getPIcomplete <-
## y.vec: Object of class 'numeric', 'integer' or 'character' with binary response.
if (length(unique(y.vec)) == 2){
if (prod(sort(unique(y.vec)) != 0:1)) y.vec <- (y.vec == y.vec[1]) * 1
} else stop("Exhaustive permutation is only constructed for the two-sample problem",call. = FALSE)
rank <- order(order(y.vec))
n <- length(y.vec); n1 <- sum(y.vec==min(y.vec))
M <- matrix(1:n1,1,n1)
n2 <- n1 + 1
for(n2 in ((n1+1):n)){
M2 <- M; M2[,1] <- n2
for(i in 2:n1){
temp <- M
temp[,i] <- n2
M2 <- rbind(M2,temp)
M <- rbind(M,t(apply(M2,1,sort)))
drop <- duplicated(apply(M,1,paste,collapse=" "))
M <- M[!drop,]
M <- t(apply(M,1,function(x,vec) c(x,vec[!vec %in% x]),1:n))
M <- t(apply(M,1,function(x,r) x[r],rank))
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