

test_that("parents are extracted", {
  e <- as.environment(list(a = 1, b = 2))
  p <- extract_parents(e, bquote(a <- b))
  expect_equal(p, 'b')

  e <- as.environment(list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3))
  p <- extract_parents(e, bquote(a <- b + c))
  expect_equal(p, c('b', 'c'))

  e <- as.environment(list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, f = function(x)x**2))
  p <- extract_parents(e, bquote(a <- f(b + c)))
  expect_equal(p, c('b', 'c', 'f'))

test_that("store environment", {
  m <- storage::memory()
  e <- as.environment(list(a = 1, b = 2, c = iris))

  i <- store_environment(m, e, bquote())
  expect_named(i, names(e))
  expect_length(storage::os_list(m), 3)

  # store and extract parents
  m <- storage::memory()
  e <- as.environment(list(a = 2, b = 1))

  i <- store_environment(m, e, bquote(a <- b + 1))
  t <- storage::os_read_tags(m, storage::compute_id(2))
  expect_equivalent(t$parents, storage::compute_id(1))

test_that("store plot", {
  m <- storage::memory()
  e <- as.environment(list(a = 2, b = 1))

  i <- store_plot(m, dummy_plot(), e, bquote(plot(a, b)))
  t <- storage::os_read_tags(m, i)
  expect_equal(t$parents, c('a', 'b'))

test_that("object is stripped of environments", {
  m <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, iris)
  n <- strip_object(m)

  this_env <- environment()
  expect_identical(attr(m$terms, '.Environment'), this_env)
  expect_identical(attr(n$terms, '.Environment'), emptyenv())

test_that("stripping preserves address", {

  stripped <- strip_object(iris)
  expect_identical(stripped, iris)
  expect_identical(data.table::address(stripped), data.table::address(iris))

test_that("recognize stores", {
  st1 <- filled_store(tempdir())
  on.exit(remove_store(st1), add = TRUE)

  ret <- discover_object_store(tempdir())

  expect_length(ret, 1)

  # add another store
  st2 <- filled_store(tempdir())
  on.exit(remove_store(st2), add = TRUE)

  ret <- discover_object_store(tempdir())
  expect_length(ret, 2)
  expect_true(all(vapply(ret, storage::is_filesystem_dir, logical(1))))

  # empty directory does not change the result
  dir <- file.path(tempdir(), 'xyz')
  on.exit(unlink(dir), add = TRUE)

  ret <- discover_object_store(tempdir())
  expect_length(ret, 2)

test_that("choose store if exists", {
  st <- filled_store(tempdir())
  on.exit(remove_store(st), add = TRUE)

  ret <- prepare_object_store(tempdir())
  expect_s3_class(ret, 'object_store')
  expect_s3_class(ret, 'filesystem')
  expect_equal(as.character(ret), as.character(st))

test_that("recognize store in path", {
  st <- filled_store(tempdir())
  on.exit(remove_store(st), add = TRUE)

  ret <- prepare_object_store(as.character(st))
  expect_equal(as.character(ret), as.character(st))

test_that("recognize an empty dir as a store", {
  st <- empty_store()

  ret <- discover_object_store(as.character(st))
  expect_length(ret, 1)
  expect_equal(ret, as.character(st))

test_that("do not choose if more than one", {
  st1 <- filled_store(tempdir())
  on.exit(remove_store(st1), add = TRUE)

  st2 <- filled_store(tempdir())
  on.exit(remove_store(st2), add = TRUE)

  # errors out and asks user to make the choice
  expect_error(ret <- prepare_object_store(tempdir(), FALSE))

test_that("create if top dir does not exist", {
  parent_path <- file.path(tempdir(), 'test-parent')
  on.exit(unlink(parent_path, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  store_path <- file.path(parent_path, 'top-level-store-dir')

  expect_warning(ret <- prepare_object_store(store_path, FALSE))
  expect_s3_class(ret, 'filesystem')
  expect_equal(as.character(ret), store_path)

test_that("reattach", {
  state <- empty_state()
  store <- commit_filesystem_store()
  env   <- new.env()

  reattach_to_store(state, store, env, "abort", TRUE)
  expect_length(env, 3)
  expect_named(env, c("x", "y", "z"), ignore.order = TRUE)

test_that("reattach to empty store", {
  state <- empty_state()
  store <- empty_store()
  env   <- new.env()

  reattach_to_store(state, store, env, "abort", TRUE)
  expect_length(env, 0)
  expect_identical(state$stash, store)

