
Defines functions joinWithVariables joinWithUmap joinWithTsne joinWithPca joinWithGeneSets joinWithGenes joinWithFeatures joinWith

Documented in joinWith joinWithFeatures joinWithGenes joinWithGeneSets joinWithPca joinWithTsne joinWithUmap joinWithVariables

# join --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Join barcodes with additional variables
#' @description Each member of the \code{joinWith()}-family takes a data.frame as
#' input that contains at least the variables \emph{barcodes} and \emph{sample}.
#' (Easily obtained with the \code{get*()}-family.) It extracts the specified
#' variables and joins them over the barcode variable with the provided data.frame.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit check_features params
#' @inherit check_gene_sets params
#' @inherit check_genes params
#' @inherit check_smooth params
#' @inherit check_method params
#' @inherit check_uniform_genes params
#' @inherit check_variables params
#' @inherit gene_set_path params
#' @inherit normalize params
#' @param average_genes Logical. If set to TRUE the average expression of the
#' specified genes is calculated and saved under one variable named 'mean_genes'.
#' @details Hint: Variables of the specified data.frame \code{spata_df} that have equal names as
#' the specified features, genes and gene-sets are overwritten!
#' @return The input data.frame of \code{spata_df} joined with all the
#' specified genes, gene-sets and/or features by the key-variable \emph{barcodes}.
#' @export

joinWith <- function(object,
                     spata_df = getCoordsDf(object),
                     features = NULL,
                     gene_sets = NULL,
                     method_gs = NULL,
                     genes = NULL,
                     average_genes = NULL,
                     uniform_genes = NULL,
                     smooth = FALSE,
                     smooth_span = NULL,
                     verbose = NULL,
                     normalize = NULL){

# 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------


  check_smooth(df = spata_df, smooth = smooth, smooth_span = smooth_span)

    df = spata_df,
    var.class = list(
      "barcodes" = "character"
    ref = "spata_df")

  input_list <-
      "gene_sets" = gene_sets,
      "genes" = genes,
      "features" = features

  input_list <- purrr::discard(input_list, .p = base::is.null)


    input_list$gene_sets <- check_gene_sets(object, input_list$gene_sets)



    input_list$genes <- check_genes(object, input_list$genes)



    input_list$features <- check_features(object, input_list$features)


  # -----

  output_df <-
    object = object,
    spata_df = spata_df,
    variables = input_list,
    method_gs = method_gs,
    average_genes = average_genes,
    uniform_genes = uniform_genes,
    smooth = smooth,
    smooth_span = smooth_span,
    verbose = verbose,
    normalize = normalize



#' @rdname joinWith
#' @export
joinWithFeatures <- function(object,
                             spata_df = getCoordsDf(object),
                             smooth = FALSE,
                             smooth_span = 0.02,
                             verbose = TRUE){

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------

  # lazy check

  check_smooth(df = spata_df, smooth = smooth, smooth_span = smooth_span)

  # adjusting check
  features <- check_features(object, features = features)

  msg <-
      "Joining{smooth_ref}{base::length(features)} {feature_ref}.",
      feature_ref = confuns::adapt_reference(features, sg = "feature"),
      smooth_ref = base::ifelse(test = base::isTRUE(smooth), yes = " and smoothing ", no = " " )

    msg = msg,
    verbose = verbose

  # overwrite check
  discard <- features[features %in% base::colnames(spata_df)]
  n_discard <- base::length(discard)

  if(n_discard > 0){

    msg <-
        "Overwriting {n_discard} feature-{var_ref}.",
        var_ref = base::ifelse(n_discard == 1, "variable", "variables")

    confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, verbose = verbose)

    spata_df <- dplyr::select(.data = spata_df, -dplyr::all_of(discard))


  # -----

  # 2. Join data ------------------------------------------------------------

  fdata <-
    getFeatureDf(object) %>%
    dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(x = c("barcodes", features)))

  joined_df <-
    dplyr::left_join(x = spata_df, y = fdata, by = "barcodes")

  # -----

  # 3. Smooth if specified -------------------------------------------------


    joined_df <-
      purrr::imap_dfr(.x = joined_df,
                      .f = hlpr_smooth,
                      coords_df = joined_df,
                      smooth_span = smooth_span,
                      aspect = "feature",
                      subset = features)


  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Done.", verbose = verbose)

