
Defines functions getAtmoFlows

Documented in getAtmoFlows

#' Gather all atmospheric data time series
#' This function gathers precipitation, evapotranspiration and temperature data 
#' from the USGS Geo Data Portal (GDP), and calculates potential 
#' evapotranspiration. NOTE:  Shapefile for geometry must already be uploaded to 
#' the GDP.
#' @param start start date in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
#' @param end end date in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
#' @param geometry name of geometry as displayed in GDP 
#' @param att attribute of geometry as displayed in GDP
#' @param val values of attribute as displayed in GDP
#' @param latitude (degrees)
#' @return xts object consisting of:
#'  \item{prcp}{precipitation (mm)}
#'  \item{et}{evapotranspiration (mm)}
#'  \item{tmax}{max temperature (deg C)}
#'  \item{tmin}{min temperature (deg C)}
#'  \item{pet}{potential evapotranspiration (mm)}
#' @importFrom xts as.xts
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
#' @importFrom EcoHydRology PET_fromTemp
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' atm <- getAtmoFlows('2010-01-01', '2010-12-31', 'sample:Counties', 'STATE','RI',
#' 41.5801)
#' }
#' @export

getAtmoFlows <- function(start, end, geometry, att, val=NA, latitude) {
    # ------------------------- precipitation ---------------------------------
    print("Getting precipitation...")
    p <- getPrecipitation(start, end, geometry, att, val)
    colnames(p) <- c("Date", "data", "variable", "statistic", "units")
    a <- subset(p, p$variable == "ppt")
    prcp <- as.xts(a$data, order.by = as.Date(a$Date))
    a <- subset(p, p$variable == "tmx")
    tmx <- as.xts(a$data, order.by = as.Date(a$Date))
    colnames(tmx) <- c("Tmax_C")
    a <- subset(p, p$variable == "tmn")
    tmn <- as.xts(a$data, order.by = as.Date(a$Date))
    colnames(tmn) <- c("Tmin_C")
    # -------------- estimate of potential evapotranspiration --------------------
    lat <- latitude * pi/180
    jday <- strptime(as.Date(index(tmn)), "%Y-%m-%d")$yday + 15
    pet <- PET_fromTemp(Jday = jday, Tmax_C = tmx$Tmax_C, Tmin_C = tmn$Tmin_C, 
                        lat_radians = lat)  # units: avg m/d
    n <- as.numeric(as.Date(as.yearmon(index(pet)), frac = 1) 
                    - as.Date(as.yearmon(index(pet))) + 1)
    pet <- pet * 1000 * n  # total mm/month
    # ------------------------ evapotranspiration --------------------------------
    print("Getting evapotranspiration...")
    et <- getEvapotranspiration(start, end, geometry, att, val)
    colnames(et) <- c("Date", "ET", "variable", "statistic", "units")
    et <- as.xts(et$ET, order.by = as.Date(et$Date))
    # ----------------------------- output ------------------------------
    data <- cbind(prcp, et, tmx, tmn, pet)
    colnames(data) <- c("prcp", "et", "tmax", "tmin", "pet")
lerban/CityWaterBalance documentation built on May 21, 2019, 5:10 a.m.