
Defines functions regression_to_r

Documented in regression_to_r

#' Regression to R
#' Converts SPSS regression syntax to R syntax
#' @param x SPSS syntax - read in by SPSStoR function
#' @param dplyr A value of TRUE uses dplyr syntax (default), 
#'              a value of FALSE uses data.table syntax
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to function, not currently supported.
#' @export
regression_to_r <- function(x, dplyr = TRUE, ...) {
  x <- gsub("regression\\s*", "", x, ignore.case = TRUE)
  if(nchar(x[1]) == 0) { x <- x[-1] }
  if(any(grepl("^\\/origin", x, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
    noint <- "- 1"
  } else { 
    noint <- NULL
  if(any(grepl("statistics\\s*", x, ignore.case = TRUE)) == FALSE){
    sumout <- "summary(mod_1)"
    anovaout <- "anova(mod_1)"
  } else {
    statLoc <- grep("statistics\\s*", x, ignore.case = TRUE)
    if(any(grepl("anova", x[statLoc], ignore.case = TRUE)) == FALSE){
      anovaout <- NULL
    } else {
      sumout <- "summary(mod_1)"
      anovaout <- "anova(mod_1)"
  if(any(grepl("missing\\s+?", x, ignore.case = TRUE)) == FALSE){
    miss <- NULL 
  } else {
    missLoc <- grep("missing\\s*", x, ignore.case = TRUE)
    if(any(grepl("listwise", x[missLoc], ignore.case = TRUE))){
      miss <- "x1 <- na.omit(x)"
  depLoc <- grep("dependent\\s*", x, ignore.case = TRUE)
  depVar <- strsplit(x[depLoc], " ")[[1]][2]
  methodLoc <- grep("method\\s*=enter", x, ignore.case = TRUE)
  method <- gsub("^\\/method\\s*=enter\\s*", "", x[methodLoc], 
                 ignore.case = TRUE)
  indvars <- unlist(strsplit(method, " "))
  indvars <- paste(indvars, collapse = " + ")
  vars <- paste(depVar, indvars, sep = " ~ ")
  vars <- paste0(vars, noint)
  if(any(grepl("save\\s*", x, ignore.case = TRUE))){
    saveLoc <- grep("save\\s*", x, ignore.case = TRUE)
    if(grepl("pred", x[saveLoc], ignore.case = TRUE)){
      pred <- "x$predict <- predict(mod_1)"
    if(grepl("sresid", x[saveLoc], ignore.case = TRUE)){
      zresid <- "x$zresid <- rstandard(mod_1)"
    if(grepl("sresid", x[saveLoc], ignore.case = TRUE)){
      sresid <- "x$sresid <- rstudent(mod_1)"
    if(grepl("cook", x[saveLoc], ignore.case = TRUE)){
      cook <- "x$cook <- cooks.distance(mod_1)"
    if(grepl("lever", x[saveLoc], ignore.case = TRUE)){
      lever <- "x$lever <- hatvalues(mod_1)"
    if(grepl("dfbeta", x[saveLoc], ignore.case = TRUE)){
      dfbeta <- "x$dfbeta <- dfbeta(mod_1)"
  } else {
    pred <- NULL
    zresid <- NULL
    sresid <- NULL
    cook <- NULL
    lever <- NULL
    dfbeta <- NULL

    finMat <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
    finMat[1] <- paste0('mod_1 <- lm(', vars, ', data = x)')
    finMat <- rbind(finMat, sumout, anovaout, 
                    pred, zresid, sresid, cook, lever, dfbeta)
  } else {
    finMat <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 1)
    finMat[1] <- miss
    finMat[2] <- paste0('mod_1 <- lm(', vars, ', data = x)')
    finMat <- c(finMat, sumout, anovaout, 
                pred, zresid, sresid, cook, lever, dfbeta)
lebebr01/SPSStoR documentation built on Nov. 21, 2019, 9:45 p.m.