##### COPYRIGHT #############################################################################################################
# This package is governed by the JRD OCTOPUS License, which is the
# GNU General Public License V3 with additional terms. The precise license terms are located in the files
##### TODO(Kyle) - Create a version with S3 classes rather than S4.
# Description #####
# This class can be used to simulate the arrival times of patients in a simulated trial. The class assumes
# a Poisson process and allows the user to several options, such as ramp up the accrual rate which typically
# occurs in clinical trials.
# This is an S4 class with function to allow users to call the code without knowledge of S4. S4 classes
# should be avoided if possible.
# Keywords: Patient arrival time, patient accrual
# Example:
# vPatsPerMonth <- c(5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50) # The ramp up in expected Pat/month
# nMaxQtyPats <- 100 # Maximum of 100 patients
# ap <- NewAccrualProcess( vQtyPatsPerMonth = vPatsPerMonth, nMaxQtyPatients = nMaxQtyPats )
# vAccTimes <- SimulateArrivalTimes( ap )
##### Developer(s): J. Kyle Wathen, PhD #####
if( isClass(Class="AccrualMethods") )
setGeneric( name = "Validate", def=function(obj){standardGeneric("Validate")})
Class = "AccrualMethods",
representation = representation(
m.vQtyPatsPerMonth = "numeric", #Required - enrolment rate per month.
#If length=1 constant rate else monthly rate and will only enroll for length( m.vQtyPatPerMonth)-->make sure
#to provide enough monthly rates to meet max # patients and/or length
m.nMaxQtyPatients = "numeric", #The maximum number of patients to enroll
m.nMaxMonthsOfAccrual = "numeric", #Maximum time to accrue patients, the number of patients is random
m.strDescription = "character", #Used to keep track of options, helps ease printing
m.bValid = "logical", #Is the class valid?
m.strError = "character" #If the class is not valid this is a string with an error code/description
)#End - AccrualMethods
setGeneric( name = "SimulateArrivalTimes", def=function(cAP){standardGeneric("SimulateArrivalTimes")})
setGeneric( name = "SimulateAdditionalArrivalTimes",def=function(cAP, nQtyPats, vCurrentStartTimes){standardGeneric("SimulateAdditionalArrivalTimes")})
#GetSlot Generics
setGeneric( name = "GetMaxQtyPats", def=function(cAP){standardGeneric("GetMaxQtyPats")})
setGeneric( name = "GetMaxQtyMonths", def=function(cAP){standardGeneric("GetMaxQtyMonths")})
setGeneric( name = "GetDescription", def=function(cAP){standardGeneric("GetDescription")})
#Set the replace methods for the slots
#Validate checks things about the class to make sure it is "valid" and ready to be used
setGeneric( name = "Validate", def=function(obj){standardGeneric("Validate")})
# vQtyPatsPerMonth is a vector (possibly of length 1 for constant rate) for the number of patient accrued each month
# For this function you must supply nMaxQtyPatients and/or nMaxMonthsOfAccrual
# Accrual will continue until either the max qty of patient or max months of accrual is reached,
# which ever comes first
#' @name NewAccrualProcess
#' @title NewAccrualProcess
#' @description {This class can be used to simulate the arrival times of patients in a simulated trial. The function
#' NewAccrualProcess returns an object used to simulate arrival times for patients by calling
#' The class assumes
#' a Poisson process and allows the user to several options, such as ramp up the accrual rate which typically
#' occurs in clinical trials.
#' #'
#' For this function you must supply nMaxQtyPatients and/or nMaxMonthsOfAccrual
#' Accrual will continue until either the max qty of patient or max months of accrual is reached,
#' which ever comes first
#' }
#' @param vQtyPatsPerMonth A vector (possibly of length 1 for constant rate) for the number of patient accrued each month
#' @param nMaxQtyPatients The maximum of of patient recruitment times to simulate.
#' @param nMaxMonthsOfAccrual The maximum number of months that you want to simulate accrual for.
