# functions to assemble gene_info_df (not exported) -----------------------
pattern_end_1 <- "\\[provided by .*, .{1,10}\\d\\d\\d\\d\\]"
pattern_end_2 <- "and.{1,10}other tissues"
pattern_end_3 <- stringr::str_c(pattern_end_1, pattern_end_2, sep = "|")
pattern_hgnc_symbol <- "[A-Z|0-9|\\-]*"
assemble_gene_search_dir <- function(gene){
out <-
} else if(base::is.numeric(gene)) {
out <- stringr::str_c("https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/",gene)
# crop down html to gene card
crop_gene_info <- function(text){
confuns::str_extract_after(string = text, pattern = "Symbol") %>%
confuns::str_extract_before(pattern = pattern_end_3)
# extract html webpage and return as character vector
get_html_text <- function(gene){
assemble_gene_search_dir(gene) %>%
rvest::read_html() %>%
rvest::html_element(css = "div") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
base::as.character() %>%
stringr::str_remove_all(pattern = "\\n")
# extract specific infos from card:
extract_full_gene_name <- function(text){
prel_out <-
string = text,
pattern = "Full Name|Full name|Gene Description|Gene description"
out <-
string = prel_out,
pattern = "provided by HGNC"
out <-
string = prel_out,
pattern = "Gene type"
extract_gene_id <- function(text){
str_extract_after(string = text, pattern = "Gene ID:", match = " *\\d*") %>%
extract_gene_symbol <- function(text){
confuns::str_extract_after(string = text, pattern = "Official {1,10}Symbol|Gene symbol|Symbol") %>%
stringr::str_extract(string = ., pattern = )
extract_gene_type <- function(text){
confuns::str_extract_after(string = text, pattern = "Gene type") %>%
confuns::str_extract_before(string = ., pattern = "RefSeq status")
extract_organism <- function(text){
test <- stringr::str_detect(string = text, pattern = "Organism.{1,20}Homo sapiens")
out <- "Homo sapiens"
} else {
out <- "Other"
extract_summary <- function(text){
prel_out <- confuns::str_extract_after(string = text, pattern = "Summary")
# matches ending of a sentence with a dot
if(stringr::str_detect(string = prel_out, pattern = "[A-Z|a-z|0-9]\\.")){
out <- prel_out
} else {
out <-
string = prel_out,
pattern = "\\[provided by .*, .{1,10}\\d\\d\\d\\d\\]"
out <-
confuns::str_extract_before(string = prel_out, pattern = "Broad expression in") %>%
confuns::str_extract_before(string = ., pattern = "Expression")
} else {
out <- NA
extract_synonyms <- function(text){
confuns::str_extract_after(string = text, pattern = "Also known as") %>%
confuns::str_extract_before(string = ., pattern = "Summary")
# wrapper that creates data.frame
assemble_gene_info <- function(gene, pb){
text <- get_html_text(gene)
organism <- extract_organism(text)
cropped_text <- crop_gene_info(text)
symbol <- gene
id <- extract_gene_id(text)
} else if(base::is.numeric(gene)){
symbol <- extract_gene_symbol(text)
id <- gene
out <-
id = id,
symbol = symbol,
full_name = extract_full_gene_name(text),
synonyms = extract_synonyms(cropped_text),
summary = extract_summary(cropped_text),
type = extract_gene_type(text),
organism = organism
) %>%
make_gene_info_list <- function(genes){
glist <- base::vector(mode = "list", length = base::length(genes))
pb <- create_progress_bar(total = base::length(genes))
for(i in seq_along(genes)){
gene <- genes[i]
gene_df <- base::tryCatch({
assemble_gene_info(gene = gene, pb = pb)
}, error = function(error){
message(glue::glue("Failed for gene {gene}."))
glist[[i]] <- gene_df
# functions to work with gene info ----------------------------------------
#' @title Obtain gene names
#' @description Returns a vector gene names (HGNC symbols). Defaults to all gene names
#' in the gene info data.frame \code{gene_info_df}.