  # -----



#' @rdname joinWith
#' @export
joinWithGenes <- function(object,
                          spata_df = getCoordsDf(object),
                          average_genes = FALSE,
                          uniform_genes = "keep",
                          smooth = FALSE,
                          smooth_span = 0.02,
                          normalize = TRUE,
                          verbose = TRUE){

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------

  # lazy check

  check_smooth(df = spata_df, smooth = smooth, smooth_span = smooth_span)

  # adjusting check

  mtr_name <- getActiveMatrixName(object, verbose = verbose)

  rna_assay <-
    getMatrix(object, mtr_name = mtr_name) %>%

  genes <- check_genes(object, genes = genes, rna_assay = rna_assay)

  # -----

  barcodes <- spata_df$barcodes
  rna_assay <- base::as.matrix(rna_assay[genes, barcodes])

  # 2. Discard uniformly expressed genes ------------------------------------

  n_genes <- base::length(genes)

  n_bcsp <- base::nrow(spata_df)
  sample <- spata_df$sample %>% base::unique()

  total_n_bcsp <- getCoordsDf(object) %>% base::nrow()

  if(uniform_genes == "discard" & n_bcsp != total_n_bcsp){


      msg <-
          "Checking {n_genes} {ref} for uniform expression across all barcode-spots.",
          ref = confuns::adapt_reference(input = genes, sg = "gene")

      confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, verbose = verbose)

      pb <-
          format = "Progress: [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
          total = n_genes, clear = FALSE, width = 100)

    } else {

      pb <- NULL


    if(n_genes == 1){

      uniformly_expressed <- hlpr_one_distinct(x = 1, base::t(rna_assay), pb = NULL, verbose = FALSE)

    } else {

      uniformly_expressed <-
          .x = 1:n_genes,
          .f = hlpr_one_distinct,
          rna_assay = rna_assay,
          pb = pb,
          verbose = verbose


    n_uniformly_expressed <- base::sum(uniformly_expressed)

    if(n_uniformly_expressed >= 1){

      genes <- genes[!uniformly_expressed]
      n_genes <- base::length(genes)

        msg = glue::glue("Discarded {n_uniformly_expressed} genes."),
        verbose = verbose

      if(n_genes < 1){

        base::stop("All genes have been discarded due to uniform expression.")


    } else if(base::isTRUE(verbose)){

      confuns::give_feedback(msg = "No uniformly expressed genes found.")



  # -----

  # 3. Extract genes and join values with spata_df -------------------------

  ref <- base::ifelse(n_genes == 1, "gene", "genes")

  if(n_genes > 1 && average_genes){

    if(base::isTRUE(verbose) && base::isTRUE(smooth)){

      confuns::give_feedback(msg = glue::glue("Averaging, joining and smoothing {n_genes} {ref}."))

    } else if(base::isTRUE(verbose)){

      confuns::give_feedback(msg = glue::glue("Averaging and joining {n_genes} {ref}."))


    rna_assay <- base::colMeans(rna_assay[genes, barcodes])
    col_names <- "mean_genes"
    n_genes <- "averaged"

  } else if(n_genes > 1){

    if(base::isTRUE(verbose) && base::isTRUE(smooth)){

      confuns::give_feedback(msg = glue::glue("Joining and smoothing {n_genes} {ref}."))

    } else if(base::isTRUE(verbose)){

      confuns::give_feedback(msg = glue::glue("Joining {n_genes} {ref}."))


    rna_assay <- base::t(rna_assay[genes, barcodes])
    col_names <- genes

  } else if(n_genes == 1){


      col_names <- "mean_genes"
      n_genes <- "averaged"

    } else {

      col_names <- genes



  # convert results to data frame with appropriate column names
  gene_vls <-
    base::as.data.frame(rna_assay, row.names = NULL) %>%
    magrittr::set_colnames(value = col_names) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(barcodes = spata_df$barcodes)

  # overwrite check
  discard <- col_names[col_names %in% base::colnames(spata_df)]
  n_discard <- base::length(discard)

  if(n_discard > 0){

    ref <- base::ifelse(n_discard == 1, "variable", "variables")

    confuns::give_feedback(msg = glue::glue("Overwriting {n_discard} gene-{ref}."))

    spata_df <- dplyr::select(.data = spata_df, -dplyr::all_of(discard))


