
context('student t distributions')

set.seed(1234) # can comment out for non-automated tests

params <- data.frame(
  mu=c(1,-6,2,-3,32,-2,40), sig.sq=c(2,3,6,1,2,3,4), df=c(2,7,4,2,1,25,35))

integral.tol <- 1e-4

for (i in 1:nrow(params)) {
  mu = params$mu[i]
  df = params$df[i]
  sig.sq = params$sig.sq[i]

  test_that(sprintf('Student t density integrates to 1 (nu=%f, mu=%f, sigma^2=%f)', df, mu, sig.sq), {
    igral <- integrate(function(x) dst(x, df = df, location = mu, scale = sig.sq), lower=-Inf, upper=Inf)
    expect_equal(1, igral$value)

  test_that(sprintf('Student t density and log density agree (nu=%f, mu=%f, sigma^2=%f)', df, mu, sig.sq), {
    xs <- seq(-100*sig.sq+mu, 100*sig.sq+mu, length.out = 10)
    dens <- dst(xs, df = df, location = mu, scale = sig.sq)
    log.dens <- dst(xs, df = df, location = mu, scale = sig.sq, log = TRUE)
    expect_equal(dens, exp(log.dens))

  test_that(sprintf('Student t density integrates to cdf (nu=%f, mu=%f, sigma^2=%f)', df, mu, sig.sq), {
    limits <- seq(mu-2*sig.sq, mu+2*sig.sq, length.out = 5)
    lapply(limits, function(lim) {
      igral <- integrate(function(x) dst(x, df = df, location = mu, scale = sig.sq), lower=-Inf, upper=lim)
      p <- pst(lim, df = df, location = mu, scale = sig.sq)
      expect_lt(abs(igral$value - p), integral.tol)

  test_that(sprintf('KS test for student t & cdf (nu=%f, mu=%f, sigma^2=%f)', df, mu, sig.sq), {
    draws <- rst(1e4, df = df, location = mu, scale = sig.sq)
    kt <- ks.test(draws, 'pst', df = df, location = mu, scale = sig.sq)
    expect_gt(kt$p.value, 0.01)

test_that('Student t draws the right number of variates', {
  ts <- rst(n = 243, df = 3)
  expect_equal(243, length(ts))

# generate a random dxd positive definite matrix
random.pos.def <- function(d) {
  X <- matrix(rnorm(d^2), ncol = d)
  Sigma <- t(X) %*% X
  if (prod(eigen(Sigma)$values) > 0)

test_that('MV student t draws the right number of variates', {
  Sigma <- random.pos.def(4)
  mu <- rnorm(4)
  ts <- rmvst(n = 43, nu = 3, mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma)
  expect_equal(c(43, 4), dim(ts))

test_that('2D multivariate student integrates to unity', {
  # we'll use 50 as 'infinity'
  mu <- c(1,2)
  Sigma <- matrix(c(3,0.5,0.5,6), 2)
  nu <- 50 # keep tails small
  f <- function(x)
    dmvst(x, nu = nu, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma)
  volume <- pcubature(f, lowerLimit=c(-50, -50), upperLimit=c(50, 50), vectorInterface = F)
  expect_true(abs(volume$integral - 1) < integral.tol)
kuperov/acfunc documentation built on May 6, 2019, 10:50 p.m.