#' @details{ If both nMaxQtyPatients and nMaxMonthsOfAccrual are supplied then the returned vector will be at most
#' nMaxQtyPatients in length. However, when nMaxMonthsOfAccrual all values will be less than nMaxMonthsOfAccrual so the
#' length of the returned vector could be less than nMaxQtyPatient. }
#' @examples
#' vPatsPerMonth <- c(5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50) # The ramp up in expected Pat/month
#' nMaxQtyPats <- 100 # Maximum of 100 patients
#' ap <- NewAccrualProcess( vQtyPatsPerMonth = vPatsPerMonth, nMaxQtyPatients = nMaxQtyPats )
#' vAccTimes <- SimulateArrivalTimes( ap )
#' @seealso \code{\link{SimulateArrivalTimes}} for simulating the arrival times once you have created the object..
#' @export
NewAccrualProcess <- function( vQtyPatsPerMonth, nMaxQtyPatients, nMaxMonthsOfAccrual )
if( missing( nMaxQtyPatients ) & missing( nMaxMonthsOfAccrual ))
stop( "Error in NewAccrualProcess: You must supply nMaxQtyPatients and/or nMaxMonthsOfAccrual.")
if( missing( nMaxQtyPatients ) )
nMaxQtyPatients <- -1
if( missing( nMaxMonthsOfAccrual ) )
nMaxMonthsOfAccrual <- -1
apRet <- new( Class = "AccrualMethods",
vQtyPatsPerMonth = vQtyPatsPerMonth,
nMaxQtyPatients = nMaxQtyPatients,
nMaxMonthsOfAccrual = nMaxMonthsOfAccrual )
return( apRet )
setMethod( f = "initialize",
signature( .Object="AccrualMethods" ),
definition=function( .Object, vQtyPatsPerMonth, nMaxQtyPatients, nMaxMonthsOfAccrual )
# First assign the slots
.Object@m.vQtyPatsPerMonth <- vQtyPatsPerMonth
.Object@m.nMaxQtyPatients <- nMaxQtyPatients
.Object@m.nMaxMonthsOfAccrual <- nMaxMonthsOfAccrual
#Now we need to Validate the object or the validity function does not run!
#The following if block is set-up to make sure that if the user sends in a vector for vQtypatsPerMonth
# that is WAY to long to make sure that we are only generating slightly more than needed. This was done
# because if the vector is way too long it could take considerably more time, especially in the case of a ramp-up
if( nMaxQtyPatients > 0 && length( vQtyPatsPerMonth ) > 1)
vTmpCumSum <- cumsum( vQtyPatsPerMonth )
vTmpCumSum <- vTmpCumSum[ vTmpCumSum < 2*nMaxQtyPatients ]
.Object@m.vQtyPatsPerMonth <- .Object@m.vQtyPatsPerMonth[ 1:length( vTmpCumSum) ]
if( .Object@m.nMaxQtyPatients > 0 & .Object@m.nMaxMonthsOfAccrual > 0 )
strDesc <- "Accrual will continue until either the max qty of patients or max months"
strDesc <- paste( strDesc, " of accrual is reached, whichever comes first.")
.Object@m.strDescription <- strDesc
else if( .Object@m.nMaxQtyPatients > 0)
strDesc <- "Accrual will continue until the max qty of patients is reached."
.Object@m.strDescription <- strDesc
else if( .Object@m.nMaxMonthsOfAccrual > 0 )
strDesc <- "Accrual will continue until max months of accrual is reached."
.Object@m.strDescription <- strDesc
if( length( vQtyPatsPerMonth ) > 1 )
.Object@m.strDescription <- paste( .Object@m.strDescription, " Using a variable accrual rate")
.Object@m.strDescription <- paste( .Object@m.strDescription, " Using a constant accrual rate")
return( .Object )
setMethod( f="Validate",
def=function( obj )
strErr <- ""
bRetValid <- FALSE
if( obj@m.nMaxQtyPatients == -1 & obj@m.nMaxMonthsOfAccrual == -1)
strErr <- "Validation Error: AccrualMethods object is invalid, you must supply nMaxQtyPatients and/or nMaxMonthsOfAccrual.\n"
bRetValid <- FALSE
else if( any( obj@m.vQtyPatsPerMonth < 0) )
strErr <- paste( strErr, "Error Code 1: An element of vQtyPatsPerMonth is < 0.\n")
bRetValid <- FALSE
else if( length( obj@m.vQtyPatsPerMonth ) > 1 & obj@m.nMaxMonthsOfAccrual > length( obj@m.vQtyPatsPerMonth ) )
strErr <- paste(strErr, "Error Code 2: Not enough monthly accrual rates were provided to reach the desired max number of months.")
bRetValid <- FALSE
bRetValid <- TRUE
obj@m.strError <- strErr
obj@m.bValid <- bRetValid
# SimulateArrivalTimes #####
#' @name SimulateArrivalTimes
#' @title SimulateArrivalTimes
#' @description {This class can be used to simulate the arrival times of patients in a simulated clinical trial. The function
#' NewAccrualProcess returns an object used to simulate arrival times for patients by calling SimulateArrivalTime.
