
Defines functions GxEscore.linear.GCV ridge.linear ridge.select.linear chooseridge.linear Beta.Weights Get_PValue_GESAT Get_Lambda SKAT_davies qqplots qqplotspdf qqplotspdfNA skewness kurtosis noncentralapproxdirect mtrace mafcall checkpolymorphic

# Change for October 4, 2019
# Use tryCatch instead of try in ridge.select.linear when calling solve.

# Jan 29, 2014
# v12: change from "Davies" to "davies" and "Liu" to "liu"
# Version 11: Jan 27, 2014
# identical to V10, except BT functions removed
# Verstion 10: Oct 1, 2013
# identical to Version 9, only SKAT_davies() function modified so that .qfc() calls from iSKAT
# Version 9: Sept 25, 2013
# identical to Version 8, only SKAT_davies() function modified so that .qfc() calls from SKAT
# this is to resolve namespace problems.
# Version 8: Jan 28, 2013
# change to GxEscore.linear.GCV() such that varhat can accomodate larger p
# Version 7: Dec 20, 2012
# change to ridge.select.linear() and ridge.linear()
# such that an intercept is now included but Y is not centered
# Version 6: Dec 17, 2012
# the only change is to add a try() function in ridge.select.linear()
# such that the GCV will only select a model that converges/ matrix is invertible
# Version 5: March 15, 2012
# Changes in V5:
# GxEscore() renamed to GxEscore.linear.GCV() for consistency compared to logistic model
# chooseridge() renamed to chooseridge.linear()
# ridge() renamed to ridge.linear()
# ridge.select() renamed to ridge.select.linear()
# GxEscore.linear.GCV() implements Davies method from v5 onwards
# GxEscore.linear.GCV have changes made to speed up computation, adds 3 arugments related to scale and weights
# chooseridge.linear() modified slightly, add 3 other arguments center.Z, scale.Z, and weights.Z
# ridge.linear and ridge.select.linear() modified to add 3 arguments center.Z, scale.Z, and weights.Z, matrix computation made faster
# v5 adds 3 helper functions to get davies p-value which are called by GxEscore.linear.GCV()
# SKAT_davies()
# Get_Lambda() # modified to include only.values=T in eigen()
# Get_PValue_GESAT()
# All 3 helper functions were copied unmodified from GxE-scoretest-logistic-snpset-v19.R except Get_Lambda() #modified to include only.values=T in eigen()

# Version 4 sets the upper limit of lambda to be 9*floor(sqrt(n)), where n=sample size, modification made in GxEscore()
# Version 3 sets the upper limit of lambda to be 3*floor(sqrt(n)), where n=sample size, modification made in GxEscore() and chooseridge()
# Version 2 was modified so that GxEscore() calculates min p-value as well, changed the input to function
# Version 1 adapted from GxE-scoretest-v9.R
# converts it into a function
# chooseridge() was modified such that lambda=0 is not an option
# p-value calculated without perturbations

# Note: these are the functions for linear (v5) and logistic regression (v20) respectively:
# GxEscore.logistic.GCV()                            : main function
# ridge.logistic()                                   : fit final null model
# chooseridge.logistic() and ridge.select.logistic() : select ridge parameter
# Burdentests.GE.logistic                            : Burden tests

# GxEscore.linear.GCV()                              : main function
# ridge.linear()                                     : fit final null model
# chooseridge.linear() and ridge.select.linear()     : select ridge parameter
# Burdentests.GE.linear                              : Burden tests

# The analogous functions in each take in exactly the same arguments in linear and logistic codes
# ridge.logistic() returns slightly different values from ridge.linear()
# other analogous functions return the same values in both linear and logistic codes

# START: Functions specific to linear
GxEscore.linear.GCV <- function(Y, Xtilde, Z, V, type="davies",
                                lower=1e-20, upper=sqrt(nrow(Y))/log(nrow(Y)), nintervals=5, plotGCV=F, plotfile=NA, scale.Z=T, weights.Z=NULL, weights.V=NULL){