  # join both
  joined_df <-
    dplyr::left_join(x = spata_df, y = gene_vls, by = "barcodes")

  # -----

  # 4. Smooth and normalize if specified ------------------------------------



      pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = "Progress: [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
        total = base::ncol(joined_df), clear = FALSE, width = 100)

    } else {

      pb <- NULL


    joined_df <-
      purrr::imap_dfr(.x = joined_df,
                      .f = hlpr_smooth,
                      coords_df = joined_df,
                      smooth_span = smooth_span,
                      aspect = "gene",
                      subset = col_names,
                      pb = pb)



    confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Normalizing values.", verbose = verbose)

    joined_df <-
      purrr::imap_dfr(.x = joined_df,
                      .f = hlpr_normalize_imap,
                      aspect = "Gene",
                      subset = col_names


  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Done.", verbose = verbose)

  # -----



#' @rdname joinWith
#' @export

joinWithGeneSets <- function(object,
                             spata_df = getCoordsDf(object),
                             method_gs = "mean",
                             smooth = FALSE,
                             smooth_span = 0.02,
                             normalize = TRUE,
                             verbose = TRUE,
                             ignore = T){

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------

  # lazy check

  check_smooth(df = spata_df, smooth = smooth, smooth_span = smooth_span)
  check_method(method_gs = method_gs)

  # adjusting check
  gene_sets <- check_gene_sets(object, gene_sets = gene_sets)

  # overwrite check
  discard <- gene_sets[gene_sets %in% base::colnames(spata_df)]
  n_discard <- base::length(discard)

  if(n_discard > 0){

    ref <- base::ifelse(n_discard == 1, "variable", "variables")

    confuns::give_feedback(msg = glue::glue("Overwriting {n_discard} gene-set-{ref}."))
    spata_df <- dplyr::select(.data = spata_df, -dplyr::all_of(discard))

  # -----

  # 2. Extract gene set data and join with spata_df ------------------------

  mtr_name <- getActiveMatrixName(object, verbose = verbose)

  rna_assay <- getMatrix(object, mtr_name = mtr_name)

  gene_set_df <- getGeneSetDf(object = object)
  joined_df <- spata_df


    spata_df <- base::as.data.frame(spata_df)

    base::rownames(spata_df) <- spata_df$barcodes

    assign("spata_df", spata_df, envir = .GlobalEnv)

    x <- dplyr::pull(spata_df, var = x)
    y <- dplyr::pull(spata_df, var = y)
    smooth_ref <- " and smoothing "

  } else {

    smooth_ref <- " "


  #feedback vectors
  filter_gs <- 0.25
  ignored_gs <- glue::glue("\nIgnored gene-sets due to insufficient gene representation (less then {filter_gs*100}%) in expression matrix:")
  skipped_gs <- base::character()

  num_gs <- base::length(gene_sets)

  ref <- confuns::adapt_reference(input = gene_sets, sg = "gene-set")

  msg <- glue::glue("Calculating{smooth_ref}expression score for {base::length(gene_sets)} {ref} according to method '{method_gs}'.")

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, verbose = verbose)


    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
      format = "Progress: [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
      total = num_gs, clear = FALSE, width = 100)


  for(i in base::seq_along(gene_sets)){


    gs <- gene_sets[i]

    # get genes of gene set
    gs_df <- dplyr::filter(gene_set_df, ont %in% gene_sets[i])

    n_genes <- base::nrow(gs_df)

    # get genes found in expression matrix
    genes <-
      dplyr::filter(gs_df, gene %in% base::rownames(rna_assay)) %>%

    n_found_genes <- base::length(genes)

    not_found <- gs_df$gene[!gs_df$gene %in% base::rownames(rna_assay)]

    ref <- confuns::adapt_reference(input = not_found, sg = "gene")
    ref2 <- confuns::scollapse(not_found)

      msg = glue::glue("Of gene set {gs} did not find {ref} {ref2} in assay."),
      verbose = FALSE

    # calculate percentage of genes found
    p_found_genes <- base::round(n_found_genes/n_genes, digits = 2)

    # make sure that percentage is equal to or higher than the threshold
    if(ignore == T){

      if(p_found_genes >= filter_gs){

        # apply specified method to handle gene sets

        if(base::length(genes) == 1){

          gs <- gene_sets[i]

          warning(glue::glue("Only one gene ('{genes}') found of gene set '{gs}'."))

