
Defines functions single_game_pbp get_pbp_game

Documented in get_pbp_game

############ Function to get PBP Data for a set of ESPN Game IDs ###############
#' Get Game Play-by-Play Data
#' Scrapes ESPN Play-by-Play data for the desired games.
#' @param game_ids Vector of ESPN game_ids
#' @param extra_parse Logical whether to link shot variables and possession parsing
#' (Default = TRUE).
#' @return A data frame of the Play-by-Play data for desired games.
#' @export
get_pbp_game <- function(game_ids, extra_parse = T) {
  ### Error Testing
  if(all(is.na(game_ids))) {
    stop("game_ids is missing with no default")
  if(!"ncaahoopR" %in% .packages()) {
    ids <- create_ids_df()
  for(g in 1:length(game_ids)) {
    message(paste0("Scraping Data for Game: ", g, " of ", length(game_ids)))
    pbp <- try(single_game_pbp(game_ids[g], extra_parse), silent = T)
    if(class(pbp) == "try-error") {
      message("Play-by-Play Data Not Available")
    if(!exists("pbp_all")) {
      pbp_all <- pbp
      pbp_all <- rbind(pbp_all, pbp)
  if(!exists("pbp_all")) {
    pbp_all <- NULL

single_game_pbp <- function(game_id, extra_parse) {
  ### Get Play-by-Play Data
  base_url <- "https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/playbyplay?gameId="
  summary_url <- "https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/game?gameId="
  url <- paste(base_url, game_id, sep = "")
  ### Try and get PBP data
  txt <- try(RCurl::getURL(url), silent = T)
  ### Check if PBP Data is Available
  if(class(txt) == "try-error") {
    message("Play-by-Play Data Not Available")
  } else {
    x <- strsplit(txt, '"pbp":\\{"playGrps"')[[1]]
    if(length(x) > 1) {
      x <- x[2]
      x <- gsub(',\"tms\":.*$', '', x)
      x <- gsub('^:', '', x)
      tmp <- jsonlite::fromJSON(x, flatten = T)
      n <- length(tmp)
      if(x == '[]') {
        message('No play-by-play available')
    } else {
      message('No play-by-play available')
  ### Clean PBP
  pbp <- purrr::map2_dfr(tmp, 1:n, ~clean(.x, .y, n-2))
  these <- grep(T, is.na(pbp$home_score))
  pbp[these, c("home_score", "away_score")] <- pbp[these - 1 , c("home_score", "away_score")]
  ### Get full team names
  url2 <- paste(summary_url, game_id, sep = "")
  tmp <- XML::readHTMLTable(RCurl::getURL(url2))
  away_abv <- as.character(as.data.frame(tmp[[1]])[1,1])
  home_abv <- as.character(as.data.frame(tmp[[1]])[2,1])
  x <- strsplit(txt, 'Men&#x27;s College Basketball Play-By-Play')[[1]]
  tms <- extract_teams(txt)
  pbp$away <- tms[2]
  pbp$home <- tms[1]
  ### Game Info
  game_info <- jsonlite::fromJSON(gsub(',"links":.*$', '', gsub('^.*"gmInfo":', '', gsub(',"medialst".*$', '', txt))))
  pbp$arena_location <- ifelse(is.null(game_info$locAddr), NA, unlist(paste(game_info$locAddr, collapse = ', ')))
  pbp$arena <- ifelse(is.null(game_info$loc), NA, game_info$loc)
  pbp$capacity <- ifelse(is.null(game_info$cpcty), NA, game_info$cpcty)
  pbp$attendance <- ifelse(is.null(game_info$attnd), NA, game_info$attnd)