#' @param ... Use tidyselect grammer to select specific genes.
#' @return Character vector of HGNC symbols in case of \code{get_gene_names()}
#' and of full gene names in case of \code{get_full_gene_names()}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # all gene names
#' all_gene_names <- get_gene_names()
#' # gene names that start with CD
#' cd_genes <- get_gene_names(starts_with("CD))
get_gene_names <- function(...){
confuns::vselect(input = gene_info_df[["symbol"]], ...)
#' @rdname get_gene_names
#' @export
get_full_gene_names <- function(...){
confuns::vselect(input = gene_info_df[["full_name"]], ...)
#' @title Obtain gene synonyms
#' @description Extracts synonyms with which to refer to a gene.
#' @param gene Character value. HGNC symbol of the gene of interest.
#' @return Character vector. NA if there are no synonyms.
#' @export
get_gene_synonyms <- function(gene){
confuns::is_value(x = gene, mode = "character")
input = gene,
against = gene_info_df[["symbol"]]
dplyr::filter(gene_info_df, symbol == {{gene}}) %>%
dplyr::pull(synonyms) %>%
stringr::str_split(pattern = ";") %>%
purrr::flatten_chr() %>%
stringr::str_remove_all(string = ., pattern = " ")
#' @export
is_gene_symbol <- function(input){
input %in% gene_info_df[["symbol"]]
#' @export
is_gene_synonym <- function(input){
synonyms <-
dplyr::filter(gene_info_df, !base::is.na(synonyms)) %>%
dplyr::pull(synonyms) %>%
stringr::str_c(collapse = "; ") %>%
stringi::stri_split(str = ., regex = "; ")
synonym_vec <- synonyms[[1]]
input %in% synonym_vec
# assembles
make_gene_card <- function(gene){
sgdf <- dplyr::filter(gene_info_df, symbol == {{gene}})
if(base::nrow(sgdf) == 1){
header <- stringr::str_c("Name: ", sgdf$full_name, " (", sgdf$symbol, ")")
sub <- stringr::str_c("Type: ", sgdf$type)
synonyms <- stringr::str_c("Synonyms: ", sgdf$synonyms)
if(base::is.na(synonyms)){ synonyms <- "Synonyms: None"}
summary <- stringr::str_c("\n", sgdf$summary)
if(base::is.na(summary)){ summary <- "No summary exists."}
out <- c(header, sub, synonyms, summary)
} else if(base::nrow(sgdf) == 0) {
out <-
glue::glue("Did not find gene '{gene}'.") %>%
#' @title Print gene information
#' @description Prints human readable summary texts of genes in the console.
#' @param genes Character vector of gene names.
#' @param ignore_case Logical value. If `TRUE`, ignores case when matching gene
#' names. (Gene symbols are stored with capitalized letters. Providing *'Gfap'*
#' as input for `genes` will fail if `ignore_case` is `FALSE` as the symbol
#' under which the gene is stored is written as *'GFAP'*).
#' @param use_synonyms Logical value. If `TRUE`, genes that were not matched via
#' their official gene symbol are looked for via their known synonyms.
#' @param check Logical value. If `TRUE`, input is checked for availability. If
#' FALSE, unknown elements are silently dropped.
#' @param ... Additional arguments given to [filter_genes()]. Is only applied if ...
#' is not empty.
#' @inherit synonyms_to_hgnc params
#' @return Invisible `TRUE`. Texts are immediately printed using \code{base::writeLines()}.
#' @export
#' @details See documentation for `?gene_info_df` to read about how the source
#' data.frame has been generated.
