Man pages for lazappi/RNAtools
RNAtools - Functions for processing RNA-seq data

combineMatricesCombine Matrices
countBoxplotsCount Boxplot
countDensityCount Density
countHeatmapCount heatmap
countMACount MA
counts2DESeqCounts to DESeq
counts2DESeq2Counts to DESeq2
counts2edgeRCounts to edgeR
counts2ObjectsCounts to Objects
counts2voomCounts to voom
cpmTransformCounts Per Million transform counts
deseq2NormDESeq2 Normalise
deseq2TestDESeq2 Test
deseqNormDESeq Normalise
deseqTestDESeq Test
edgeRNormedgeR Normalise
edgeRTestedgeR Test
geneSummaryGene Summary
geneVennGene Venn Diagram
heatmapDendroHeatmap Dendrogram
heatmapLegendHeatmap legend
jaccardTableJaccard Table
listBoxplotsList Boxplots
listCountMAList Count MA
listDensityList Density
listHeatmapsList Heatmaps
listMDSList MDS
listNormList Normalise
listPCAList PCA
listPlotPvalsList p-value plots
listRegulariseList Regularise
listResultsMAList Results MA
listTestList Test
listVolcanoList Volcano
logCPMTransformLog Counts Per Million transform counts
logTransformLog transform counts
makeHeatmapMake Heatmap
plotFoldChangePlot Fold Change
plotPvalsPlot p-values
regulariseResultsRegularise Results
resultsMAResults MA
rlogTransformRegularised log transform counts
sampleMDSSample MDS plot
samplePCASample PCA Plot
setTableGene Set Table
showHeatmapShow heatmap
transformCountsTransform counts
vennGenesVenn Genes
volcanoPlotVolcano Plot
voomNormvoom Normalise
voomTestvoom Test
vstTransformVST transform counts
lazappi/RNAtools documentation built on May 20, 2019, 8:26 p.m.