
Defines functions wrapgmm

Documented in wrapgmm

#' Wrap Mixture of Gaussians into \code{S3} object of class 'wrapgmm'
#' @export
wrapgmm <- function(wglist, weight=rep(1/length(wglist), length(wglist))){
  # Preprocessing
  #   1. should be a list
  if (!is.list(wglist)){
    stop("* wrapgmm : 'wglist' should be a list.")
  #   2. all from 'wrapgauss' object
  if (!(all(unlist(lapply(wglist, inherits, "wrapgauss"))==TRUE))){
    stop("* wrapgmm : 'wglist' should be a list of 'wrapgauss' objects.")
  #   3. all have same dimension
  extract_dimension <- function(wg){
  if (length(unique(unlist(lapply(wglist, extract_dimension))))!=1){
    stop("* wrapgmm : 'wglist' should be a list of 'wrapgauss' objects having same dimension.")
  #   4. weight
  if ((!is.vector(weight))||(length(weight)!=length(wglist))){
    stop("* wrapgmm : 'weight' should be a vector of same length as 'wglist'.")
  myweight = weight/sum(weight)

  # Wrap it
  theobj = list()
  theobj$wglist = wglist
  theobj$weight = myweight
  return(structure(theobj, class="wrapgmm"))
kyoustat/T4Gauss documentation built on April 9, 2020, 10:47 a.m.