#' @examples
#' # genes are checked for validity by default
#' print_gene_info(genes = c("GFAP", "MAG", "OLIG1", "XYZ"))
#' # set check = FALSE to drop unknown genes silently
#' print_gene_info(genes = c("GFAP", "MAG", "OLIG1", "XYZ"), check = FALSE)
#' # use arguments of filter_genes()
#' print_gene_info(c("KCNH2", "NRROS"))
#' print_gene_info(c("KCNH2", "NRROS"), catchphrase = "development")
print_gene_info <- function(genes,
use_synonyms = TRUE,
ignore_case = TRUE,
check = TRUE,
warn = TRUE,
genes <- base::unique(genes)
all_symbols <- base::unique(gene_info_df[["symbol"]])
genes <- base::toupper(genes)
found <- genes[genes %in% all_symbols]
not_found <- genes[!genes %in% all_symbols]
found_by_syn <- synonyms_to_hgnc(input = not_found, verbose = FALSE, warn = warn)
genes <- base::unique(c(found, found_by_syn))
check <- FALSE
if(base::isTRUE(check) && base::length(not_found) >= 1){
confuns::check_one_of(input = genes, against = all_symbols)
if(!purrr::is_empty(x = list(...))){
genes <- filter_genes(..., genes_subset = genes)
.x = genes,
.f = function(gene){
base::writeLines(stringr::str_c(base::rep("-", 50), collapse = ""))
make_gene_card(gene = gene) %>%
#' @title Search for genes
#' @description Goes through the summary text of genes and returns
#' gene names that match the requirements.
#' @param catchphrases Character vector of catchphrases to look for.
#' @param test Character value. Determines how the input of \code{catchphrases}
#' is used to skim the genes.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{`test = 'any'`:}{ Genes are kept if at least one of the catchphrases
#' appears in the summary.}
#' \item{`test = 'all'`:}{ Genes are kept if all of the catchphrases appear
#' in the summary.}
#' \item{`test = 'none'`:}{ Genes are kept if none of the catchphrases appear
#' in the summary}
#' }
#' @param case_sensitive Logical value. If `TRUE`, the function pays attention
#' to capital- and non-capital letters. E.g. if `catchphrases = 'astrocyte'`
#' but the text of a gene only features *Astrocyte* the gene is not included
#' in the output as the text features astrocyte in upper case. Setting `case_sensitive`
#' to `FALSE`, the default, makes the function ignore upper and lower cases.
#' @param standalone Logical value. If `TRUE`, catchphrases must appear as
#' standalone words. If `FALSE`, they can be part of other words.
#' @param genes_subset Character vector or `NULL`. If character, subsets
#' gene info data.frame accordingly such that the test is only applied to
#' the provided genes.
#' @param genes_rm Character vector or `NULL`. If character, removes specified
#' genes from gene info data.frame such that the catchphrase test is only
#' applied to genes that are **not** specified.
#' @param return_var The variable of the \code{gene_info_df} that is returned
#' as a vector. Defaults to \emph{symbol}.
#' @param ... Logical tests given to \code{dplyr::filter()} that can be used to
#' prefilter the data.frame before going through the summary texts.
#' @return Character vector of gene names.
#' @details See documentation for `?gene_info_df` to read about how the source
#' data.frame has been generated.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # create a small subset of genes for demonstration purposes
#' example_genes <- c("GFAP" , "MAG", "OLIG1", "EGFR")
#' print_gene_info(genes = example_genes)
#' # different tests
#' filter_genes(
#' catchphrases = c("astrocytes", "surface"),
#' test = "any",
#' genes_subset = example_genes
#' )
#' filter_genes(
#' catchphrases = c("astrocytes", "surface"),
#' test = "all",
#' genes_subset = example_genes
#' )
#' filter_genes(
#' catchphrases = c("astrocytes", "surface"),
#' test = "none",
#' genes_subset = example_genes
#' )
#' # standalone TRUE or FALSE
#' filter_genes(
#' catchphrases = c("glyco"),
#' standalone = FALSE,
#' genes_subset = example_genes
#' )
#' filter_genes(
#' catchphrases = c("glyco"),
#' standalone = TRUE,
#' genes_subset = example_genes
#' )
filter_genes <- function(catchphrases,
test = "any",
standalone = TRUE,
case_sensitive = FALSE,
return_var = "symbol",
genes_subset = NULL,
genes_rm = NULL,
# prepare gene info data.frame
gidf <- dplyr::filter(gene_info_df, ...)
