-C this helps to emphasize structural information. Please note, if this
#' parameter is present the greatest value will have a greater than sign append-
#' -ed to them. 
#' @param distance \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' If present, values beyond this distance will be filtered out. Please note,
#' that if a Brick store matrix was loaded until a certain distance, this 
#' parameter will result in an error if it is greater than the loaded distance.
#' @param rotate \strong{Optional}. Default FALSE
#' If TRUE, will rotate the heatmap by 90 degrees.
#' @param x_axis \strong{Optional}. Default TRUE
#' If FALSE, the x-axis will be removed (ticks, x-axis labels and title).
#' @param x_axis_title \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' If present, will be the \emph{x-axis} title. Else defaults to the provided
#' x_coords
#' @param y_axis \strong{Optional}. Default TRUE
#' If FALSE, the y-axis will be removed (ticks, y-axis labels and title).
#' @param y_axis_title \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' If present, will be the \emph{y-axis} title. Else defaults to the provided
#' y_coords
#' @param title \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' If present, will be the \emph{plot} title. Else defaults to the provided
#' x_coords vs y_coords
#' @param legend_title \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' If present will be the title of the legend. Else defaults to "Signal".
#' @param return_object \strong{Optional}. Default FALSE
#' If present the ggplot object will be returned
#' @param x_axis_num_breaks \strong{Optional}. Default 5
#' Number of ticks on the x axis
#' @param y_axis_num_breaks \strong{Optional}. Default 5
#' Number of ticks on the y axis
#' @param x_axis_text_size \strong{Optional}. Default 10
#' x-axis text size
#' @param y_axis_text_size \strong{Optional}. Default 10
#' y-axis text size
#' @param text_size \strong{Optional}. Default 10
#' text size of text elements in the plot.
#' @param legend_title_text_size \strong{Optional}. Default 8
#' text size of the legend title
#' @param legend_text_size \strong{Optional}. Default 8
#' text size of the legend text
#' @param title_size \strong{Optional}. Default 10
#' text size of the title
#' @param tad_ranges \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' A GenomicRanges object specifying the start and end coordinates of TADs to be
#' plotted on the heatmap.
#' @param group_col \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' Name of the column which will be used to categorize TADs as belonging to 
#' either the first or the second Brick stores. This must be a numeric value
#' ranging from 1 to 2. If NULL, TADs will be plotted on both Hi-C maps.
#' @param tad_colour_col \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' tad_colour_col takes as value the column name in the tad_ranges object 
#' corresponding to the column which should be used to define different TAD
#' categories.
#' @param line_width \strong{Optional}. Default 0.5
#' When plotting TADs set the width of the plotted lines
#' @param cut_corners \strong{Optional}. Default FALSE
#' if cut_corners is TRUE, TAD borders will not be truncated, and they will
#' span until the end of visible heatmap.
#' @param highlight_points \strong{Optional}. Not yet implemented.
#' @param colours \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' If tad_ranges is present, colours expects a hexcode value of length 1. But,
#' if tad_colour_col is specified, it expects colours of the same length as 
#' unique tad_ranges$tad_colour_col. 
#' @param colours_names \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' If present, will be assigned to colours. Else, will inherit unique 
#' tad_colour_col. If tad_colour_col is also absent, will revert to a placehold 
#' column name.
#' @param palette \strong{Required}. Default NULL
#' One of the RColorbrewer or viridis colour palettes
#' @param col_direction \strong{Optional}. Default 1
#' If -1, the colour scale will be reversed.
#' @param extrapolate_on \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' If present, colours from the palette will be extrapolated between lightest
#' and darkest to create the gradient. This value cannot be more than 100.
#' @param width \strong{Optional}. Default 10cm
#' Width of the output file units. 
#' @param height \strong{Optional}. Default 6cm
#' Height of the output file in units.
#' @param units \strong{Optional}. Default cm
#' Defines the units of the output file width and height.
#' @param legend_key_width \strong{Optional}. Default unit(3,"cm")
#' Defines the legend key width.
#' @param legend_key_height \strong{Optional}. Default unit(0.5,"cm")
#' Defines the legend key height.
#' @return If return_object is set to TRUE, the constructed ggplot2 
#' object will be returned. Else TRUE.
#' @examples
#' FailSafe_log10 <- function(x){
#'      x[is.na(x) | is.nan(x) | is.infinite(x)] <- 0
#'      return(log10(x+1))
#' }
#' Bintable.path <- system.file(file.path("extdata", "Bintable_100kb.bins"), 
#' package = "HiCBricks")
#' out_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "vizart_test")
#' dir.create(out_dir)
#' My_BrickContainer <- Create_many_Bricks(BinTable = Bintable.path, 
#'   bin_delim = " ", output_directory = out_dir, file_prefix = "Test",
#'   experiment_name = "Vignette Test", resolution = 100000,
#'   remove_existing = TRUE)
#' Matrix_file <- system.file(file.path("extdata", 
#' "Sexton2012_yaffetanay_CisTrans_100000_corrected_chr3R.txt.gz"), 
#' package = "HiCBricks")
#' Brick_load_matrix(Brick = My_BrickContainer, chr1 = "chr3R", 
#' chr2 = "chr3R", matrix_file = Matrix_file, delim = " ",
#' remove_prior = TRUE, resolution = 100000)
#' Brick_vizart_plot_heatmap(File = "./chr3R-1-10000000.pdf", 
#' Bricks = list(My_BrickContainer), resolution = 100000, 
#' x_coords = "chr3R:1:10000000", palette = "Reds", 
#' y_coords = "chr3R:1:10000000", FUN = FailSafe_log10, 
#' value_cap = 0.99, width = 10, height = 11, legend_key_width = unit(3,"mm"),
#' legend_key_height = unit(0.3,"cm"))
Brick_vizart_plot_heatmap = function(File, Bricks, resolution,
    x_coords, y_coords, FUN = NULL, value_cap = NULL, 
    distance = NULL, rotate = FALSE, x_axis = TRUE, x_axis_title = NULL, 
    y_axis = TRUE, y_axis_title = NULL, title = NULL, legend_title = NULL, 
    return_object=FALSE, x_axis_num_breaks = 5, y_axis_num_breaks = 5, 
    palette, col_direction = 1, extrapolate_on = NULL, 
    x_axis_text_size = 10, y_axis_text_size = 10, text_size = 10,
    legend_title_text_size = 8, legend_text_size = 8, title_size = 10,
    tad_ranges = NULL, group_col = NULL, tad_colour_col = NULL, colours = NULL,
    colours_names = NULL, cut_corners = FALSE, highlight_points = NULL, 
    width = 10, height = 6, line_width = 0.5, units = "cm", 
    legend_key_width = unit(3,"cm"), legend_key_height = unit(0.5,"cm")){