  pbp$total_line <- ifelse(is.null(game_info$ovUnd), NA, game_info$ovUnd)
  pbp$referees <- paste(game_info$refs$dspNm, collapse = "/")
  ### Get Game Line
  y <- game_info$lne
  if(length(y) > 0) {
    line <- as.numeric(strsplit(y, " ")[[1]][2])
    abv <- strsplit(y, " ")[[1]][1]
    if(abv == home_abv) {
      line <- line * -1
  } else {
    line <- NA
  pbp$home_favored_by <- line
  pbp$play_id <- 1:nrow(pbp)
  pbp$game_id <- game_id
  pbp$date <- as.Date(stripwhite(gsub('^.*\\(', '', gsub('\\).*$', '', gsub('\\(..\\)', '', gsub('^.*<title data-react-helmet="true">', '', x[1]))))), '%b %d, %Y')
  pbp$score_diff <- pbp$home_score - pbp$away_score
  ### Win Probability by Play
  if(is.na(pbp$home_favored_by[1])) {
    pbp$home_favored_by <- get_line(pbp)
    pbp$pre_game_prob <- predict(prior, newdata = data.frame(pred_score_diff = pbp$home_favored_by),
                                 type = "response")
    pbp$pre_game_prob <- 0.5
  ### Relative Time
  pbp$secs_remaining_relative <- NA
  msec <- plyr::round_any(max(pbp$secs_remaining), 300)
  for(k in 1:nrow(pbp)) {
    pbp$secs_remaining_relative[k] <-
      secs_to_model(pbp$secs_remaining[k], msec)[2]
  ### Compute Win Prob
  pbp$win_prob <- wp_compute(pbp)
  pbp$naive_win_prob <- wp_compute(dplyr::mutate(pbp, "home_favored_by" = 0))
  ### Hardcode to 50-50 if Line = 0 or NA
  if(is.na(pbp$home_favored_by[1]) | pbp$home_favored_by[1] == 0) {
    pbp$win_prob[1] <- 0.5
  ### Time Outs
  timeout <- dplyr::filter(pbp, sapply(pbp$description, grepl, pattern = "Timeout")) %>%
    dplyr::filter(description != "Official TV Timeout") %>%
    dplyr::filter(description != "Official TV Timeout.")
  timeout$team <- sapply(timeout$description, function(z) gsub("\\s* Timeout", "", z))
  timeout$team <- sapply(timeout$team, function(z) gsub("\\s* Official TV.", "", z))
  timeout$team <- sapply(timeout$team, function(z) gsub("\\s* 30 Second.", "", z))
  timeout$team <- sapply(timeout$team, function(z) gsub("\\s* 20 Second.", "", z))
  timeout$team <- stripwhite(sapply(timeout$team, function(z) gsub("\\s* Full.", "", z)))
  timeout$tmp <- paste(timeout$team, timeout$secs_remaining)
  timeout <- dplyr::filter(timeout, !duplicated(tmp))
  teams <- unique(timeout$team)
  teams <- teams[teams != 'Official TV']
  pos_teams <- c(pbp$home[1], pbp$away[1])
  pbp$home_time_out_remaining <- 4
  pbp$away_time_out_remaining <- 4
  if(length(teams) > 0) {
    if(nrow(timeout) > 0) {
      home <- pos_teams[which.min(stringdist::stringdist(teams, pbp$home[1]))]
      away <- setdiff(pos_teams, home)
      home <- pos_teams[1]
      away <- pos_teams[2]
    nplay <- nrow(pbp)
    if(nrow(timeout) > 0) {
      for(j in 1:nrow(timeout)) {
        play_id <- timeout$play_id[j]
        secs_remaining <- timeout$secs_remaining_relative[j]
        half <- timeout$half[j]
        if(timeout$team[j] == home) {
          pbp$home_time_out_remaining[play_id:nplay] <- pbp$home_time_out_remaining[play_id:nplay] - 1
        }else {
