
Defines functions swdi

Documented in swdi

#' Get NOAA data for the severe weather data inventory (swdi).
#' @export
#' @param dataset Dataset to query. See below for details.
#' @param format File format to download. One of xml, csv, shp, or kmz.
#' @param startdate Start date. See details.
#' @param enddate End date. See details.
#' @param limit Number of results to return. Defaults to 25. Any number from 1 to 10000000. Time out issues likely to occur at higher limits.
#' @param offset Any number from 1 to 10000000. Default is NULL, no offset, start from 1.
#' @param radius Search radius in miles (current limit is 15 miles)
#' @param center Center coordinate in lon,lat decimal degree format, e.g.: c(-95.45,36.88)
#' @param bbox Bounding box in format of minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat, e.g.: c(-91,30,-90,31)
#' @param tile Coordinate in lon,lat decimal degree format, e.g.: c(-95.45,36.88)
#'    The lat/lon values are rounded to the nearest tenth of degree. For the above example,
#'    the matching tile would contain values from -95.4500 to -95.5499 and 36.8500 to 36.9499
#' @param stat One of count or tilesum:$longitude,$latitude. Setting stat='count' returns
#'    number of results only (no actual data). stat='tilesum:$longitude,$latitude' returns
#'    daily feature counts for a tenth of a degree grid centered at the nearest tenth of a
#'    degree to the supplied values.
#' @param id An identifier, e.g., 533623. Not sure how you find these ids?
#' @param filepath If kmz or shp chosen the file name and optionally path to write to. Ignored
#'    format=xml or format=csv (optional)
#' @param ... Curl options passed on to \code{\link[httr]{GET}} (optional)
#' @details
#' Options for the dataset parameter. One of (and their data formats):
#' \itemize{
#'  \item nx3tvs NEXRAD Level-3 Tornado Vortex Signatures (point)
#'  \item nx3meso NEXRAD Level-3 Mesocyclone Signatures (point)
#'  \item nx3hail NEXRAD Level-3 Hail Signatures (point)
#'  \item nx3structure NEXRAD Level-3 Storm Cell Structure Information (point)
#'  \item plsr Preliminary Local Storm Reports (point)
#'  \item warn Severe Thunderstorm, Tornado, Flash Flood and Special Marine warnings (polygon)
#'  \item nldn Lightning strikes from Vaisala. Available to government and
#'  military users only. If you aren't one of those, you'll get a 400 status
#'  stop message if you request data from this dataset (point)
#' }
#' For startdate and enddate, the date range syntax is 'startDate:endDate' or special
#' option of 'periodOfRecord'. Note that startDate is inclusive and endDate is exclusive.
#' All dates and times are in GMT. The current limit of the date range size is one year.
#' All latitude and longitude values for input parameters and output data are in the
#' WGS84 datum.
#' @return If xml or csv chosen, a list of length three, a slot of metadata (meta), a slot
#' for data (data), and a slot for shape file data with a single column 'shape'. The meta slot
#' is a list of metadata elements, and the data slot is a data.frame, possibly of length zero
#' if no data is found.
#' If kmz or shp chosen, the file is downloaded to your machine and a message is printed.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Search for nx3tvs data from 5 May 2006 to 6 May 2006
#' swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506')
#' # Get all 'nx3tvs' within 15 miles of latitude = 32.7 and longitude = -102.0
#' swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060506', enddate='20060507',
#' radius=15, center=c(-102.0,32.7))
#' # use an id
#' swdi(dataset='warn', startdate='20060506', enddate='20060507', id=533623)
#' # Get all 'plsr' within the bounding box (-91,30,-90,31)
#' swdi(dataset='plsr', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060510',
#' bbox=c(-91,30,-90,31))
#' # Get all 'nx3tvs' within the tile -102.1/32.6 (-102.15,32.55,-102.25,32.65)
#' swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060506', enddate='20060507',
#' tile=c(-102.12,32.62))
#' # Counts
#' ## Note: stat='count' will only return metadata, nothing in the data or shape slots
#' ## Note: stat='tilesum:...' returns counts in the data slot for each date for that tile,
#' ##   and shape data
#' ## Get number of 'nx3tvs' within 15 miles of latitude = 32.7 and longitude = -102.0
#' swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060516', radius=15,
#' center=c(-102.0,32.7), stat='count')
#' ## Get daily count nx3tvs features on .1 degree grid centered at latitude = 32.7
#' ## and longitude = -102.0
#' swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20090516',
#' stat='tilesum:-102.0,32.7')
#' # CSV format
#' swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506', format='csv')
#' # SHP format
#' swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506', format='shp',
#'    filepath='myfile')
#' # KMZ format
#' swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506', format='kmz',
#'    radius=15, filepath='myfile.kmz')
#' # csv output to SpatialPointsDataFrame
#' res <- swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506', format="csv")
#' library('sp')
#' coordinates(res$data) <- ~lon + lat
#' res$data
#' class(res$data)
#' }

