
#' @title Debias NLDAS wind
#' @description Debias NLDAS wind based on known post-2001 NLDAS/NARR 
#' issue
#' @param drivers A GLM drivers data.frame
#' @export
driver_nldas_wind_debias = function(drivers, ...){
  #nldas = read.csv(fpath, header=TRUE)
  drivers$time = as.POSIXct(drivers$time)
  after_2001 = drivers$time > as.POSIXct('2001-12-31')
  drivers$WindSpeed[after_2001] = drivers$WindSpeed[after_2001] * 0.921
  #driver_path = tempfile(fileext='.csv')
  #write.csv(nldas, driver_path, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

#' @title Duplicate n years of initial data
#' @export
driver_add_burnin_years = function(drivers, nyears=2){
  #drivers = read.csv(get_driver_path(fname, driver_name), header=TRUE)
  drivers$time = as.POSIXct(drivers$time)
  for(i in 1:nyears){
    to_dup = drivers[1:365, ]
    to_dup$time = to_dup$time - as.difftime(365, units='days')  #drop 365 days from the date/time col
    drivers = rbind(to_dup, drivers)
  #new_fpath = tempfile(fileext='.csv')
  #write.table(drivers, new_fpath, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, sep=',')

#' @title Debias a driver dataset using NLDAS
#' @description Debiases airT and SW based on a linear model of driver to NLDAS
#' airT and a simple offset with SW
#' @export
driver_nldas_debias_airt_sw = function(drivers, nldas){
    nldas = read.csv(nldas, header=TRUE)
  dscale = drivers #read.csv(fpath, header=TRUE)
  #nldas = read.csv(get_driver_path(paste0(site_id, '.csv'), driver_name='NLDAS'), header=TRUE)
  dbiased = dscale
  names(nldas) = paste0('nldas_', names(nldas))
  names(nldas)[1] = 'time'
  overlap = merge(nldas, dscale, by='time')
  #Debias wind with a multiplier
  wnd_multip = 1/(mean(overlap$WindSpeed)/mean(overlap$nldas_WindSpeed))
  dbiased$WindSpeed = dbiased$WindSpeed*wnd_multip
  #debias airT with linear model
  air_lm = lm(nldas_AirTemp~AirTemp, overlap)
  dbiased$AirTemp = predict(air_lm, dbiased)
  dbiased$ShortWave = dbiased$ShortWave + (mean(overlap$nldas_ShortWave) - mean(overlap$ShortWave))
  #driver_path = tempfile(fileext='.csv')
  #write.csv(dbiased, driver_path, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

#' @title Add rain to specific month
#' @param drivers A data.frame with driver data
#' @param months The numeric months to add rain (Defaults to summer months 7-9)
#' @param rain_add Amount of rain to add across the months in meters
#' @details This is used to artificially add rain to a met file during 
#' specific months (when it will impact heat budget the least).
#' @export
driver_add_rain = function(drivers, months=7:9, rain_add=1){
	d_month = as.POSIXlt(drivers$time)$mon + 1
	d_year  = as.POSIXlt(drivers$time)$year + 1900
	indx    = d_month %in% months
	n_years = length(unique(d_year[indx]))
	n_days  = sum(indx)
	per_day = (rain_add * n_years)/n_days

	drivers[indx,]$Rain = drivers[indx,]$Rain + per_day

#' @title Save a driver data.frame to a temporary file
#' @param drivers Driver data.frame object to save
#' @return path to saved file
#' @description 
#' Creates a temporary file and saves the supplied driver data.frame
#' to that file. Returns the path to the temporary file.
#' @export
driver_save = function(drivers){
  driver_path = gsub('\\\\', '/', tempfile(fileext='.csv'))
  write.csv(drivers, driver_path, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
lawinslow/nldastools documentation built on May 20, 2019, 8:25 p.m.