##### COPYRIGHT #############################################################################################################
# This package is governed by the JRD OCTOPUS License, which is the
# GNU General Public License V3 with additional terms. The precise license terms are located in the files
#' @seealso { \href{https://github.com/kwathen/OCTOPUS/blob/master/R/RunAnalysis.AOVPerDose.R}{View Code on GitHub} }
#' @export
RunAnalysis.AOVPerDose <- function( cAnalysis, lDataAna, nISAAnalysisIndx, bIsFinalISAAnalysis, cRandomizer )
#print( "RunAnalysis.AOV")
bPlacMinusTrt <- cAnalysis$bPlacMinusTrt
lCI <- GetCILimits( cAnalysis,nISAAnalysisIndx, bIsFinalISAAnalysis )
dLowerCI <- lCI$dLowerCI
dUpperCI <- lCI$dUpperCI
dMAV <- cAnalysis$dMAV
dTV <- cAnalysis$dTV
vOut <- lDataAna$vOut
vBaseline <- lDataAna$vBaseline
vTrt <- as.factor(lDataAna$vTrt)
vTime <- as.factor(lDataAna$vTime)
vIND <- lDataAna$vIND
fit <- lm( vOut ~ vBaseline + vTrt,na.action = na.omit)
vCoeff <- coef( fit )
# Assuming 1 is the control treatment
vUniqT <- sort(unique( lDataAna$vTrt ))
vTrt <- vUniqT[ vUniqT != 1 ]
nQtyDoses <- length( vTrt )
lAllRet <- structure( list(), class=class( cAnalysis))
lRet2 <- list() #List of detailed info to return
for( iDose in 1:nQtyDoses )
strTrt <- paste( "vTrt", vTrt[iDose], sep="")
dEst <- sum( vCoeff[c(strTrt)])
nDOF <- fit$df.residual
vNames <- c("(Intercept)", strTrt)
dSE <- sqrt(sum(vcov(fit)[ vNames, vNames ]))
if( bPlacMinusTrt )
dEst <- dEst*-1
dTStat <- dEst/dSE
dPVal <- pt( dTStat, nDOF )
dCILow <- dEst - abs(qt(dLowerCI, nDOF)) * dSE
if( dUpperCI < 1.0 )
dCIUp <- dEst + qt(dUpperCI, nDOF) * dSE
lRet <- MakeDecisionBasedOnCI( dCILow, dCIUp, lAnalysis = list( dMAV = dMAV, dTV = dTV ))
else #The Upper CI = 1 --> only use the lower limit compared to MAV
dCIUp <- 99999
nGo <- nNoGo <- nPause <- 0
if( dCILow > dMAV )
nGo <- 1
nNoGo <- 1
lRet <- list( nGo = nGo, nNoGo = nNoGo, nPause = nPause)
lRet2[[ paste( "lRet", iDose,sep="") ]] <- list( dEst = dEst, dCILow = dCILow, dCIUpper = dCIUp )
lAllRet[[ paste( "lRet", iDose,sep="")]] <- lRet
lRet <- MakeDecisionDoses( lAllRet )
if(!is.null(cAnalysis$nVerboseOutput) && cAnalysis$nVerboseOutput== 1)
lRet[["lRet2"]] <- lRet2
lRet$cRandomizer <- cRandomizer
return( lRet )
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