
#' cbind
#' @name cbind
#' @param tables names of data frames included in a dbR6 data base
#' @example
#' {
#' data(mtcars2)
#' my_db <- dbR6$new()
#' my_db$add_table(mtcars, "mtcars_db")
#' my_db$cbind("out", using_what = "row_names", "mtcarsdb", "mtcarsdb")
#' }
#' @rdname cbind
#' @aliases cbind,dbR6
#' @exportMethod cbind

dbR6_cbind <- function(...) {

  join <- match.arg(join)

  tempname <- paste(paste0(sample(LETTERS, 20),
    sample(seq_len(99), 10)), collapse = "")

  # Convert tables names w/o quotes into strings & remove extra
  # quotes added in strings by substitute
  #  to <- gsub('^"|"$', "", deparse(substitute(to)))
  if(to %in% self$list_tables()) {
    if(!overwrite) {
      stop("the table ", to,
        " exists, but the parameter overwrite = FALSE")
    } else {
      # if table not used for cbind, remove now. otherwise, remove after cbind
      if(!(to %in% tables)) {

  # using_what <- gsub('^"|"$', "", deparse(substitute(using_what)))
  # table_list <- sapply(substitute(list(...))[-1], function(y) gsub('^"|"$',
  # "", deparse(y)))
  # table_list <- list(...)

  t1 <- tables[1]
  table_list <- tables[-1]

  joinlist <- list()

  alias_names <- as.character(outer(LETTERS, LETTERS, "paste0"))

  if(join == "full") {

    full_join <- function(db, tablelist, varlist, using_what, to) {
      x <- using_what
      to_paste <- c(x, varlist )

      i <- 2
      while(i <= length(tablelist)) {
        level <- paste(to_paste[seq_len(i+1)], collapse = ",")
        if(i == 2) {
          query <- paste("SELECT",level,"FROM", tablelist[1],
            "LEFT JOIN",tablelist[2], "USING(",x,")",
            "UNION ALL",
            "SELECT",level, "FROM", tablelist[2],
            "LEFT JOIN", tablelist[1], "USING(",x,")",
            "WHERE", x,
            "NOT IN (SELECT", x, "FROM", tablelist[1],")", sep = " ")
        } else {
          previous_tables <- paste0("previous_tables", i)
          this_query <- paste("WITH",  previous_tables, "AS", "(", query, ")",
            "SELECT",level,"FROM",  previous_tables,
            "LEFT JOIN",tablelist[i], "USING(",x,")",
            "UNION ALL",
            "SELECT",level, "FROM", tablelist[i],
            "LEFT JOIN",previous_tables, "USING(",x,")",
            "WHERE", x,
            "NOT IN (SELECT", x, "FROM", previous_tables,")", sep = " ")
          query <- this_query
        i <- i + 1

      db$send_statement(paste("CREATE TABLE", to, "AS", "(",
                              this_query, ")", sep = " "))

    full_join(self, tables, vars, using_what, tempname)

  } else {

    if (join == "cross") {
      if(using_what == "row_names") {
        for(i in seq_along(table_list)) {
          joinlist[[i]] <- paste0("CROSS JOIN ",
            table_list[[i]], " ", "using(", what, ")")
      } else {
        for(i in seq_along(table_list)) {
          joinlist[[i]] <- paste0("CROSS JOIN ", table_list[[i]], " ")

    } else {

      if(join == "inner") {
        jointype <- "INNER JOIN"
      } else if(join == "left") {
        jointype <- "LEFT OUTER JOIN"
      } else if(join == "natural") {
        jointype <- "NATURAL JOIN"

      if(join == "natural") {
        for(i in seq_along(table_list)) {
          joinlist[[i]] <- paste0(jointype," ",
            table_list[[i]]," ","AS ", alias_names[i+1])

      } else {
        for(i in seq_along(table_list)) {
          joinlist[[i]] <- paste0(jointype," ",
            table_list[[i]]," ","AS ",
            " USING(", using_what, ")")

    # cbind mode---------

    joinlist[[1]] <- paste0("CREATE TABLE ",
      tempname, " AS SELECT * FROM ",t1," ", "AS ",
      alias_names[1], " ", joinlist[[1]])
    my_query <- do.call("paste0", joinlist)


  if(remove_after) {

  # now remove table, this allows to overwrite the table if already exists
  if(to %in% self$list_tables()) {
  self$rename_table(tempname, to)

  if(index_row_names) {
    self$create_index(to, column = using_what,
      index_name = paste0(substitute(to), "_", using_what),
      overwrite = TRUE)

leandroroser/dbR6 documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:57 p.m.