  # Y (n x 1 matrix):  continuous outcome variable
  # Xtilde (n x qtilde matrix): are the variables adjusted for (not penalized)
  # Do NOT include intercept as part of Xtilde (Y is centered in ridge, so no intercept needed)
  # Z (n x p matrix):  genetic covariates that are adjusted for (penalized)
  # V (n x p matrix): GxE terms that we are testing
  # n = no. of samples
  # lower cannot be zero
  # to use a fixed lambda, set nintervals=1
  # NB: if nintervals=1, upper is used and lower is ignored

  if(nrow(Xtilde)!= nrow(Y)) stop("dimensions of Xtilde and Y don't match")
  if(nrow(Z)!= nrow(Y)) stop("dimensions of Z and Y don't match")
  if(nrow(V)!= nrow(Y)) stop("dimensions of V and Y don't match")
  if(type!="davies"&&type!="liu") stop("type has to be either davies or liu")
  if(lower<=0|upper<=0|lower>upper) stop("lower/upper has to be >0, lower<=upper")
  if(scale.Z==T & is.null(weights.Z)==F) print("Warning: since scale.Z=T, weights.Z are ignored! To use weights as weights.Z, set scale.Z=F")

  n <- drop(nrow(Y))

  # fit ridge regression model under the null
  # Note that all variables should always be centered as otherwise scaling by scale() will be incorrect
    if(is.null(weights.Z)==F & scale.Z==F){
      Z <- t(t(Z) * (weights.Z))
    Z <-  scale(Z, center=T, scale=scale.Z)
    lambdahat <- chooseridge.linear(Y, Xtilde, Z, lambdastart=lower, lambdaend=upper,
                                    intervals=nintervals, plot=plotGCV, file=plotfile,
                                    center.Z=F, scale.Z=F, weights.Z=NULL)
    ridgemodel <- ridge.linear(Y, Xtilde, Z, lambda = lambdahat, center.Z=F, scale.Z=F, weights.Z=NULL)
    Yhat <- ridgemodel$Yhat
    lambdahat <- upper
    ridgemodel <- ridge.linear(Y, Xtilde, Z, lambda = lambdahat, center.Z=T, scale.Z=scale.Z, weights.Z=weights.Z)
    Yhat <- ridgemodel$Yhat
  # Score statistic

    V <- t(t(V) * (weights.V))

  # Q <- t(Y-Yhat) %*% V %*% t(V) %*% (Y-Yhat)
  Q1 <- t(Y-Yhat) %*% V
  Q <- Q1 %*% t(Q1)

  #varhat <- var(Y-Yhat)                             # Change in GxE-scoretest-v8.R
  df1 <- sum(ridgemodel$W * t(ridgemodel$invW))      # Change in GxE-scoretest-v8.R
  varhat <- var(Y-Yhat) * (n-1) / (n - df1)          # Change in GxE-scoretest-v8.R

  # R <- t(diag(n)-H) %*% V %*% t(V) %*% (diag(n)-H)
  # R1 <- t(diag(n)-H) %*% V
  # R <- R1 %*% t(R1)
  #M1 <- t(V) - t(V) %*% W %*% inverse %*% t(W)
  M1 <- t(V) - t(V) %*% ridgemodel$W %*% ridgemodel$invW     # W = ridgemodel$W = all variables under the null with appropriate scaling, centering, invW = inverse %*% t(W)
  M2 <- M1 %*% t(M1)
  M3 <- drop(varhat)*M2

  # p-value from non-central chi-square approximation

    #sigmahat <- drop(varhat)*diag(n)
    #A <- R %*% sigmahat
    #A2 <- A %*% A
    #kappa1 <-  mtrace(A)
    #kappa2 <-  2*mtrace(A2)
    #kappa3 <-  8*sum(A * t(A2))
    #kappa4 <-  48*sum(A2 * t(A2))

