Man pages for lefeverde/lefutils
Robust R functions for common data wrangling tasks

basic_linear_regressionFunction performs lm over accross a number of genes
basic_logistic_regressionPerforms logistic regression with numerous Y vals
better_model_matrixCreates a much nicer formatted design matrix than the default...
clean_by_levelsRemoves un-informative cols from a data.frame
clean_colnamesConvert Column Names to Lowercase, Replace Whitespace, and...
color_dna_sequenceColors a vector of DNA/peptide sequences via html
dge_wrapperWrapper function to create dge from txi
diceCalculates the Dice coefficient
dot-get_lfcGets lfc from a pathway res df
dot-lmlist_to_dfTurn summary object from lm into a data.frame
dot-split_by_regSplit a named vector of DEGs by fold change
dot-split_fix_namesSplit names by delim character
enrich_wrapperOver Representation analysis (ORA)
expression_summariesReturns summaries of gene expression
find_na_rowsFinds rows in a data.frame which contain NA values
gene_quantile_filterGene expression filter by quantile
get_deseq2_resultsReturns DESeq2 results in long format
get_geneSetsExtract genes sets from a pathway results data.frame
get_limma_resultsget results from limma fit object
get_overlap_matixCreates matrix of overlap ratios
increase_xy_limsReturns expanded coordinates of a ggplot
jaccardCalculates the jaccard distance between 2 named sets
make_flextableMakes a flextable that can be (sometimes, atleast) used as-is
order_by_similarityOrder DNA sequences by Levenshtein edit distance
overlap_ratioCalculates the overlap coefficient of 2 sets
pca_plotterPlots PC1 by PC2 using ggplot
pipePipe operator
rbind_named_df_listrbinds a named list of data.frames
select_genes_by_varianceSelects the top n genes by variance
theme_large_fontIncreases ggplot2 theme size
uniquefy_baseBase function which does the uniquefying
uniquefy_by_abs_maxReturn a unique data.frame by max value
uniquefy_by_varianceUniquefy by variance
venn_makerVenn maker
voom_sva_wrapperRuns voom to sva pipeline
wilcoxOrKruskalOnAComparison of distributions of sample groups
lefeverde/lefutils documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 7:30 a.m.