          geneset_vls <-
            base::as.matrix(rna_assay[genes,]) %>%
            base::as.data.frame() %>%
            magrittr::set_colnames(value = gene_sets[i]) %>%
            tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "barcodes")

        } else if(method_gs == "mean"){

          geneset_vls <-
            base::as.matrix(rna_assay[genes, ]) %>%
            base::colMeans() %>%
            base::as.data.frame() %>%
            magrittr::set_colnames(value = gene_sets[i]) %>%
            tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "barcodes")

          assign("geneset_vls", geneset_vls, envir = .GlobalEnv)

        } else if(method_gs %in% c("gsva", "ssgsea", "zscore", "plage")) {

          geneset_vls <-
              expr = base::as.matrix(rna_assay[genes,]),
              gset.idx.list = gene_set_df,
              mx.diff = 1,
              parallel.sz = 2,
              method = method_gs,
              verbose = FALSE
            ) %>%
            base::t() %>%
            as.data.frame() %>%
            magrittr::set_colnames(value = gene_sets[i]) %>%
            tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "barcodes")


      } else {

        if(base::length(genes) == 1){

          gs <- gene_sets[i]

          warning(glue::glue("Only one gene found of gene set '{gs}'."))

          geneset_vls <-
            base::as.data.frame(rna_assay[genes,]) %>%
            magrittr::set_colnames(value = gene_sets[i]) %>%
            tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "barcodes")

        } else {

          geneset_vls <-
            base::colMeans(rna_assay[genes, ]) %>%
            base::as.data.frame() %>%
            magrittr::set_colnames(value = gene_sets[i]) %>%
            tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "barcodes")



      # smoothing

        variable <- dplyr::pull(.data = geneset_vls, var = gene_sets[i])

        x <- spata_df[geneset_vls$barcodes, ][["x"]]
        y <- spata_df[geneset_vls$barcodes, ][["y"]]

        model <- stats::loess(formula = variable ~ x*y, span = smooth_span/10)

        geneset_vls[, gene_sets[i]] <- stats::predict(model)


      # gradually add gene-set columns to joined_df
      joined_df <-
        dplyr::left_join(x = joined_df, y = geneset_vls, by = "barcodes")

    } else {

      skipped_gs <- base::append(x = skipped_gs, values = gene_sets[i])

      ignored_gs <-
        base::append(x = ignored_gs,
                     values = glue::glue("\n- '{gene_sets[i]}'. Percentage of genes found: {p_found_genes}"))



  # -----

  # 3. Normalize if specified -----------------------------------------------


    # normalize
    joined_df <-
      purrr::imap_dfr(.x = joined_df,
                      .f = hlpr_normalize_imap,
                      aspect = "Gene set",
                      subset = gene_sets)


  if(base::length(ignored_gs) > 1){

    base::append(x = ignored_gs,
                 values = "\n(Run 'adjustGeneSetDf()' in order to avoid this warning message.)") %>%


  # -----



#' @title Join barcodes with additional variables
#' @description These functions add dimensional reduction results
#' in form of additional variables to the provided spata data.frame.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit getPcaDf params
#' @inherit joinWith params
#' @param force Logical. Only relevant if the spata data.frame provided
#' already contains the variables that would be added with the function.
#' If set to TRUE, the variables are added anyway.
#' @param ... Addtional arguments given to \code{dplyr::left_join()}.
#' @return The input data.frame with the additional dimensional reduction
#' variables
#' @export

joinWithPca <- function(object,
                        n_pcs = NULL,
                        verbose = NULL,
                        force = FALSE,
                        of_sample = NA){

  hlpr_assign_arguments(object = object)

  of_sample <- check_sample(object = object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  check_spata_df(spata_df = spata_df)

  pca_df <- getPcaDf(object = object,
                     n_pcs = n_pcs,
                     of_sample = of_sample) %>%

  cnames_pca <-
    dplyr::select(pca_df, -barcodes) %>%

  cnames_input <-
    dplyr::select(spata_df, -barcodes, -sample) %>%

  doubled_variables <- base::intersect(x = cnames_pca, y = cnames_input)

  if(base::length(doubled_variables) > 0 & !base::isTRUE(force)){

    msg <-
      glue::glue("The following variables already exist in the specified spata data.frame: '{ref_vars}'. Set argument 'force' to TRUE to join them anyway.",
                 ref_vars = glue::glue_collapse(doubled_variables, sep = "', '", last = "' and '"))

    confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, fdb.fn = "stop")


  joined_df <-
    dplyr::left_join(x = spata_df, y = pca_df, by = "barcodes")