    # kappa1 <-  mtrace(R %*% sigmahat)
    # kappa2 <-  2*mtrace(R %*% sigmahat %*% R %*% sigmahat)
    # kappa3 <-  8*mtrace(R %*% sigmahat %*% R %*% sigmahat %*% R %*% sigmahat)
    # kappa4 <-  48*mtrace(R %*% sigmahat %*% R %*% sigmahat %*% R %*% sigmahat %*% R %*% sigmahat)

    M4 <- M3 %*% M3
    kappa1 <-  mtrace(M3)	          # = tr(M3)
    kappa2 <-  2*mtrace(M4)           # = 2 tr(M3 M3) = 2 tr(M4)
    kappa3 <-  8*sum(M3 * t(M4))      # = 8 tr(M3 M3 M3) = 8 tr(M3 M4) = 8 sum(M3 * M4')
    kappa4 <-  48*sum(M4 * t(M4))     # = 48 tr(M3 M3 M3 M3) = 48 tr(M4 M4) = 48 sum(M4 * M4')

    approx2 <- noncentralapproxdirect(kappa2, kappa3, kappa4)
    Q.Norm2 <-((Q - kappa1)/sqrt(kappa2))*approx2$sigmaX +  approx2$muX
    pvalue <- pchisq(Q.Norm2, df=approx2$df, ncp = approx2$ncp,  lower.tail=F)
    Is_converge <- 1


    # p-value from davies
    #M3 <- drop(varhat)*R
    daviesout <- Get_PValue_GESAT(M3, Q)
    pvalue <- daviesout$p.value
    Is_converge <- daviesout$is_converge

      #sigmahat <- drop(varhat)*diag(n)
      #A <- R %*% sigmahat
      #A2 <- A %*% A
      #kappa1 <-  mtrace(A)
      #kappa2 <-  2*mtrace(A2)
      #kappa3 <-  8*sum(A * t(A2))
      #kappa4 <-  48*sum(A2 * t(A2))

      M4 <- M3 %*% M3
      kappa1 <-  mtrace(M3)             # = tr(M3)
      kappa2 <-  2*mtrace(M4)           # = 2 tr(M3 M3) = 2 tr(M4)
      kappa3 <-  8*sum(M3 * t(M4))      # = 8 tr(M3 M3 M3) = 8 tr(M3 M4) = 8 sum(M3 * M4')
      kappa4 <-  48*sum(M4 * t(M4))     # = 48 tr(M3 M3 M3 M3) = 48 tr(M4 M4) = 48 sum(M4 * M4')

      approx2 <- noncentralapproxdirect(kappa2, kappa3, kappa4)
      Q.Norm2 <-((Q - kappa1)/sqrt(kappa2))*approx2$sigmaX +  approx2$muX
      pvalue <- pchisq(Q.Norm2, df=approx2$df, ncp = approx2$ncp,  lower.tail=F)


  return(list(pvalue=pvalue, Is_converge=Is_converge, lambda=drop(lambdahat)))

ridge.linear <- function(Y, Xtilde, Z, lambda=0, center.Z=T, scale.Z=T, weights.Z=NULL){
  # modified in v7, intercept is included, Y is not centered
  # modified in v5 to return W, invW instead of H and GCV, matrix computations made faster,
  # add 3 arguments center.Z=T, scale.Z=T, weights.Z=NULL
  # computes the ridge estimator for each value of the ridge parameter, lambda
  # Xtilde is a n*qtilde matrix,
  # where the qtilde covariates do not have penalty imposed
  # Z is a n*p matrix where a penalty is imposed on the p covariates
  # Y is the n*1 matrix of outcomes
  # returns a (qtilde+p)*1 matrix for thetahat, n*1 matrix for yhat, (qtilde+p)*(qtilde+p) matrix for Hat matrix
  # when lambda=0, Yhat is the same as that from predict(lm(Y~Xtilde+Z))
  # NB: if scale.Z=T, regardless of what weights.Z is, this corresponds to beta(MAF; 0.5, 0.5) weight
  # to use weights specified as weights.Z, set scale.Z=F