test_that("reattach to non-empty, overwrite", {
  state <- empty_state()
  store <- commit_filesystem_store()
  env   <- as.environment(list(a = 1))

  expect_error(reattach_to_store(state, store, env, "abort", TRUE))

  expect_warning(reattach_to_store(state, store, env, "overwrite", TRUE))
  expect_length(env, 3)
  expect_named(env, c("x", "y", "z"), ignore.order = TRUE)
  expect_equal(state$last_commit$id, 'd')

test_that("reattach with merge", {
  state <- empty_state()
  store <- commit_filesystem_store()
  env   <- as.environment(list(a = 1))

  expect_warning(reattach_to_store(state, store, env, "merge", TRUE))
  expect_length(env, 4)
  expect_named(env, c("a", "x", "y", "z"), ignore.order = TRUE)
  expect_false(identical(state$last_commit$id, 'd'))
  expect_equal(state$last_commit$parent, 'd')

test_that("reattach with choice", {
  state <- empty_state()
  store <- commit_filesystem_store()

  storage::os_write(store, 1, auto_tags(1), 't')
  write_commit(store, commit(list(x = 't'), bquote(), 'a', 'e'))
  env   <- new.env()

  mockery::stub(reattach_to_store, 'showChoiceDialog', 'e')
  capture_output(reattach_to_store(state, store, env, "abort", FALSE))

  expect_length(env, 1)
  expect_named(env, "x")
  expect_equal(state$last_commit$id, 'e')

test_that("commit is updated", {
  state <- empty_state()
  env <- as.environment(list(x = 1))
  exp <- substitute(x <- 1)

  update_current_commit(state, env, NULL, exp)

  id <- storage::os_list(state$stash)
  expect_length(id, 2)
  expect_true(storage::compute_id(1) %in% id)

test_that("plot is cached", {
  state <- empty_state()

  update_current_commit(state, as.environment(list(x = 1)), NULL, bquote(x <- 1))
  update_current_commit(state, as.environment(list(x = 1)), dummy_plot(), bquote(plot(1)))
  update_current_commit(state, as.environment(list(x = 2)), NULL, bquote(x <- 2))

  last <- state$last_commit
  expect_identical(last$object_ids, list(x = storage::compute_id(2)))

  prev <- commit_restore(last$parent, state$stash)
  expect_named(prev$object_ids, c('x', '.plot'), ignore.order = TRUE)

  root <- commit_restore(prev$parent, state$stash)
  expect_identical(root$objects, list(x = 1))

test_that("multiple plots", {
  state <- empty_state()

  update_current_commit(state, as.environment(list(x = 1)), NULL, bquote(x <- 1))
  update_current_commit(state, as.environment(list(x = 2)), random_plot(), bquote(plot(1)))
  update_current_commit(state, as.environment(list(x = 3)), random_plot(), bquote(plot(1)))
  update_current_commit(state, as.environment(list(x = 4)), NULL, bquote(x <- 2))

  last <- commit_restore(state$last_commit$id, state$stash, .data = TRUE)
  expect_identical(last$objects, list(x = 4))

  prev <- commit_restore(last$parent, state$stash, .data = TRUE)
  expect_named(prev$objects, c('x', '.plot'), ignore.order = TRUE)
  expect_equal(prev$objects$x, 3)

  prv2 <- commit_restore(prev$parent, state$stash, .data = TRUE)
  expect_named(prev$objects, c('x', '.plot'), ignore.order = TRUE)
  expect_false(identical(prev$objects$.plot, prv2$objects$.plot))
  expect_equal(prv2$objects$x, 2)

  root <- commit_restore(prv2$parent, state$stash)
  expect_identical(root$objects, list(x = 1))

test_that("restoring by commit", {
  # long (full) id
  modelling(overwrite = TRUE)

  id <- '96ea722bf140a98c6854f9532985372a768df257'
  expect_equal(internal_state$last_commit$id, id)

  # short it
  expect_warning(modelling(overwrite = TRUE))

  expect_equal(internal_state$last_commit$id, id)

test_that("commit restored correctly", {
  session <- new.env()
  state <- empty_state()
  modelling(TRUE, state)

  restore_commit(state, '96ea722bf140a98c6854f9532985372a768df257', session)

  expect_equal(state$last_commit$id, '96ea722bf140a98c6854f9532985372a768df257')
  expect_named(session, c('iris2', 'x'), ignore.order = TRUE)
  expect_equal(session$iris2, iris)
  expect_s3_class(session$x, 'lm')
lbartnik/experiment documentation built on May 20, 2019, 8:27 p.m.