
add_space <- function(before, after, char_number) {
  word_len <- nchar(before) + nchar(after)
  howmuch <-  char_number - word_len
  if(howmuch < 0) {
    stop(paste0("words length > space to fit (min: ", word_len, ")"))
  cat(before, paste(rep(" ", howmuch), collapse = ""), after)

add_space_color <- function(before, after, char_number, bc, sc, ac) {
  word_len <- nchar(before) + nchar(after)
  howmuch <-  char_number - word_len
  if(howmuch < 0) {
    stop(paste0("words length > space to fit (min: ", word_len, ")"))
  cat(bc(before), sc(paste(rep(" ", howmuch), collapse = "")),
      ac(after), sep = "")

#' generate a formatted number with corresponding units for plyr object
aux_format_object_size <- function(x) {
  units <- list(B = 1, KB = 1024, MB = 1024^2,
                GB = 1024^3, TB = 1024^4, PB = 1024^5, EB = 1024^6)
  temp <- x
  power_x <- 1

  while(temp / 1000 > 1) {
    power_x <- power_x + 1
    temp <- temp / 1000
  #list(value = round(x /units[power_x], 3),  units = names(units)[power_x])
  paste0(round(x /units[[power_x]], 3),  " ", units = names(units)[power_x])

#'@keywords internal

call_dbR6 <- function(method, args) {
   if(missing(args)) {
     args <- list()
  formals(method) <- args
  environment(method) <- parent.frame()

#'@keywords internal

# name_as_string <- function(x) {
#   out <- substitute(x,env=parent.frame())
#   gsub('^"|"$', "", deparse(out))
# }

# for list
name_as_string <- function(...) {
  what <- sys.call(1)

#' get_os
#' @description Detects an OS and returns a string
#' of c("windows", "linux", "osx")
#' @keywords internal

get_os <- function(){
  sysinf <- Sys.info()
  if (!is.null(sysinf)){
    os <- sysinf['sysname']
    if (os == 'Darwin')
      os <- "osx"
  } else { ## mystery machine
    os <- .Platform$OS.type
    if (grepl("^darwin", R.version$os))
      os <- "osx"
    if (grepl("linux-gnu", R.version$os))
      os <- "linux"
leandroroser/dbR6 documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:57 p.m.