#' @rdname joinWithPca
#' @export
joinWithTsne <- function(object,
                         verbose = NULL,
                         force = FALSE,
                         of_sample = NA){

  hlpr_assign_arguments(object = object)

  of_sample <- check_sample(object = object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  check_spata_df(spata_df = spata_df)

  tsne_df <-
    getTsneDf(object = object, of_sample = of_sample)%>%

  cnames_tsne <-
    dplyr::select(tsne_df, -barcodes) %>%

  cnames_input <-
    dplyr::select(spata_df, -barcodes, -dplyr::any_of("sample")) %>%

  doubled_variables <- base::intersect(x = cnames_tsne, y = cnames_input)

  if(base::length(doubled_variables) > 0 & !base::isTRUE(force)){

    msg <-
      glue::glue("The following variables already exist in the specified spata data.frame: '{ref_vars}'. Set argument 'force' to TRUE to join them anyway.",
                 ref_vars = glue::glue_collapse(doubled_variables, sep = "', '", last = "' and '"))

    confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, fdb.fn = "stop")


  joined_df <-
    dplyr::left_join(x = spata_df, y = tsne_df, by = "barcodes")



#' @rdname joinWithPca
#' @export
joinWithUmap <- function(object,
                         verbose = NULL,
                         force = FALSE,
                         of_sample = NA){

  hlpr_assign_arguments(object = object)

  of_sample <- check_sample(object = object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  check_spata_df(spata_df = spata_df)

  umap_df <-
    getUmapDf(object = object, of_sample = of_sample) %>%

  cnames_umap <-
    dplyr::select(umap_df, -barcodes) %>%

  cnames_input <-
    dplyr::select(spata_df, -barcodes, -dplyr::any_of("sample")) %>%

  doubled_variables <- base::intersect(x = cnames_umap, y = cnames_input)

  if(base::length(doubled_variables) > 0 & !base::isTRUE(force)){

    msg <-
      glue::glue("The following variables already exist in the specified spata data.frame: '{ref_vars}'. Set argument 'force' to TRUE to join them anyway.",
                 ref_vars = glue::glue_collapse(doubled_variables, sep = "', '", last = "' and '"))

    confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, fdb.fn = "stop")


  joined_df <-
    dplyr::left_join(x = spata_df, y = umap_df, by = "barcodes")



#' @rdname joinWith
#' @export
joinWithVariables <- function(object,
                              spata_df = getCoordsDf(object),
                              method_gs = "mean",
                              average_genes = FALSE,
                              uniform_genes = "discard",
                              smooth = FALSE,
                              smooth_span = 0.02,
                              normalize = TRUE,
                              verbose = TRUE){

  if(base::is.list(x = variables)){

    stopifnot(base::any(c("features", "genes", "gene_sets") %in% base::names(variables)))

  } else {

    variable_list <-
        "features" = base::character(),
        "genes" = base::character(),
        "gene_sets" = base::character()

    variable_list[["features"]] <- variables[variables %in% getFeatureNames(object)]
    variable_list[["genes"]] <- variables[variables %in% getGenes(object)]
    variable_list[["gene_sets"]] <- variables[variables %in% getGeneSets(object)]

    variables <- purrr::discard(.x = variable_list, .p = ~ base::length(.x) == 0)


  if("features" %in% base::names(variables)){

    spata_df <-
        object = object,
        features = variables$features,
        spata_df = spata_df,
        smooth = smooth,
        smooth_span = smooth_span,
        verbose = verbose


  if("genes" %in% base::names(variables)){

    spata_df <-
        object = object,
        spata_df = spata_df,
        genes = variables$genes,
        average_genes = average_genes,
        uniform_genes = uniform_genes,
        smooth = smooth,
        smooth_span = smooth_span,
        normalize = normalize,
        verbose = verbose


  if("gene_sets" %in% base::names(variables)){

    spata_df <-
        object = object,
        spata_df = spata_df,
        gene_sets = variables$gene_sets,
        method_gs = method_gs,
        smooth = smooth,
        smooth_span = smooth_span,
        normalize = normalize,
        verbose = verbose


kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.