
Defines functions getlabel getlabel.default getlabel.one getlabel.data

Documented in getlabel

#' Obtain label of variable(s) based on metadata information
#' @description A function to obtain label of one vector or each variable in one data frame based on pre-defined metadata information.
#' @param x a vector or data frame to get label.
#' @param meta a data frame contains metadata of the dataset. This data frame should have the following variables: varname (character variable specifies name of each variable), label (character variable specifies label of each variables), type (character variable specifies type of each variable [numeric, factor, character, datetime], unit (character variable specifies units of each continuous variable), scale (numeric variable specifies how each variable will be scaled).
#' @param unit a logical value specifies whether unit will be appendded in the label of continous variables.
#' @param fit a logical value specifies whether the label will use presentation as in model fitting.
#' @return vector of character of label
#' @export
getlabel <- function(x, meta = NULL, unit = TRUE, fit = FALSE){
  if (is.null(dim(x))) {
    getlabel.one(x, meta = meta, unit = unit, fit = fit)
  } else {
    getlabel.data(x, meta = meta, unit = unit, fit = fit)

getlabel.default <- function(x, unit = TRUE, fit = FALSE){
  if (is.null(attr(x, "type"))) attr(x, "type") <- ""
  if (is.null(attr(x, "label"))) attr(x, "label") <- ""

  # to create polished label
  if ((is.factor(x) | attr(x, 'type') == 'factor') | unit == FALSE) {
    # if factor or do not need unit
    as.character(attr(x, 'label'))
  } else {
    # if not factor and need unit
    new_unit <- ifelse(fit == FALSE, ifelse(is.null(attr(x, 'unit')), '', attr(x, 'unit')),
                             ifelse(is.null(attr(x, 'scale')), 1, attr(x, 'scale')),
                             ' ',
                             ifelse(is.null(attr(x, 'unit')), '', attr(x, 'unit')), sep = ''))
    ifelse(new_unit == "",
           as.character(attr(x, 'label')),
           as.character(paste(attr(x, 'label'), ' [', new_unit, ']', sep = '')))


getlabel.one <- function(x, meta = NULL, unit = TRUE, fit = FALSE){
  # to create polished label for variable x from meta information

  if (!is.null(meta)) {
    # extract meta info
    .label <- ifelse(is.na(meta$label[meta$varname == x]), '', meta$label[meta$varname == x])
    .unit <- ifelse(is.na(meta$unit[meta$varname == x]), '', meta$unit[meta$varname == x])
    .scale <- ifelse(is.na(meta$scale[meta$varname == x]), 1, meta$scale[meta$varname == x])
    .type <- meta$type[meta$varname == x]

    # create label
    if (.type == 'factor' | unit == FALSE) {
      # if factor or do not need unit
      out <- as.character(.label)
    } else {
      # if not factor and need unit
      new_unit <- ifelse(fit == FALSE, .unit, paste('+', .scale, ' ', .unit, sep = ''))
      out <- as.character(paste(.label, ' [', new_unit, ']', sep = ''))
  } else {
    # if no meta information
    out <- getlabel.default(x, unit = unit, fit = fit)

  # return

getlabel.data <- function(data, meta = NULL, unit = TRUE, fit = FALSE){
  # to create polished label for variables in data frame data from meta information

  out <- names(data)

  if (!is.null(meta)) {
    namedat <- merge(data.frame(varname = out), meta, by = 'varname', all.x = TRUE)

    # extract meta info
    namedat <- transform(.label = ifelse(is.na(label), varname, label),
                         .unit = ifelse(is.na(unit), '', unit),
                         .scale = ifelse(is.na(scale),  1, scale))

    # create label
    if (unit == FALSE) {
      out <- as.character(namedat$.label)
    } else {
      if (fit) {namedat$.unit <- with(namedat, paste('+', .scale, ' ', .unit, sep = ''))}
      out <- with(namedat, ifelse(type == 'factor', as.character(.label), as.character(paste0(.label, ' [', .unit, ']'))))
  } else {
    if (ncol(data) == 1) {
      out <- getlabel.default(data)
    } else {
      out <- sapply(data, getlabel.default)
    if (any(out == "")){
      tmp <- colnames(data)
      out <- ifelse(out == "", tmp, out)

  # return
lampk/C306 documentation built on Sept. 11, 2019, 8:03 a.m.