          pbp$away_time_out_remaining[play_id:nplay] <- pbp$away_time_out_remaining[play_id:nplay] - 1
    pbp$home_time_out_remaining[pbp$half > 2] <-
      pbp$home_time_out_remaining[pbp$half > 2] + (pbp$half[pbp$half > 2] - 2)
    pbp$away_time_out_remaining[pbp$half > 2] <-
      pbp$away_time_out_remaining[pbp$half > 2] + (pbp$half[pbp$half > 2] - 2)
    if(any(pbp$home_time_out_remaining < 0) | any(pbp$away_time_out_remaining < 0)) {
      pbp$home_time_out_remaining <- pbp$home_time_out_remaining + 2
      pbp$away_time_out_remaining <- pbp$away_time_out_remaining + 2
      if(max(pbp$home_time_out_remaining[pbp$half == 2]) < 4) {
        pbp$home_time_out_remaining[pbp$half >= 2] <-
          pbp$home_time_out_remaining[pbp$half >= 2] + 1
      if(max(pbp$away_time_out_remaining[pbp$half == 2]) < 4) {
        pbp$away_time_out_remaining[pbp$half >= 2] <-
          pbp$away_time_out_remaining[pbp$half >= 2] + 1
  ### Play Length
  pbp$play_length <- 0
  pbp$play_length[2:nrow(pbp)] <-
    pbp$secs_remaining[1:(nrow(pbp)-1)] - pbp$secs_remaining[2:nrow(pbp)]
  if(extra_parse & (pbp$date[1] >= "2007-11-01")) {
    ### Rosters for Player and Team Matching
    year <- lubridate::year(pbp$date[1])
    if(lubridate::month(pbp$date[1]) <= 5) {
      year <- paste(year - 1, year - 2000, sep = "-")
    } else {
      year <- paste(year, year - 1999, sep = "-")
    home_roster <- NULL
    away_roster <- NULL
    if(pbp$home[1] %in% dict$ESPN_PBP) {
      home_roster <- get_roster(dict$ESPN[which(dict$ESPN_PBP == pbp$home[1])], year)$name
    if(pbp$away[1] %in% dict$ESPN_PBP) {
      away_roster <- get_roster(dict$ESPN[which(dict$ESPN_PBP == pbp$away[1])], year)$name
    ### Link Shot Data
    pbp <- dplyr::mutate(pbp, "shot_x" = NA, "shot_y" = NA, "shot_team" = NA,
                         "shot_outcome" = NA, "three_pt" = NA, "free_throw" = NA,
                         "shooter" = NA, "assist" = NA, "possession_before" = NA,
                         "possession_after" = NA)
    shots <- get_shot_locs(game_id)
    if(class(shots) != "NULL") {
      ### Break Each Team's Shots Down Individually
      df1 <- dplyr::filter(shots, team_name == unique(shots$team_name)[1])
      df2 <- dplyr::filter(shots, team_name == unique(shots$team_name)[2])
      n1 <- nrow(df1)
      n2 <- nrow(df2)
      ix1 <- 1
      ix2 <- 1
      ### Match Shots w/ PBP Data
      for(i in 1:nrow(pbp)) {
        if((ix1 <= n1) & (pbp$description[i] == df1$shot_text[ix1])) {
          pbp$shot_x[i] <- df1$x[ix1]
          pbp$shot_y[i] <- df1$y[ix1]
          pbp$shot_team[i] <- df1$team_name[ix1]
          pbp$shot_outcome[i] <- df1$outcome[ix1]
          pbp$three_pt[i] <- df1$three_pt[ix1]
          pbp$shooter[i] <- df1$shooter[ix1]
          pbp$assist[i] <- df1$assisted[ix1]
          ix1 <- ix1 + 1
        } else if((ix2 <= n2) & (pbp$description[i] == df2$shot_text[ix2])) {
          pbp$shot_x[i] <- df2$x[ix2]
          pbp$shot_y[i] <- df2$y[ix2]
          pbp$shot_team[i] <- df2$team_name[ix2]
