#' Plot Li-COR data
#' Creates plots for physiological parameters measured using the Li-COR photosystem.
#' @param identifier Keywords that distinguish the Li-COR .xlsx files for the different datasets (e.g. "wt", "mutant1").
#' @param type Determines y axis data. Can be "gsw" (absolute stomatal conductance), "relgsw" (relative stomatal conductance), "A" (CO2 assimilation), "WUE" (intrinsic water use efficiency), "Ci" (Intercellular CO2) or "Ca" (Ambient CO2). From version 2.0.1 onward also allows plotting of other columns (e.g. "Fs").
#' @param area_correction Li-COR chamber size divided by average of total measured leaf areas (only one value). Default is set to 1.
#' @param stomden Insert stomatal density to normalise values by stomatal density.
#' @param timestamps Optionally add vertical lines to the plot as timeline indicators (e.g. 'c(20, 40, 60)').
#' @param timeframe Crop the range of time you want to show (e.g. '16:70').
#' @param y_axis_limits Change the y axis limits (e.g. 'c(0,2)' with 0 being the lower and 2 the upper limit).
#' @param errorbars Set type of errorbars to either standard error ("se", this is the default) or standard deviation ("sd").
#' @param legend_title Change the title of the legend. Default is set to "Genotype".
#' @param legend_labels Change the labels within the legend. Default is set to the input given by the 'identifier' argument.
#' @param remove_outliers Optionally remove boxplot outliers by setting to "yes" (based on outliers from the 'A' column).
#' @param colours Set colour palette (e.g. 'c("red", "green")'). Default uses the "Isfahan1" palette of the MetBrewer package.
#' @param axis_label Change y axis label text. Allows markdown language elements.
#' @keywords physiology plot co2 assimilation li-cor stomatal conductance wue water-use efficiency photosynthesis gas exchange ci ca carbon water
#' @export
licorplots <- function(identifier,
axis_label=type) {
##load required packages
if (!require(tidyverse)) install.packages('tidyverse')
if (!require(readxl)) install.packages('readxl')
if (!require(MetBrewer)) install.packages('MetBrewer')
if (!require(ggtext)) install.packages('ggtext')
if(length(area_correction)>1) {
stop("area_correction argument allows only one value.")
#if(!type %in% c("gsw", "relgsw", "A", "WUE", "Ci", "Ca")) {
# stop("plot type input is something other than 'gsw', 'relgsw', 'A', 'WUE', 'Ci' or 'Ca'.")
licorall<- data.frame(elapsed=NA, gsw=NA, relgsw=NA, individual=NA, genotype=NA, A=NA, WUE=NA, Ci=NA, Ca=NA, timepoint=NA)
if(!type %in% c("gsw", "relgsw", "A", "WUE", "Ci", "Ca")) {
licorall<- data.frame(elapsed=NA, gsw=NA, relgsw=NA, individual=NA, genotype=NA, A=NA, WUE=NA, Ci=NA, Ca=NA, timepoint=NA, extra_col=NA)
if(!is_empty(stomden)) {
densities <- data.frame(identifier=identifier,
###load data files for each genotype
for (i in identifier) {
files <- dir(pattern=i)
for (onefile in files) {
new_file <- suppressMessages(read_excel(onefile, sheet=1, col_names = F, range = cell_cols(1:15)))
new_file <- new_file[-c(1:15),]
names(new_file) <- suppressMessages(as_vector(read_excel(onefile, sheet=1, col_names = F, range = "A15:O15")))
if(!type %in% c("gsw", "relgsw", "A", "WUE", "Ci", "Ca")) {
extra_file <- suppressMessages(read_excel(onefile, sheet = 1, col_names = T, trim_ws = F, skip = 14)) %>% .[, type]
extra_file <- extra_file[-1,]
