##### COPYRIGHT #############################################################################################################
# This package is governed by the JRD OCTOPUS License, which is the
# GNU General Public License V3 with additional terms. The precise license terms are located in the files
#Formerley called SimPatientOutcomes.MVNWithCovariate but name was changed to be more descriptive
#' @name SimPatientOutcomes.MVNByGroup
#' @aliases{SimPatientOutcomes.MVNByGroup}
#' @title SimPatientOutcomes.MVNByGroup
#' @description In this SimPatientOutcomes function we simulate patients from a MVN where there is a group covariate.
#' For each arm in the ISA you specify a lSimArm that specifies how the patients in that
#' arm are to be simulated.
#' The cSimoutcomes is a structure( list(lSimArm1, lSimArm2,..., lSimArmXX), class="MVNByGroup" )
#' Assuming the number of groups you want to simulate from is J, each lSimArm will have the following elements
#' Required for XX in 1:J :
#' $vMeanXX - The mean vector for group XX
#' $mVarCovXX - The var-cov matrix for group XX
#' $vProbGroup - Probability a patient is in each group
#' $vObsTime - The times each of the outcomes are observed length( vObsTime ) == length( vMeanXX ); for all XX
#' Optional Argument to constrain the simulated results if needed:
#' $dMinimum - All simulated values must be >= dMinimum
#' $dMaximum - All simulated values must be <= dMaximum
#' @examples{ ## This example contains 2 arms and each arm will simulate from 2 populaitons.
#' ## Assuming vMeanR1, vMeanNR2 are mean vector for arm 1 defined elsewhere in the code and have length = 3
#' ## Assuming mVarCovR1, mVarCovNR1 are var-cov for arm 1 defined elsewhere in the code and are a 3x3 matrix
#' ## Assuming vMeanR2, vMeanNR2 are mean vector for arm 2 defined elsewhere in the code and have length = 3
#' ## Assuming mVarCovR2, mVarCovNR2 are var-cov for arm 2 defined elsewhere in the code and are a 3x3 matrix
#' ## The following example would simulate patient with 3 measurements. For arm 1, on average, 20% would
#' ## be from group 1 and 80% from group 2 with the respective mean and var-cov. Patients in arm 2 would be simulated
#' ## with 30%, on average, from group 1 and 70%, on average, from group 2 with the respective mean and var cov.
#' vMeanR1 <- c( 10, 15 )
#' mVarCovR1 <- diag(1, nrow=2)
#' vMeanNR1 <- c( 5, 8 )
#' mVarCovNR1 <- diag( 1, nrow=2)
#' lSimArm1 <- list( vMean1 = vMeanR1,
#' mVarCov1 = mVarCovR1,
#' vMean2 = vMeanNR1,
#' mVarCov2 = mVarCovNR1,
#' vProbGroup = c( 0.2, .8 ),
#' dMinimum = 0,
#' vObsTime = c( 0, 2, 4 ))
#' vMeanR2 <- c( 10, 15 )
#' mVarCovR2 <- diag(1, nrow=2)
#' vMeanNR2 <- c( 5, 8 )
#' mVarCovNR2 <- diag( 1, nrow=2)
#' lSimArm2 <- list( vMean1 = vMeanR2,
#' mVarCov1 = mVarCovR2,
#' vMean2 = vMeanNR2,
#' mVarCov2 = mVarCovNR2,
#' vProbGroup = c( 0.3, .7 ),
#' dMinimum = 0,
#' vObsTime = c( 0, 2, 4 ))
#' cSimOutcomes <- structure( list(lSimArm1 = lSimArm1, lSimArm2 = lSimArm2), class = "MVNByGroup" )
#' }
#' @seealso { \href{https://github.com/kwathen/OCTOPUS/blob/master/R/SimPatientOutcomes.MVNByGroup.R}{View Code on GitHub} }
#' @export
SimPatientOutcomes.MVNByGroup <- function( cSimOutcomes, cISADesign , dfPatCovISA )
if( !is.null( dfPatCovISA ) )
stop( "SimPatientOutcomes.MVNByGroup is not designed to incorporate patient covariates and dfPatCovISA is not NULL, please try SimPatOutcomes.MVNWithCovariates.")