          pbp$shot_outcome[i] <- df2$outcome[ix2]
          pbp$three_pt[i] <- df2$three_pt[ix2]
          pbp$shooter[i] <- df2$shooter[ix2]
          pbp$assist[i] <- df2$assisted[ix2]
          ix2 <- ix2 + 1
      ### Free Throws
      made_shots <- grepl("Made|made", pbp$description) & grepl("Free Throw", pbp$description)
      missed_shots <- grepl("Missed|missed", pbp$description) & grepl("Free Throw", pbp$description)
      pbp$shot_outcome[made_shots] <- "made"
      pbp$shot_outcome[missed_shots] <- "missed"
      pbp$shooter[made_shots]  <- gsub(" made.*", "", pbp$description[made_shots])
      pbp$shooter[missed_shots]  <- gsub(" missed.*", "", pbp$description[missed_shots])
      pbp$free_throw[!is.na(pbp$shooter)] <-  grepl("Free Throw", pbp$description[!is.na(pbp$shooter)])
      pbp$shot_team[(made_shots | missed_shots) & tolower(pbp$shooter) %in% tolower(home_roster)] <- pbp$home[1]
      pbp$shot_team[(made_shots | missed_shots) & tolower(pbp$shooter) %in% tolower(away_roster)] <- pbp$away[1]
      if(is.null(home_roster[1]) & !is.null(away_roster[1])) {
        pbp$shot_team[(made_shots | missed_shots) & !tolower(pbp$shooter) %in% tolower(away_roster)] <- pbp$home[1]
      } else if(!is.null(home_roster[1]) & is.null(away_roster[1])) {
        pbp$shot_team[(made_shots | missed_shots) & !tolower(pbp$shooter) %in% tolower(home_roster)] <- pbp$away[1]
    } else { ### Manually Annotate what we can
      made_shots <- grepl("Made|made", pbp$description)
      missed_shots <- grepl("Missed|missed", pbp$description)
      pbp$shot_outcome[made_shots] <- "made"
      pbp$shot_outcome[missed_shots] <- "missed"
      pbp$three_pt[made_shots | missed_shots] <-
        grepl("Three Point Jumper", pbp$description[made_shots | missed_shots])
      pbp$shooter[made_shots]  <- gsub(" made.*", "", pbp$description[made_shots])
      pbp$shooter[missed_shots]  <- gsub(" missed.*", "", pbp$description[missed_shots])
      ix_ast <- made_shots & grepl("Assisted", pbp$description)
      pbp$assist[ix_ast] <- gsub("\\.", "", gsub(".*Assisted by ", "", pbp$description[ix_ast]))
      pbp$shot_team[(made_shots | missed_shots) & tolower(pbp$shooter) %in% tolower(home_roster)] <- pbp$home[1]
      pbp$shot_team[(made_shots | missed_shots) & tolower(pbp$shooter) %in% tolower(away_roster)] <- pbp$away[1]
      if(is.null(home_roster[1]) & !is.null(away_roster[1])) {
        pbp$shot_team[(made_shots | missed_shots) & !tolower(pbp$shooter) %in% tolower(away_roster)] <- pbp$home[1]
      } else if(!is.null(home_roster[1]) & is.null(away_roster[1])) {
        pbp$shot_team[(made_shots | missed_shots) & !tolower(pbp$shooter) %in% tolower(home_roster)] <- pbp$away[1]
      ### Tag Free Throws
      pbp$free_throw[!is.na(pbp$shooter)] <- grepl("Free Throw", pbp$description[!is.na(pbp$shooter)])
    ########################## Possession Parsing ############################
    home <- pbp$home[1]
    away <- pbp$away[1]
    message("Parsing Possessions")