        stop("Bricks expects an argument of type list.",
            " Please refer to the vignette to understand the parameter.")
    Matrix.df <- Get_one_or_two_brick_regions(Bricks = Bricks, 
        resolution = resolution, x_coords = x_coords, 
        y_coords = y_coords, distance = distance,
        value_cap = value_cap, FUN = FUN)
        stop("The matrix was empty!")
    list_of_coords <- list("x_coords" = x_coords, "y_coords" = y_coords)

    Parsed_string <- ._Parse_genomic_coordinates(list_of_coords)
    x.coord.parsed <- Parsed_string[["x_coords"]]
    y.coord.parsed <- Parsed_string[["y_coords"]]
    x.coord.breaks <- make_axis_coord_breaks(from = min(Matrix.df$row), 
        to = max(Matrix.df$row), how.many = x_axis_num_breaks, 
        two.sample = FALSE)
    x_axis.coord.labs <- Make_axis_labels(Brick = Bricks[[1]], 
        resolution = resolution, chr = x.coord.parsed['chr'], 
        positions = x.coord.breaks)

    two.sample <- (rotate & length(Bricks)==2)
    y.coord.breaks <- make_axis_coord_breaks(from = min(Matrix.df$row), 
        to = max(Matrix.df$row), how.many = x_axis_num_breaks, 
        two.sample = two.sample)
    y_axis.coord.labs <- Make_axis_labels(Brick = Bricks[[1]], 
        resolution = resolution, chr = y.coord.parsed['chr'], 
        positions = abs(y.coord.breaks))

