#' Plot heatmap from the result of IPCAPS
#' @description Create a heatmap plot base on the top differentiators among groups
#' and the input data.
#' @param ipcaps_output the returned object from the \code{\link{ipcaps2}} function.
#' @param groups the number of groups or clusters to be used in a heatmap.
#' Default = NULL.
#' @param min.member.in.group a minimum number of member in the groups that will
#' be used for top-marker selection and will be used for heatmap. Default = 10.
#' @param top.fst a number to indicate the top markers according to Fst.
#' The value can be set from 1 until the number of input markers. Defalt = 100.
#' @param fst.threshold a threshold to cut off for Fst. First, fst.threshold is considered,
#' then top.fst is considered. When the number of filtered markers is less than top.fst,
#' top.fst is ignored. The value can be set between 0 and 1. Default = 0.
#' @param is.cluster.snp the logic to indicate whether the rows of heatmap will be clustered or not.
#' If is.cluster.snp is TRUE, the rows will be clustered to K groups and K represents
#' the number of IPCAPS results by ignoring outliers (set by min.member.in.group).
#' Default = TRUE.
#' @return \code{pheatmap}
#' @details This function generates a graphical object which is compatible with
#' the function ggsave from the R package ggplot2. Therefore you can save a plot to
#' file via ggplot2::ggsave() from the return object. In order to see more
#' parameters for ploting, also see pheatmap::pheatmap().
#' @import pheatmap
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load the required packages
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(gridExtra)
#' # Importantly, bed file, bim file, and fam file are required
#' # Use the example files embedded in the package
#' BED.file <- system.file("extdata","ipcaps_example.bed",package="IPCAPS2")
#' LABEL.file <- system.file("extdata","ipcaps_example_individuals.txt.gz",package="IPCAPS2")
#' my.cluster <- ipcaps2(bed=BED.file,
#' label.file=LABEL.file,
#' lab.col=2,
#' out=tempdir(),
#' silence=TRUE,
#' no.rep=1)
#' # Show a plot
#' my.plot <- heatmap.ipcaps(my.cluster)
#' # To display gaps after each cluster, we can check the distribution of clustering result
#' table(my.cluster$cluster$group)
#' #1 2 3 4 5
#' #1 1 1 50 50
#' # You can calculate what to put the gabs by creating a vector for the location,
#' # by adding up the numbers according to the order of IPCAPS2_cluster in the heatmap
#' gaps_position = c(50, 100, 101, 102)
#' my.plot <- heatmap.ipcaps(my.cluster, gaps_col = gaps_position)
#' # Save the plot to file.
#' ggplot2::ggsave("heatmap.pdf", my.plot)
#' # To create multiple heatmap in one plot, for example
#' my.plot1 <- heatmap.ipcaps(my.cluster, main = "The first heatmap")
#' my.plot2 <- heatmap.ipcaps(my.cluster, main = "The second heatmap")
#' combined.plot <- gridExtra::grid.arrange(my.plot1$gtable,
#' my.plot2$gtable,
#' nrow=2)
#' # To save the combined plots to file
#' ggplot2::ggsave("combined_heatmap.pdf", combined.plot)
heatmap.ipcaps <- function(ipcaps_output, groups = NULL,
min.member.in.group = 10,
top.fst = 1000,
fst.threshold = 0.01,
is.cluster.snp = TRUE,
# check if the parameter is a correct format
if ( typeof(ipcaps_output) != "list"){
cat(paste0("Error: the parameter 'ipcaps_output' is not correct.\n",
"Use the returned value from the function 'ipcaps2' as an input to this function\n"))
if ( length(ipcaps_output) != 2){
cat(paste0("Error: the parameter 'ipcaps_output' is not correct.\n",
"Use the returned value from the function 'ipcaps2' as an input to this function\n"))
if ( (fst.threshold < 0) || (fst.threshold > 1) ){
cat(paste0("Error: the parameter 'fst.threshold' is not correct.\n",
"The value needs to be between 0 and 1\n"))
# PCs is stored in node1.RData
if ( (top.fst < 1) || (top.fst > ncol(raw.data)) ){
cat(paste0("Error: the parameter 'top.fst' is not correct.\n",
"The value needs to be between 1 and the number of input markers\n"))
# check for frequencies for clusters
cluster_freq = as.data.frame(table(ipcaps_output$cluster$group))
# filter out group with low members
cluster_freq = cluster_freq[which(cluster_freq$Freq > min.member.in.group),]
# select top SNPs based on Fst
iter_group = cluster_freq$Var1
if (length(iter_group) <2){
print(paste0("Cannot create a heatmap because there is only one target cluster\ns"))
snp_to_plot = NULL
for (i in 1:(length(iter_group)-1)){
for (j in (i+1):length(iter_group)){
# Here is the output from ipcaps_output$cluster
# group node label row.number
#1 1 3 outlier3 101
#2 2 4 outlier3 102
idx.p1 = ipcaps_output$cluster[which(ipcaps_output$cluster$group == iter_group[i]), c('row.number')]
idx.p2 = ipcaps_output$cluster[which(ipcaps_output$cluster$group == iter_group[j]), c('row.number')]
fst = fst.each.snp.hudson(raw.data,
idx.p1 = idx.p1,
idx.p2 = idx.p2)
fst = as.data.frame(fst)
snp_df = cbind(snp.info, fst)
snp_df = snp_df[order(snp_df$fst, decreasing = TRUE),]
# filter Fst
snp_df = snp_df[which(snp_df$fst >= fst.threshold),]
# in case that top.fst less than the number of filtered SNPs.
if (nrow(snp_df) < top.fst){
top.fst = nrow(snp_df)
snp_df = snp_df[1:top.fst,]
snp_to_plot = rbind(snp_to_plot, snp_df)
# in case that the top SNPs are duplicated, so check only the unique SNPs
snp_to_plot_unique = unique(snp_to_plot$ID)
# get SNP matrix to plot
colnames(raw.data) = snp.info[,2]
rownames(raw.data) = ind.info[,2]
to_plot_df = t(raw.data[,which(snp.info$ID %in% snp_to_plot_unique)])
annotation_col = ipcaps_output$cluster
rownames(annotation_col) = annotation_col$row.number
annotation_col = annotation_col[,c('group','label')]
colnames(annotation_col) = c('IPCAPS2_cluster','label')
annotation_col$IPCAPS2_cluster = as.character(annotation_col$IPCAPS2_cluster)
# scale the values
to_plot_df = t(scale(t(to_plot_df), center = TRUE, scale = TRUE))
phm = NULL
if (is.cluster.snp == TRUE){
phm = pheatmap(to_plot_df,
cluster_rows = TRUE,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
annotation_col = annotation_col,
show_rownames = TRUE,
show_colnames = TRUE,
legend = TRUE,
kmeans_k = length(iter_group),
color = colorRampPalette(c("navy", "white", "firebrick3"))(50),
phm = pheatmap(to_plot_df,
cluster_rows = TRUE,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
annotation_col = annotation_col,
show_rownames = TRUE,
show_colnames = TRUE,
legend = TRUE,
color = colorRampPalette(c("navy", "white", "firebrick3"))(50),
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