#' The class assumes
# a Poisson process and allows the user to several options, such as ramp up the accrual rate which typically
# occurs in clinical trials.
#' After calling NewAccrualProces you can call SimulateArrivalTimes to generate a vector of accrual times.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{NewAccrualProcess}} for creating the object.
#' @param vQtyPatsPerMonth A vector (possibly of length 1 for constant rate) for the number of patient accrued each month
#' @param nMaxQtyPatients The maximum of of patient recruitment times to simulate.
#' @param nMaxMonthsOfAccrual The maximum number of months that you want to simulate accrual for.
#' @details{ If both nMaxQtyPatients and nMaxMonthsOfAccrual are supplied then the returned vector will be at most
#' nMaxQtyPatients in length. However, when nMaxMonthsOfAccrual all values will be less than nMaxMonthsOfAccrual so the
#' length of the returned vector could be less than nMaxQtyPatient. }
#' @examples
#' vPatsPerMonth <- c(5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50) # The ramp up in expected Pat/month
#' nMaxQtyPats <- 100 # Maximum of 100 patients
#' ap <- NewAccrualProcess( vQtyPatsPerMonth = vPatsPerMonth, nMaxQtyPatients = nMaxQtyPats )
#' vAccTimes <- SimulateArrivalTimes( ap )
#' @export
setMethod( f = "SimulateArrivalTimes",
signature( cAP ="AccrualMethods" ),
definition=function( cAP )
if( !cAP@m.bValid )
stop( "Error: The AccrualMethods object must be valid before calling SimulateArrivalTimes.")
#This is a local function because it is only used here
SimulateAMonthlOfAccrualTimes <- function( dPatsPerMonth , dStartMonth )
vTimes <- cumsum(rexp( qpois(0.9999,dPatsPerMonth)+10,dPatsPerMonth))
vTimes <- vTimes[ vTimes < 1 ]
vTimes <- vTimes + dStartMonth
return( vTimes )
vRetAccTimes <- vector()
vPatsPerMonth <- cAP@m.vQtyPatsPerMonth
nMaxQtyPats <- cAP@m.nMaxQtyPatients
nMaxMonths <- cAP@m.nMaxMonthsOfAccrual
if( length(vPatsPerMonth) == 1 ) #Using a constant hazard
#Now either we are going to enroll for a maximum number of months, patients or whichever comes first
if( nMaxQtyPats > 0 )
#Simulate the arrival times for the max number of patients
vRetAccTimes <- cumsum( rexp( nMaxQtyPats, vPatsPerMonth[ 1 ] ) )
# No maximum number of patients supplied so need to estimate the max we need
# This is done by getting the “max” in a month * nMaxMonths *1.2 where the 1.2 is to add extra patients to make sure enough are generate
nQtyTimesToGenerate <- qpois(0.9999, vPatsPerMonth[ 1 ] * nMaxMonths) * 1.2
vExpTimes <- rexp( nQtyTimesToGenerate,vPatsPerMonth[ 1 ])
vRetAccTimes <- cumsum( vExpTimes )
# At this point we should have the last time enrolled after the nMaxMonths
# if not, then we needed to have generated more so we will do more
nQtyRetry <- 0
if( vRetAccTimes[ length(vRetAccTimes) ] < nMaxMonths )
nQtyRetry <- nQtyRetry + 1
# Simulate more times and append vExpTimes since accrual was on the low end
# we don't want to "throw" then out
vExpTimes <- c( vExpTimes, rexp( nQtyTimesToGenerate,vPatsPerMonth[ 1 ]) )
vRetAccTimes <- cumsum( vExpTimes )
if( nQtyRetry > 3 )
stop( "Error in AccrualMethods SimulateArrivalTimes - Simulate for max time failed.")
