
initCryptoCompare <- function() {

  cryptoCompare <- list()

  cryptoCompare$API <- initCryptoCompareAPI()

  cryptoCompare$getCoins <- function() {
    response <- cryptoCompare$API$coinList()
    df <- do.call("rbind.fill", lapply(response$content$parsed$Data, function(x) as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
    return (df)

  cryptoCompare$getMarkets <- function(exchangesFilter = NULL, coinsFilter = NULL, currenciesFilter = NULL) {
    df <- data.frame(exchange=character(), coin=character(), currency=character(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    response <- cryptoCompare$API$allExchanges()
    exchanges <- names(response$content$parsed)
    for(i in 1:length(exchanges)) {
      exchange = exchanges[i]
      if (is.null(exchangesFilter) || is.element(exchange, exchangesFilter)) {
        markets <- get(exchange, response$content$parsed)
        coins <- names(markets)
        if (length(coins)>0) {
          for (j in 1:length(coins)) {
            coin <- coins[j]
            if (is.null(coinsFilter) || is.element(coin, coinsFilter)) {
              coinMarkets <- get(coin, markets)
              for (coinMarket in coinMarkets) {
                if (is.null(currenciesFilter) || is.element(coinMarket, currenciesFilter)) {
                  df <- add_row(df, exchange = exchange, coin = coin, currency = coinMarket)
    return (df)

  cryptoCompare$getAllHisto <- function(histoFunction, exchange = NULL, coin = "ETH", currency = "BTC") {
    newestResponse <- histoFunction(e = exchange, fsym = coin, tsym = currency)
    df <- newestResponse$content$parsed$Data
    while (TRUE) {
      nextToTs = min(df$time)-1
      if (!is.finite(nextToTs)) {
      nextResponse <- histoFunction(e = exchange, fsym = coin, tsym = currency, toTs = nextToTs)
      if (all(nextResponse$content$parsed$Data$close == 0)) {
      } else {
        nextDf <- nextResponse$content$parsed$Data
        df <- rbind(df, nextDf)

    df <- df[ rowSums(df[,2:7])!=0, ]

    if (nrow(df) == 0) {
      print("zero rows")
      return (df)
    df$exchange <- exchange
    df$coin <- coin
    df$currency <- currency
    return (df)

  #TODO przelec przez day, hour, minute(?)
  cryptoCompare$getNewestHisto <- function(histoFunc = cryptoCompare$API$histoDay, exchange = "Cryptopia", coin = "ETH", currency = "BTC", exclusiveFrom = NULL) {
    if(is.null(exclusiveFrom)) {
      print("exclusiveFrom parameter cant be null")
      return (NULL)

    newestResponse <- histoFunc(e = exchange, fsym = coin, tsym = currency)
    df <- newestResponse$content$parsed$Data
    df %>% select(time) %>% min() %>% anytime() -> minDate
    exclusiveFromDate <- anytime(exclusiveFrom)
    if (minDate > exclusiveFromDate) {
      while (TRUE) {
        nextToTs = min(df$time)-1
        if (!is.finite(nextToTs)) {
        nextResponse <- histoFunc(e = exchange, fsym = coin, tsym = currency, toTs = nextToTs)
        nextDf <- nextResponse$content$parsed$Data
        df %>% select(time) %>% min() %>% anytime() -> minDate
        if (minDate <= exclusiveFromDate) {
        } else {
          df <- rbind(df, nextDf)
    df %>% filter(time > exclusiveFromDate) -> df
    return (df)

  cryptoCompare$refreshDb <- function(odbcName = "cryptonoi.se",
                                      dbName = "cryptocompare_histoDay",
                                      histoFunc = cryptoCompare$API$histoDay,
                                      exchangesFilter = c("Cryptopia"),
                                      currenciesFilter = c("BTC")) {
    #TODO get rid of hardcoded values
    markets <- cryptoCompare$getMarkets(exchangesFilter = exchangesFilter, currenciesFilter = currenciesFilter)
    connection <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), odbcName)
    data <- tbl(connection, dbName)
    #data %>% distinct(coin) %>% collect() %>% filter(coin %in% markets$coin) -> coins
    markets %>% arrange(coin) -> markets
    for (i in 1:nrow(markets)) {
      market <- markets[i,]
      cryptoCompare$refreshCoinInDb(odbcName = odbcName, dbName = dbName, histoFunc = histoFunc, coin = market$coin, exchangesFilter = market$exchange, currenciesFilter = market$currency)