final_name <- as_vector(colnames(extra_file))
colnames(extra_file) <- "extra_col"
lesslicor<- new_file %>% select(elapsed, A, gsw, Ci, Ca)
lesslicor$A <- as.numeric(lesslicor$A)
lesslicor$gsw<- as.numeric(lesslicor$gsw)
lesslicor$elapsed<- as.integer(lesslicor$elapsed)
lesslicor$Ci<- as.numeric(lesslicor$Ci)
lesslicor$Ca<- as.numeric(lesslicor$Ca)
if(!type %in% c("gsw", "relgsw", "A", "WUE", "Ci", "Ca")) {
lesslicor <- cbind(lesslicor, extra_file)
lesslicor$extra_col <- as.numeric(lesslicor$extra_col)
#calculate relative stomatal conductance
lesslicor$relgsw<- lesslicor$gsw/max(lesslicor$gsw)
#calculate water use efficiency (WUE)
lesslicor$WUE<- lesslicor$A/lesslicor$gsw
lesslicor$individual<- onefile
lesslicor$genotype<- i
lesslicor$timepoint <- as.integer(lesslicor$elapsed/60)
if(!is_empty(timeframe)) {
croplicor <- lesslicor[which(lesslicor$timepoint %in% timeframe),]
else {
croplicor<- lesslicor
if(remove_outliers=="yes") {
outliers<- boxplot(croplicor$A, plot=FALSE)$out
croplicor<- croplicor[-which(croplicor$A %in% outliers),]
if(!is_empty(stomden)) {
density <- densities %>% filter(identifier==i) %>% .[1,2]
## multiply stomatal density by 1000
density2 <- density*1000
## divide by stomatal density to normalise
croplicor$gsw <- croplicor$gsw/density2
croplicor$A <- croplicor$A/density2
croplicor$WUE <- croplicor$WUE/density2
croplicor$Ci <- croplicor$Ci/density2
croplicor$Ca <- croplicor$Ca/density2
if(!type %in% c("gsw", "relgsw", "A", "WUE", "Ci", "Ca")) {
croplicor$extra_col <- croplicor$extra_col/density2
licorall<- rbind(croplicor, licorall)
##correct absolute gsw, A, Ci and Ca by measured leaf area
if (area_correction!=1) {
licorall$gsw <- licorall$gsw*area_correction
licorall$A <- licorall$A*area_correction
licorall$Ci <- licorall$Ci*area_correction
licorall$Ca <- licorall$Ca*area_correction
if (!type %in% c("gsw", "relgsw", "A", "WUE", "Ci", "Ca")) {
licorall$extra_col <- licorall$extra_col*area_correction
licorall <- na.omit(licorall)
##calculate means, standard deviation and standard error of the gsw values
licorgeno<- suppressMessages(licorall %>% group_by(timepoint, genotype) %>%
summarise(mean_gsw=mean(gsw), sd_abs=sd(gsw), se_abs=sd(gsw)/sqrt(length(na.omit(gsw))),
mean_relgsw=mean(relgsw), sd_rel=sd(relgsw), se_rel=sd(relgsw)/sqrt(length(na.omit(relgsw))),
mean_A=mean(A), sd_A=sd(A), se_A=sd(A)/sqrt(length(na.omit(A))),
mean_WUE=mean(WUE), sd_WUE=sd(WUE), se_WUE=sd(WUE)/sqrt(length(na.omit(WUE))),
mean_Ci=mean(Ci), sd_Ci=sd(Ci), se_Ci=sd(Ci)/sqrt(length(na.omit(Ci))),
mean_Ca=mean(Ca), sd_Ca=sd(Ca), se_Ca=sd(Ca)/sqrt(length(na.omit(Ca)))))
if (!type %in% c("gsw", "relgsw", "A", "WUE", "Ci", "Ca")) {
extra_geno <- suppressMessages(licorall %>% group_by(timepoint, genotype) %>%
summarise(mean_extra=mean(extra_col), sd_extra=sd(extra_col),
extra_geno$genotype <- ordered(extra_geno$genotype, levels = identifier)
##order data for plots by the order of keywords in 'identifier'
licorgeno$genotype <- ordered(licorgeno$genotype, levels=identifier)
##set palette for plotting
if(is_empty(colours)) {
colourpalette <- met.brewer("Isfahan1")
#else {
# if(colours=="grey"){
# colourpalette <- c("#000000", "#666666", "#999999", "#CCCCCC", "#EEEEEE")
# }
colourpalette <- as.vector(colours)
##create df for vertical lines
timeline<- data.frame(mark=timestamps)
##what to plot?