    ### Assumptions:
    ###   1) Shooting teams have possession on the play before they shoot
    ###   2) On made shots (non-free throws), the possession after the play
    ###      switches to the other team
    ###   3) For missed shots, the correct rebound is the first possible
    ###      rebound that is:
    ###       - In the same half
    ###       - Before any future shot
    ###   4) All actions between a missed shot and rebound maintain the same
    ###      before/after possession team
    ###   5) Turnovers/Steals:
    ###      - If steal, possesion goes to stealing team from other team
    ###      - If turnover, possesion goes from turnover team to other team
    ###   6) Fouls: Foul gives possession to non-foul committing team
    ###   7) Missed Free Throws are rebounded by the next unmapped rebound before
    ###      next shot. Then proceed as assumption 4
    ###   8) Deadball Team Rebounds implies possesion after for the deadball
    ###      rebounding team
    ###   9) All non-Free Throw sequences occuring at the same time not yet tagged
    ###      get the same before possesion mapping as the first event at that
    ###      time period and the same after possesion mapping as the last event
    ###      at that time period.
    ###   10) All Remaining sequences don't involve change of possession
    ### Assumption 1
    ix_home_shots <- which(pbp$shot_team == home)
    ix_away_shots <- which(pbp$shot_team == away)
    pbp$possession_before[ix_home_shots] <- home
    pbp$possession_before[ix_away_shots] <- away
    ### Assumption 2
    ix_home_makes <- which(pbp$shot_team == home & pbp$shot_outcome == "made" & !pbp$free_throw)
    ix_away_makes <- which(pbp$shot_team == away & pbp$shot_outcome == "made" & !pbp$free_throw)
    pbp$possession_after[ix_home_makes] <- away
    pbp$possession_after[ix_away_makes] <- home
    ### Assumption 3
    ix_all_shot <- which(!is.na(pbp$shot_outcome))
    ix_missed_shot <- which(pbp$shot_outcome == "missed" & !pbp$free_throw)
    ix_all_rebounds <- which(grepl("Rebound", pbp$description))
    find_rebound <- function(i) {
      next_shot <- max(c(ix_all_shot[ix_all_shot > i][1], nrow(pbp)), na.rm = T)
      rebound <- ix_all_rebounds[ix_all_rebounds > i][1]
      if(is.na(rebound)) {
      } else if(rebound < next_shot & pbp$half[i] == pbp$half[rebound]) {
      } else {
    # Match Rebound to Missed Shots
    rebound_pairs <- sapply(ix_missed_shot, find_rebound)
    ### Assumption 4
    for(i in 1:length(ix_missed_shot)) {
      missed_shot <- ix_missed_shot[i]
      rebound <- rebound_pairs[i]
      if(!is.na(rebound)) {
        pbp$possession_before[missed_shot:rebound] <- pbp$possession_before[missed_shot]
        if(grepl("Offensive", pbp$description[rebound])) {
          pbp$possession_after[missed_shot:rebound] <- pbp$possession_before[missed_shot]
        } else if(grepl("Defensive", pbp$description[rebound])) {
          pbp$possession_after[missed_shot:rebound] <-
            ifelse(pbp$possession_before[missed_shot] == home, away, home)
        } else if(grepl("Deadball", pbp$description[rebound])) {
          pbp$possession_after[missed_shot:rebound] <-
            ifelse(grepl(home, pbp$description[missed_shot]), home, away)
    ### Assumption 5
    steals <- which(grepl("Steal|steal", pbp$description))
    turnovers <- which(grepl("Turnover|turnover", pbp$description))
    # Turnovers
    for(t in turnovers) {
      turnover <- t
      home_to <- sapply(c(home_roster, home), grepl, pbp$description[turnover])
      away_to <- sapply(c(away_roster, away), grepl, pbp$description[turnover])
      if(any(home_to) & !any(away_to)) {
        pbp$possession_before[turnover] <- home