swdi <- function(dataset=NULL, format='xml', startdate=NULL, enddate=NULL, limit=25,
                 offset=NULL, radius=NULL, center=NULL, bbox=NULL, tile=NULL, stat=NULL,
                 id=NULL, filepath=NULL, ...) {


  format <- match.arg(format, choices = c('xml','csv','shp','kmz'))
  if (is.null(enddate)) {
    daterange <- startdate
  } else {
    daterange <- paste0(startdate, ":", enddate)
  center <- if (!is.null(center)) paste(center, collapse = ",")
  bbox <- if (!is.null(bbox)) paste(bbox, collapse = ",")
  tile <- if (!is.null(tile)) paste(tile, collapse = ",")
  if (is.null(offset)) {
    url <- sprintf('https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/swdiws/%s/%s/%s/%s', format, dataset, daterange, limit)
  } else if (!is.null(offset)) {
    url <- sprintf('https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/swdiws/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s', format, dataset, daterange, limit, offset)
  args <- noaa_compact(list(radius = radius, center = center, bbox = bbox, tile = tile, stat = stat))

  if (format %in% c('kmz','shp')) {
    make_key <- function(url, args) {
      tmp <- parse_url(url)
      tmp$query <- args
    url <- make_key(url, args)
    if (format == 'shp') {
      filepath <- paste0(filepath, ".zip")
      download.file(url, destfile = filepath)
      message(sprintf("Zip file downloaded to %s", filepath))
    } else if (format == 'kmz') {
      download.file(url, destfile = filepath)
      message(sprintf("kmz file downloaded to %s", filepath))
  } else {
    if (length(args) == 0) args <- NULL
    temp <- GET(url, query = args, ...)
    temp <- check_response_swdi(temp, format)

    if (inherits(temp, "character")) {
      all <- list(meta = NA, data = NA, shape = NA)
    } else {
      if (format == 'csv') {
        meta <- list(totalCount = as.numeric(as.character(temp[ grep('totalCount', temp$ZTIME), 'WSR_ID'])),
                     totalTimeInSeconds = as.numeric(as.character(temp[ grep('totalTimeInSeconds', temp$ZTIME), 'WSR_ID'])))
        dat <- temp[1:grep('summary', temp$ZTIME) - 1,]
        names(dat) <- tolower(names(dat))
        shp <- NULL
      } else if (format == 'xml') {
        xml <- xpathSApply(temp, "//result")
        aslist <- lapply(xml, xmlToList)
        dat <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(aslist, data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
        shp <- data.frame(shape = dat[, names(dat) %in% 'shape'], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        dat <- dat[, !names(dat) %in% c('shape','rownumber')]

        meta <- list(totalCount = as.numeric(xpathSApply(temp, "//summary/totalCount", xmlValue)),
                     totalTimeInSeconds = as.numeric(xpathSApply(temp, "//summary/totalTimeInSeconds", xmlValue)))
      all <- list(meta = meta, data = dat, shape = shp)
    class(all) <- "swdi"
    return( all )
leighseverson/rnoaa documentation built on May 21, 2019, 3:06 a.m.