if(type=="relgsw") {
plotinfo <- licorgeno$mean_relgsw
if(errorbars=="se") {
errors <- licorgeno$se_rel
if(errorbars=="sd") {
errors <- licorgeno$sd_rel
if(!axis_label == type) {
y_label <- axis_label
y_label <- "Relative *g*<sub>SW</sub> [%]"
##plot time against relative stomatal conductance (relgsw) with standard error bars
ggplot(licorgeno, mapping=aes(x=timepoint, y=plotinfo))+
geom_errorbar(mapping=aes(ymin=plotinfo - errors, ymax=plotinfo + errors, colour=genotype), alpha=0.5, show.legend = F)+
geom_vline(timeline, mapping=aes(xintercept=timestamps), linetype="dotted")+
scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), labels = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100))+
theme(legend.position = "bottom",
legend.box.margin = margin(c(-10)),
legend.background = element_rect(fill=NA),
axis.title.y = element_markdown(),
legend.text = element_markdown())+
labs(x="Time [min]", y= y_label)
else {
if(type=="gsw") {
plotinfo <- licorgeno$mean_gsw
if(errorbars=="se") {
errors <- licorgeno$se_abs
if(errorbars=="sd") {
errors <- licorgeno$sd_abs
if(is_empty(stomden)) {
y_label <- "Absolute *g*<sub>SW</sub> [mol m<sup>-2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>]"
else {
y_label <- "Absolute *g*<sub>SW</sub> [mol stoma<sup>-1</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>]"
if(!axis_label == type) {
y_label <- axis_label
if(type=="A") {
plotinfo <- licorgeno$mean_A
if(errorbars=="se") {
errors <- licorgeno$se_A
if(errorbars=="sd") {
errors <- licorgeno$sd_A
if(is_empty(stomden)) {
y_label <- "*A* [µmol m<sup>-2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>]"
else {
y_label <- "*A* [µmol stoma<sup>-1</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>]"
if(!axis_label == type) {
y_label <- axis_label
if(type=="WUE") {
plotinfo <- licorgeno$mean_WUE
if(errorbars=="se") {
errors <- licorgeno$se_WUE
if(errorbars=="sd") {
errors <- licorgeno$sd_WUE
y_label <- "iWUE [µmol(C) mol(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sup>-1</sup>]"
if(!axis_label == type) {
y_label <- axis_label
if(type=="Ci") {
plotinfo <- licorgeno$mean_Ci
if(errorbars=="se") {
errors <- licorgeno$se_Ci
if(errorbars=="sd") {
errors <- licorgeno$sd_Ci
y_label <- "*C*<sub>i</sub> [µmol mol<sup>-1</sup>]"
if(!axis_label == type) {
y_label <- axis_label
if(type=="Ca") {
plotinfo <- licorgeno$mean_Ca
if(errorbars=="se") {
errors <- licorgeno$se_Ca
if(errorbars=="sd") {
errors <- licorgeno$sd_Ca
y_label <- "*C*<sub>a</sub> [µmol mol<sup>-1</sup>]"
if(!axis_label == type) {
y_label <- axis_label
if(!type %in% c("gsw", "relgsw", "A", "WUE", "Ci", "Ca")) {
plotinfo <- extra_geno$mean_extra
if(errorbars=="se") {
errors <- extra_geno$se_extra
if(errorbars=="sd") {
errors <- extra_geno$sd_extra
y_label <- axis_label
licorgeno <- extra_geno
#plot (except relative stomatal conductance)
ggplot(licorgeno, mapping=aes(x=timepoint, y=plotinfo))+
geom_errorbar(mapping=aes(ymin=plotinfo-errors, ymax=plotinfo+errors, colour=genotype), alpha=0.5, show.legend = F)+
geom_vline(timeline, mapping=aes(xintercept=timestamps), linetype="dotted")+
scale_y_continuous(limits = y_axis_limits)+
theme(legend.position = "bottom",
legend.box.margin = margin(c(-10)),
legend.background = element_rect(fill=NA),
axis.title.y = element_markdown(),
legend.text = element_markdown(),
legend.title = element_markdown())+
labs(x="Time [min]", y=y_label)
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