  cryptoCompare$refreshCoinInDb <- function(odbcName = "cryptonoi.se",
                                            dbName = "cryptocompare_histoDay",
                                            histoFunc = cryptoCompare$API$histoDay,
                                            coin = "ETH",
                                            exchangesFilter = c("Cryptopia"),
                                            currenciesFilter = c("BTC")) {
    coinName <- coin
    connection <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), odbcName)
    data <- tbl(connection, dbName)
    data %>% filter(coin == coinName & exchange %in% exchangesFilter & currency %in% currenciesFilter) %>% collect() -> coinData
    if (nrow(coinData) == 0) {
      for (exchangeIndex in 1:length(exchangesFilter)) {
        exchange <- exchangesFilter[exchangeIndex]
        for (currencyIndex in 1:length(currenciesFilter)) {
          currency <- currenciesFilter[currencyIndex]
          allData <- cryptoCompare$getAllHisto(histoFunction = histoFunc, exchange = exchange, coin = coin, currency = currency)
          data <- DBI::dbWriteTable(connection, dbName, allData, append=TRUE)
    } else {
      coinData %>% group_by(exchange, currency) %>% filter(time == max(time)) -> coinNewestRows
      for (i in 1:nrow(coinNewestRows)) {
        row = coinNewestRows[i,]
        cryptoCompare$refreshCoinInDbForExchangeAndCurrency(odbcName = odbcName,
                                                            dbName = dbName,
                                                            histoFunc = histoFunc,
                                                            exclusiveFrom = row$time)

  cryptoCompare$refreshCoinInDbForExchangeAndCurrency <- function(odbcName, dbName, histoFunc, exchange, currency, coin, exclusiveFrom) {
    newestHisto <- cryptoCompare$getNewestHisto(exchange=exchange, currency=currency, histoFunc=histoFunc, coin=coin, exclusiveFrom=exclusiveFrom)
    if (nrow(newestHisto) > 0) {
      newestHisto$exchange <- exchange
      newestHisto$coin <- coin
      newestHisto$currency <- currency
      connection <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), odbcName)
      DBI::dbWriteTable(connection, dbName, newestHisto, append = TRUE)

  cryptoCompare$getAllCoinsHisto <- function(histoFunction, exchange = "Cryptopia", currency = "BTC", coins = c(NULL), partialCallback = NULL) {
    markets <- cryptoCompare$getMarkets(exchangesFilter = c(exchange), currenciesFilter = c(currency), coins = coins)
    markets %>%
      arrange(coin) %>%
      select(coin) ->
    df <- cryptoCompare$getAllHisto(histoFunction = histoFunction, exchange = exchange, coin = allCoins[1,], currency = currency)
    if (!is.null(partialCallback)) {
    for (coin in allCoins[-1,]) {
      coinDf <- cryptoCompare$getAllHisto(histoFunction = histoFunction, exchange = exchange, coin = coin, currency = currency)
      if (!is.null(partialCallback)) {
      if (!is.null(coinDf)) {
        df <- rbind(df, coinDf)

    return (df)

  cryptoCompare$initDb <- function(odbcName="cryptonoi.se",
                                   histoFunc = cryptoCompare$API$histoDay,
                                   exchange ="Cryptopia",
                                   currency ="BTC") {
    connection <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), odbcName)
    print("Dropping db")
    DBI::dbSendQuery(connection, paste0("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ", dbName))
    print("Fetching data")

    # handle those harcoded values
    response <- cryptoCompare$getAllCoinsHisto(histoFunc = histoFunc, exchange = exchange, currency = currency)
    print("Writing data to db")
    con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), odbcName)
    data <- DBI::dbWriteTable(con, dbName, response)

  return (cryptoCompare)
krzysztofpaliga/rData documentation built on July 1, 2019, 4:14 a.m.