#' Beagle Imputation Accuarcy
#' This function creates a beagle impuation function to easily create results over different missing rates. Beagle software must be available in the working directory.
#' @param data numeric marker matrix for imputation.
#' @param map map file for numeric marker matrix.
#' @param missing_rate missing rate to remove for accuracy calculations.
#' @return accuracy of impuation method.
#' @export
bgl_imputation <- function(data,map,missing_rate)
X.raw=data#create dataframe that is just the marker data
X=X.raw #create a copy of the dataframe to work on
#Set variables to be used to randomize missing values
dp=m*n #dp gives the total # of data points - use for % calculation later
uv=runif(dp)#Converts each uniform vector into a series of TRUE/FALSE where each TRUE is a missing variable
mr=missing_rate # missing rate (how much percentage of data is NA)
missing=uv<mr # missing = T/F
#Format indicator as matrix
#Set missing values as NA
# Convert the genotypes to a vcf
na_file <- "genotypes_bgl"
vcf_na <- numeric_2_VCF(X, map)
write_vcf(vcf_na, outfile = na_file)
# Assign parameters
genotype_file = "genotypes_bgl.vcf"
outfile = "genotypes_bgl_imp"
# Define a system command
command1_prefix <- "java -Xmx1g -jar beagle.25Nov19.28d.jar"
command_args <- paste(" gt=", genotype_file, " out=", outfile, sep = "")
command1 <- paste(command1_prefix, command_args)
test <- system(command1, intern = T)
# Run BEAGLE using the system function, this will produce a gzip .vcf file
genotypes_imp <- VCF_2_numeric(Xbgl)[[1]]
# Calculate accuracy between original and imputed values
accuracy.r=cor(X.raw[index.m],genotypes_imp[index.m], use = 'complete.obs')
accbgl=c(accuracy.r, accuracy.m)
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