#print("SimPatientOutcomes.MVNByGroup" )
vQtyPats <- cISADesign$vQtyPats
nQtyGroups <- length( cSimOutcomes$lSimArm1$vProbGroup)
vPatTrt <- rep( cISADesign$vTrtLab, vQtyPats )
nQtyArms <- length( vQtyPats )
vstrMeanName <- paste( "vMean", 1:nQtyGroups, sep="")
vstrVarCovName <- paste( "mVarCov", 1:nQtyGroups, sep="")
vstrSimArm <- paste( "lSimArm", 1:nQtyArms, sep="" )
#TODO: Validation to be moved to a Validate phase?
bValid <- TRUE
strErr <- ""
strErrPrfx <- "SimPatientOutcomes.MVNByGroup - Validation Error: "
if( length( cSimOutcomes ) != nQtyArms )
bValid <- FALSE
strErr <- paste( strErrPrfx, "The number of arms in ISA ( ", nQtyArms, " )")
strErr <- paste( strErr, " != number of lSimArms ( ", length( cSimOutcomes), " in cSimOutcomes object.")
for( iArm in 1:nQtyArms )
lSimArm <- cSimOutcomes[[ vstrSimArm[ iArm ]]]
if( sum( lSimArm$vProbGroup ) != 1 )
bValid <- FALSE
strErr <- paste( strErr, strErrPrfx, "For lSimArm", iArm, " sum( vProbGroup ) != 1.")
if( length( lSimArm$vMean1 ) != length( lSimArm$vObsTime ) )
bValid <- FALSE
strErr <- paste( strErr, strErrPrfx, "For lSimArm", iArm, " length( lSimArm$vMean1 ) != legnth( lSimArm$vObsTime )")
#TODO: More validation
# 1. Make sure the number of vMean and mVarCov supplied = length( vProbGroup )
# 2. Make sure length( vMeanX ) = nrow( mVarCovX ) = ncol( mVarCov )
### End Validation
mOutcome <- NULL
vIndGrp <- NULL #Will be a vector of what group a patient is in
iGrp <- 1
iArm <- 1
repeat # loop over the arms
nQtyPats <- vQtyPats[ iArm ] # This is the number of patients on the arm, now need to know how many are IR and NV
lSimArm <- cSimOutcomes[[ vstrSimArm[ iArm ]]]
vProbGroup <- lSimArm$vProbGroup
vPatsPerGrp <- rmultinom( 1, size= nQtyPats, prob = vProbGroup )[,1] #rmultinom returns a matrix with column for each sample, only need 1 column
vIndGrp <- c( vIndGrp, rep( 1:nQtyGroups, vPatsPerGrp) )
# Now need to simulate outcomes from each group
iGrp <- 1
repeat #Loop over the groups
vMean <- lSimArm[[ vstrMeanName[ iGrp ] ]]
mVarCov <- lSimArm[[ vstrVarCovName[ iGrp ] ]] #var-cov only depends on the group
if(vPatsPerGrp[ iGrp ] > 0 )
mOutcomeTmp <- MASS::mvrnorm( n= vPatsPerGrp[ iGrp ], vMean, mVarCov, tol = .1 )
## Need to check the minimums and maximums
if( is.null( lSimArm$dMinimum ) == FALSE ) # A minimum was supplied
mOutcomeTmp[ mOutcomeTmp <= lSimArm$dMinimum ] <- lSimArm$dMinimum
if( is.null( lSimArm$dMaximum ) == FALSE ) # A maximum was supplied
mOutcomeTmp[ mOutcomeTmp >= lSimArm$dMaximum ] <- lSimArm$dMaximum
mOutcome <- rbind( mOutcome, mOutcomeTmp)
if( iGrp == nQtyGroups )
iGrp <- iGrp + 1
} #End of for loop over the groups
if( iArm == nQtyArms )
iArm <- iArm + 1
} #End of loop over the arms
lSimDataRet <- structure( list( mSimOut1 = mOutcome, vObsTime1 = cSimOutcomes[[1]]$vObsTime, vCov1 = vIndGrp ), class= class(cSimOutcomes) )
lSimDataRet$nQtyOut <- 1
lSimDataRet$vPatTrt <- vPatTrt
#lSimDataRet$vPatISA <- rep( cTrialDesign$vISA, cTrialDesign$vQtyPats )
return( lSimDataRet )
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