
#' Get Proposal Amendments, Substitutions and Final Draft
#' @description Returns a data frame containing detailed information on the amendments, substitute
#' drafts and final drafts of the requested proposal at Camara dos Deputados.
#' sigla, numero and ano are required parameters. Proposal name is always a combination of tipo
#' (type of proposal), numero (number of proposal) and ano (year of proposal).
#' @param tipo string, the type of the proposal(s) (check listarSiglasTipoProposicao
#' function for help), which is part of the name of the proposal(s).
#' @param numero integer, the number of the proposal(s) (check listarSiglasTipoProposicao function
#' for help), which is part o the name of the proposal(s).
#' @param ano integer, the year of the proposal(s) (check listarSiglasTipoProposicao
#' function for help), which is part of the name of the proposal(s) and represents the year
#' the proposal was written.
#' @return A a data frame containing detailed information on the amendments, substitute
#' drafts and final drafts of the requested proposal.
#' @author Leonardo Sangali Barone; Alexia Aslan
#' @import httr XML dplyr
#' @examples
#' # Proposition with amendments, substitutive and final draft
#' emendas <- obterEmendasSubstitutivoRedacaoFinal("PL", 3962, 2008)
#' head(emendas)
#' # Proposition without any amendments, substitutive and final draft
#' emendas <- obterEmendasSubstitutivoRedacaoFinal("PL", 404, 2015)
#' print(emendas)
#' @rdname obterEmendasSubstitutivoRedacaoFinal
#' @export

obterEmendasSubstitutivoRedacaoFinal <- function(tipo,

  parsedOutput <- xmlParse(GET('http://www.camara.gov.br/SitCamaraWS/Orgaos.asmx/ObterEmendasSubstitutivoRedacaoFinal?',
                               query = list(tipo = tipo,
                                            numero = numero,
                                            ano = ano)))
  nProposicoes <- xmlSize(getNodeSet(parsedOutput, "//Emendas/*")) +
    xmlSize(getNodeSet(parsedOutput, "//RedacoesFinais/*")) +
    xmlSize(getNodeSet(parsedOutput, "//Substitutivos/*"))
  if (nProposicoes > 0){
    output <- data.frame(tipo = tipo, numero = numero, ano = ano,
                         xpathSApply(parsedOutput, "//Proposicao/*/*", xmlName),
                        xmlAttributesToDataFrame(parsedOutput, "//Proposicao/*/*"))
  else {
leobarone/bRasilLegis documentation built on May 21, 2019, 4:07 a.m.