        pbp$possession_after[turnover] <- away
      } else if(any(away_to) & !any(home_to)) {
        pbp$possession_before[turnover] <- away
        pbp$possession_after[turnover] <- home
    # Steals
    for(s in steals) {
      steal <- s
      home_steal <- sapply(home_roster, grepl, pbp$description[steal])
      away_steal <- sapply(away_roster, grepl, pbp$description[steal])
      if(any(home_steal) & !any(away_steal)) {
        pbp$possession_before[steal] <- away
        pbp$possession_after[steal] <- home
      } else if(any(away_steal) & !any(home_steal)) {
        pbp$possession_before[steal] <- home
        pbp$possession_after[steal] <- away
    ### Assumption 6
    fouls <- which(grepl("Foul on", pbp$description))
    for(f in fouls) {
      foul <- f
      home_f <- sapply(c(home_roster, home), grepl, pbp$description[foul])
      away_f <- sapply(c(away_roster, away), grepl, pbp$description[foul])
      if(any(home_f) & !any(away_f)) {
        pbp$possession_after[foul] <- away
      } else if(any(away_f) & !any(home_f)) {
        pbp$possession_before[foul] <- home
    ### Assumption 7
    ix_non_ft <- which(!is.na(pbp$shot_outcome) & !pbp$free_throw)
    ix_missed_ft <- which(pbp$shot_outcome == "missed" & pbp$free_throw)
    ix_unmapped_rebounds <- which(grepl("Rebound", pbp$description) & is.na(pbp$possession_after))
    find_rebound_ft <- function(i) {
      next_shot <- max(c(nrow(pbp), ix_non_ft[pbp$secs_remaining[ix_non_ft] <
                                                pbp$secs_remaining[i]][1]), na.rm = T)
      rebound <- ix_unmapped_rebounds[pbp$secs_remaining[ix_unmapped_rebounds] <=
      if(is.na(rebound)) {
      } else if(rebound < next_shot & pbp$half[i] == pbp$half[rebound]) {
      } else {
    # Match Rebound to Missed Free Throws
    rebound_pairs_ft <- sapply(ix_missed_ft, find_rebound_ft)
    if(length(ix_missed_ft) > 0) {
      for(i in 1:length(ix_missed_ft)) {
        missed_shot <- ix_missed_ft[i]
        rebound <- rebound_pairs_ft[i]
        if(!is.na(rebound)) {
          pbp$possession_before[missed_shot:rebound] <- pbp$possession_before[missed_shot]
          if(grepl("Offensive", pbp$description[rebound])) {
            pbp$possession_after[missed_shot:rebound] <- pbp$possession_before[missed_shot]
          } else if(grepl("Defensive", pbp$description[rebound])) {
            pbp$possession_after[missed_shot:rebound] <-
              ifelse(pbp$possession_before[missed_shot] == home, away, home)
          } else if(grepl("Deadball", pbp$description[rebound])) {
            pbp$possession_after[missed_shot:rebound] <-
              ifelse(grepl(home, pbp$possession_before[missed_shot]), home, away)
    ### Assumption 8
    pbp$possession_after[pbp$free_throw & pbp$shot_outcome == "made"] <- NA
    ix_deadball <- which(grepl("Deadball Team", pbp$description))
    for(i in ix_deadball) {
      pbp$possession_after[i] <- ifelse(grepl(home, pbp$description[i]), home, away)
    ### Assumption 9
    secs_u <- unique(pbp$secs_remaining[duplicated(pbp$secs_remaining)])
    for(t in secs_u) {
      ix <- which(pbp$secs_remaining == t & !grepl("Free Throw", pbp$description))
      if(any(is.na(pbp$possession_before[ix])) & any(!is.na(pbp$possession_before[ix]))) {
        pbp$possession_before[ix] <- pbp$possession_before[ix][!is.na(pbp$possession_before[ix])][1]
      if(any(is.na(pbp$possession_after[ix])) & any(!is.na(pbp$possession_after[ix]))) {
        vec <- pbp$possession_after[ix][!is.na(pbp$possession_after[ix])]
        pbp$possession_after[ix] <- vec[length(vec)]
    ### Assumption 10
    bad_ix_before <- which(pbp$description == "PLAY")
    bad_ix_after <- which(grepl("End of", pbp$description))