gidf <- dplyr::filter(gidf, symbol %in% {{genes_subset}})
gidf <- dplyr::filter(gidf, !symbol %in% {{genes_subset}})
# process catchphrase input
cp_low <- base::tolower(x = catchphrases)
cp_up <- base::toupper(x = catchphrases)
cp_cap <-
.x = catchphrases,
.f = ~ make_capital_letters(.x, collapse.with = " ")
catchphrases <-
.x = list(a = cp_low, b = cp_up, c = cp_cap),
.f = ~ wrap_standalone(.x, do = standalone)
) %>%
purrr::pmap(.l = ., .f = stringr::str_c, sep = "|") %>%
} else {
catchphrases <- wrap_standalone(catchphrases, do = standalone)
if(test == "any"){
pattern <- stringr::str_c(catchphrases, collapse = "|")
df <- dplyr::filter(gidf, stringr::str_detect(summary, pattern = {{pattern}}))
} else if(test == "all") {
df <- gidf
# iterate over all catchphrases and apply each as a test
for(i in base::seq_along(catchphrases)){
pattern <- stringr::str_c(catchphrases[i], collapse = "|")
df <- dplyr::filter(df, stringr::str_detect(summary, pattern = {{pattern}}))
} else if(test == "none"){
pattern <- stringr::str_c(catchphrases, collapse = "|")
df <-
.data = gidf,
(!stringr::str_detect(summary, pattern = {{pattern}}))
out <- df[[return_var]]
#' @title Map gene synonyms to HGNC symbols
#' @description Maps gene synonyms to their official HGNC symbol.
#' @param input Character vector of possible gene synonyms.
#' @param verbose Logical. If `TRUE`, informative message are printed in
#' the console about which elements of \code{input} could be matched
#' to which genes and which could not be mapped.
#' @param warn Logical. If `TRUE`, a warning is printed if elements
#' of argument `input` are neither identified as a gene symbol nor
#' as matching synonym.
#' @details Elements of \code{input} that are, in fact, synonyms are
#' replaced by their official HGNC symbol. Elements that are already
#' HGNC symbols stay as they are. Elements that are neither are silently
#' dropped.
#' @return Character vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # give feedback and warn
#' synonyms_to_hgnc(input = c("GFAP", "M33", "XXX"), verbose = T, warn = T)
#' # give only feedback and drop silently
#' synonyms_to_hgnc(input = c("GFAP", "M33", "XXX"), verbose = T, warn = F)
synonyms_to_hgnc <- function(input, verbose = FALSE, warn = TRUE, ...){
confuns::is_vec(x = input, mode = "character")
genes <- input[is_gene_symbol(input)]
synonyms_inp <- input[is_gene_synonym(input)]
neither <- input[!input %in% c(genes, synonyms_inp)]
if(base::length(synonyms_inp) >= 1){
syn_pattern <-
stringr::str_c("( |)", synonyms_inp, "(;| )") %>%
stringr::str_c(collapse = "|")
genes_by_syn <-
.data = gene_info_df,
stringr::str_detect(synonyms, pattern = {{syn_pattern}})
if(base::nrow(genes_by_syn) >= 1){
for(i in 1:base::nrow(genes_by_syn)){
gene <- base::as.character(genes_by_syn[i, "symbol"])
gene_synonyms <- get_gene_synonyms(gene)
mapped_syn <- base::unique(synonyms_inp[synonyms_inp %in% gene_synonyms])
synonyms_inp[synonyms_inp %in% mapped_syn] <- gene
if(base::length(mapped_syn) == 1){
msg <- glue::glue("Mapping synonym '{mapped_syn}' to gene '{gene}'.")
msg = msg,
verbose = verbose,
with.time = FALSE,
# merge genes and synonyms_inp (exchanged during for loop)
out <- c(genes, synonyms_inp)
if(base::length(neither) >= 1){
neither <- confuns::scollapse(neither)
msg <- glue::glue("Neither gene nor synonym: '{neither}'.")
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