    Colours <- Make_colours(palette = palette, 
        extrapolate_on = extrapolate_on, direction = col_direction)
    # go from min val to mid to max val
    two.sample <- (length(Bricks)==2)
    Matrix.df$rescale <- rescale_values_for_colours(
        Object = Matrix.df, two.sample = two.sample)
    Value.dist <- make_colour_breaks(Object = Matrix.df, 
        how.many = length(Colours), two.sample = two.sample)
    Legend.breaks.list <- get_legend_breaks(Object = Matrix.df, 
        how.many = 5, value_cap = value_cap, colours = Colours,
        two.sample = two.sample)
    Colour.breaks <- Legend.breaks.list[["col.breaks"]]
    Colour.labs <- Legend.breaks.list[["col.labs"]]
    Colours <- Legend.breaks.list[["cols"]]
        y.coord.breaks <- y.coord.breaks - min(y.coord.breaks)
        x.coord.breaks <- x.coord.breaks - min(x.coord.breaks)
            Upper.tri.map <- Matrix.df[Matrix.df$dist >= 0,]
            Lower.tri.map <- Matrix.df[Matrix.df$dist <= 0,]
            Lower.tri.map$dist <- abs(Lower.tri.map$dist)
            Upper.rotated.map <- RotateHeatmap(Matrix=Upper.tri.map, 
                value.var="rescale", upper = TRUE)
            Lower.rotated.map <- RotateHeatmap(Matrix=Lower.tri.map, 
                value.var="rescale", upper = FALSE) 
            Entire.rotated.map <- rbind(Upper.rotated.map,Lower.rotated.map)
            y.coord.breaks <- y.coord.breaks/2
            y.coord.breaks <- c(rev(y.coord.breaks)*-1,y.coord.breaks)
            y_axis.coord.labs <- c(rev(y_axis.coord.labs),y_axis.coord.labs)
            Upper.tri.map <- Matrix.df[Matrix.df$dist >= 0,]
            Entire.rotated.map <- RotateHeatmap(Matrix=Upper.tri.map, 
                value.var="rescale", upper = TRUE)
            y.coord.breaks <- y.coord.breaks/2

    # require(ggplot2)
    Brick_theme <- Get_heatmap_theme(x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, 
        text_size = text_size, x_axis_text_size = x_axis_text_size, 
        y_axis_text_size = y_axis_text_size, 
        legend_title_text_size = legend_title_text_size, 
        legend_text_size = legend_text_size, 
        title_size = title_size, legend_key_width = legend_key_width, 
        legend_key_height =legend_key_height)
    Labels <- Get_heatmap_titles(title = title, x_axis_title = x_axis_title, 
        y_axis_title = y_axis_title, legend_title = legend_title, 
        x_coords = x_coords, y_coords = y_coords, rotate = rotate)
    Boundaries.obj <- NULL
        Boundaries.obj <- Format_boundaries_normal_heatmap(Bricks = Bricks, 
            resolution = resolution, Ranges = tad_ranges, 
            group_col = group_col, cut_corners = cut_corners, 
            colour.col = tad_colour_col, colours = colours, 
            colours_names = colours_names, region.chr = x.coord.parsed['chr'], 
            region.start = as.numeric(x.coord.parsed['start']), 
            region.end = as.numeric(x.coord.parsed['end']), distance = distance,
            rotate = rotate)
        ids <- xcoords <- ycoords <- NULL
        ThePlot <- ggplot(Entire.rotated.map, aes(x = xcoords, y = ycoords))
        ThePlot <- ThePlot + geom_polygon(aes(fill = values, group = ids))
        xlims <- c(0,max(Entire.rotated.map[,"xcoords"]))
        ylims <- c(min(Entire.rotated.map[,"ycoords"]),
        y.coord.breaks <- seq(ceiling(min(Entire.rotated.map[,"ycoords"])),
            length.out = y_axis_num_breaks)
        y_axis.coord.labs <- y.coord.breaks*2
        Matrix.df$row <- Matrix.df$row - 0.5
        Matrix.df$col <- Matrix.df$col - 0.5
        ThePlot <- ggplot(Matrix.df, aes(x = row, y = col))
        ThePlot <- ThePlot + geom_tile(aes(fill = rescale))
        xlims <- c(min(Matrix.df$row) - 0.5,max(Matrix.df$row) + 0.5)
        ylims <- c(min(Matrix.df$col) - 0.5,max(Matrix.df$col) + 0.5)
        line.group <- x <- y <- NULL
        ThePlot <- ThePlot + geom_line(data = Boundaries.obj, 
            aes(x = x, y = y, group = line.group, colour = colours), 
            size = line_width) 
        ThePlot <- ThePlot + scale_colour_manual(values = colours)
    ThePlot <- ThePlot + scale_x_continuous(limits = xlims, expand = c(0,0),
        breaks = x.coord.breaks, labels = x_axis.coord.labs)
    ThePlot <- ThePlot + scale_y_continuous(limits = ylims, expand = c(0,0),
        breaks = y.coord.breaks, labels = y_axis.coord.labs)
    ThePlot <- ThePlot + scale_fill_gradientn(legend_title,values = Value.dist, 
        breaks = Colour.breaks, labels = Colour.labs, colors = Colours)
    ThePlot<-ThePlot+ Brick_theme
    # return(Entire.rotated.map)
    ThePlot<-ThePlot+labs(title = Labels['title'], x = Labels['x_axis'], 
        y = Labels['y_axis'])
    ggsave(filename = File, plot = ThePlot, width = width, height = height, 
        units = units)
koustav-pal/HiCLegos documentation built on Nov. 5, 2022, 5:49 p.m.