    pbp$possession_before[c(bad_ix_before, bad_ix_after)] <- NA
    pbp$possession_after[c(bad_ix_before, bad_ix_after)] <- NA
    n <- nrow(pbp)
    for(i in 1:n) {
      if(is.na(pbp$possession_before[i]) & !(i %in% bad_ix_before)) {
        ix <- which(!is.na(pbp$possession_after))
        if(any(ix < i)) {
          m <- max(ix[ix < i])
          M <- i
          while(M < n && is.na(pbp$possession_before[M+1]) && !(M+1 %in% bad_ix_before)) {
            M <- M+1
          pbp$possession_before[i:M] <- pbp$possession_after[m]
      if(is.na(pbp$possession_after[i]) & !(i %in% bad_ix_after)) {
        ix <- which(!is.na(pbp$possession_before))
        if(any(ix > i)) {
          m <- min(ix[ix > i])
          M <- i
          while(M > 1 && is.na(pbp$possession_after[M-1]) && !(M-1 %in% bad_ix_after)) {
            M <- M-1
          pbp$possession_after[M:i] <- pbp$possession_before[m]
    ### If we can't match the shooter, we'll assume it was who had
    ### possession prior to the play
    pbp$shot_team[is.na(pbp$shot_team) & !is.na(pbp$shot_outcome)] <-
      pbp$possession_before[is.na(pbp$shot_team) & !is.na(pbp$shot_outcome)]
    ### Final Selection of Columns
    pbp <- dplyr::select(pbp, -pre_game_prob)
    pbp <- dplyr::select(pbp, game_id, date, home, away, play_id, half, time_remaining_half,
                         secs_remaining_relative, secs_remaining, description, action_team,
                         home_score, away_score, score_diff, play_length, scoring_play, foul,
                         win_prob, naive_win_prob, home_time_out_remaining,
                         away_time_out_remaining, home_favored_by, total_line, referees,
                         arena_location, arena, capacity, attendance, shot_x,
                         shot_y, shot_team, shot_outcome, shooter, assist,
                         three_pt, free_throw, possession_before, possession_after) %>%
      dplyr::rename("secs_remaining_absolute" = secs_remaining,
                    "secs_remaining" = secs_remaining_relative)
  } else {
    ### Final Selection of Columns
    pbp <- dplyr::select(pbp, -pre_game_prob)
    pbp <- dplyr::select(pbp, game_id, date, home, away, play_id, half, time_remaining_half,
                         secs_remaining_relative, secs_remaining, description,
                         home_score, away_score, score_diff, play_length,
                         win_prob, naive_win_prob, home_time_out_remaining,
                         away_time_out_remaining, home_favored_by, total_line, referees,
                         arena_location, arena, capacity, attendance) %>%
      dplyr::rename("secs_remaining_absolute" = secs_remaining,
                    "secs_remaining" = secs_remaining_relative)
  ### Tag buggy score rows
  pbp$wrong_time <-
    pbp$score_diff != dplyr::lag(pbp$score_diff) &
    !grepl("made", pbp$description) &
    pbp$secs_remaining_absolute > 0
  pbp$wrong_time[1] <- F
  pbp$home_score[pbp$secs_remaining_absolute == 0] <- max(pbp$home_score, na.rm = T)
  pbp$away_score[pbp$secs_remaining_absolute == 0] <- max(pbp$away_score, na.rm = T)
  pbp$score_diff[pbp$secs_remaining_absolute == 0] <-
    pbp$home_score[pbp$secs_remaining_absolute == 0] - pbp$away_score[pbp$secs_remaining_absolute == 0]
  if(pbp$home_score[nrow(pbp)] > pbp$away_score[nrow(pbp)]) {
    pbp$win_prob[pbp$secs_remaining_absolute == 0] <- 1
    pbp$naive_win_prob[pbp$secs_remaining_absolute == 0] <- 1
  } else if(pbp$home_score[nrow(pbp)] < pbp$away_score[nrow(pbp)]) {
    pbp$win_prob[pbp$secs_remaining_absolute == 0] <- 0
    pbp$naive_win_prob[pbp$secs_remaining_absolute == 0] <- 0
lbenz730/ncaahoopR documentation built on May 4, 2024, 1:35 p.m.