vRetAccTimes <- vRetAccTimes[ vRetAccTimes < nMaxMonths ]
else #We have a monthly accrual rate
vRetAccTimes <- unlist( mapply( SimulateAMonthlOfAccrualTimes, dPatsPerMonth = vPatsPerMonth, dStartMonth = 0:(length( vPatsPerMonth)-1)) )
if( nMaxQtyPats > 0 )
#In previous versions this created a stop, however, this suggested to just send a very long vector
# of month recruitment just to make sure this does not happen. However, this could be VERY slow due to
# an excessive length of the vector. So this was changed to just use the last moth rate for the remainder of the time
nQtyTimesSimulated <- length( vRetAccTimes )
if( nQtyTimesSimulated < nMaxQtyPats )# & nMaxMonths <= 0 ) #Not enough monthly rates were provided, thus stop because this could indicate an error
nStartMonth <- length( vPatsPerMonth)
dLastMonthRate <- vPatsPerMonth[ length( vPatsPerMonth ) ]
while( length( vRetAccTimes ) < nMaxQtyPats )
vRetAccTimes <- c( vRetAccTimes, SimulateAMonthlOfAccrualTimes( dLastMonthRate, nStartMonth ))
nStartMonth <- nStartMonth + 1
vRetAccTimes <- vRetAccTimes[ 1:nMaxQtyPats ]
# vRetAccTimes <- vRetAccTimes[ 1:nMaxQtyPats ]
#Make sure to cap the last accrual time if it was provided
if( nMaxMonths > 0 )
vRetAccTimes <- vRetAccTimes[ vRetAccTimes < nMaxMonths ]
if( nMaxQtyPats > 0 & length( vRetAccTimes ) > nMaxQtyPats )
vRetAccTimes <- vRetAccTimes[ 1:nMaxQtyPats ]
return( vRetAccTimes )
# SimulateAdditionalArrivalTimes #####
#' @name SimulateAdditionalArrivalTimes
#' @title SimulateAdditionalArrivalTimes
#' @description {
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{NewAccrualProcess}} for creating the object.
#' @param nQtyPats Number of additonal times to simulate
#' @param vCurrentStartTimes a vector of the current start times. The new times will be after the last element and the vector appended to.
#' @details{ }
#' @examples
#' vPatsPerMonth <- c(5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50) # The ramp up in expected Pat/month
#' nMaxQtyPats <- 100 # Maximum of 100 patients
#' ap <- NewAccrualProcess( vQtyPatsPerMonth = vPatsPerMonth, nMaxQtyPatients = nMaxQtyPats )
#' vAccTimes <- SimulateArrivalTimes( ap )
#' @export
setMethod( f = "SimulateAdditionalArrivalTimes",
signature( cAP ="AccrualMethods" ),
definition=function( cAP, nQtyPats, vCurrentStartTimes )
if( !cAP@m.bValid )
stop( "Error: The AccrualMethods object must be valid before calling SimulateArrivalTimes.")
vRetAccTimes <- vector()
vPatsPerMonth <- cAP@m.vQtyPatsPerMonth
dRecruitmentRate <- vPatsPerMonth[ length( vPatsPerMonth) ]
vRetAccTimes <- cumsum( rexp( nQtyPats,dRecruitmentRate ) )
vRetAccTimes <- vRetAccTimes + vCurrentStartTimes[ length( vCurrentStartTimes ) ]
vRetAccTimes <- c( vCurrentStartTimes, vRetAccTimes ) #Return the append list
return( vRetAccTimes )
# Get the slot variables #####
setMethod( f = "GetMaxQtyPats",
signature( cAP ="AccrualMethods" ),
definition=function( cAP )
return( cAP@m.nMaxQtyPatients)
setMethod( f = "GetMaxQtyMonths",
signature( cAP ="AccrualMethods" ),
definition=function( cAP )
return( cAP@m.nMaxMonthsOfAccrual)
setMethod( f = "GetDescription",
signature( cAP ="AccrualMethods" ),
definition=function( cAP )
return( cAP@m.strDescription)
# Set the slot variables #####
setReplaceMethod( f="SetQtyPatsPerMonth",
object@m.vQtyPatsPerMonth <- value
return (object)
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