  #if(nrow(Xtilde)!= nrow(Y)) stop("dimensions of Xtilde and Y don't match")
  #if(nrow(Z)!= nrow(Y)) stop("dimensions of Z and Y don't match")
  #if(scale.Z==T & is.null(weights.Z)==F) print("Warning: since scale.Z=T, weights.Z are ignored! To use weights as weights.Z, set scale.Z=F")

  n <- nrow(Y)
  qtilde <- ncol(Xtilde) + 1 		 # +1 is for intercept, new in v7
  p <- ncol(Z)
    temp <- rbind(matrix(0, nrow=qtilde,ncol=qtilde+p), cbind(matrix(0, nrow=p, ncol=qtilde), matrix(lambda)))
    temp <- rbind(matrix(0, nrow=qtilde,ncol=qtilde+p), cbind(matrix(0, nrow=p, ncol=qtilde), diag(rep(lambda,p))))

  if(is.null(weights.Z)==F & scale.Z==F){
    Z <- t(t(Z) * (weights.Z))
  W <- cbind(rep(1,n), scale(Xtilde), scale(Z, center=center.Z, scale=scale.Z)) # doesn't matter if Xtilde is scaled or not
  #Ys <- Y - mean(Y)

  #inverse <- solve(t(W) %*% W + temp)
  #invW <- inverse %*% t(W)
  transW <- t(W)
  invW <- solve(transW %*% W + temp, transW) #invW <- solve(t(W) %*% W + temp, t(W))
  #thetahat <- inverse %*% t(W) %*% Ys
  #thetahat <- invW %*% Ys
  thetahat <- invW %*% Y

  Yhat <- W %*% thetahat
  #Yshat <- W %*% thetahat
  #Yhat <- Yshat + mean(Y)
  #H <-  W %*% inverse %*% t(W)
  #GCV <- sum((Ys-Yshat)^2)/(n*(1-sum(diag(H))/n)^2)
  #equivH <- invW %*% W          # tr(H) = tr(equivH)
  #GCV <- sum((Ys-Yshat)^2)/(n*(1-sum(diag(equivH))/n)^2)

  return(list(lambda=lambda, thetahat=thetahat, Yhat = Yhat, W=W, invW=invW))
  #return(list(lambda=lambda, thetahat=thetahat, Yhat = Yhat, inverse=inverse, W=W, invW=invW))

ridge.select.linear <- function(Y, Xtilde, Z, lambda=0, center.Z=T, scale.Z=T, weights.Z=NULL){
  # modified in v7 to include intercept, but not center Y
  # modified in v6 to add a try() function to matrix inversion
  # modified in v5 to add 3 arguments center.Z=T scale.Z=T, weights.Z=NULL and matrix computations made faster
  # function is identical to ridge.linear(), except it only returns GCV and lambda
  # computes the ridge estimator for each value of the ridge parameter, lambda
  # Xtilde is a n*qtilde matrix,
  # where the qtilde covariates do not have penalty imposed
  # Z is a n*p matrix where a penalty is imposed on the p covariates
  # Y is the n*1 matrix of outcomes
  # when lambda=0, Yhat is the same as that from predict(lm(Y~Xtilde+Z))
  # NB: if scale.Z=T, regardless of what weights.Z is, this corresponds to beta(MAF; 0.5, 0.5) weight
  # to use weights specified as weights.Z, set scale.Z=F

  #if(nrow(Xtilde)!= nrow(Y)) stop("dimensions of Xtilde and Y don't match")
  #if(nrow(Z)!= nrow(Y)) stop("dimensions of Z and Y don't match")
  #if(scale.Z==T & is.null(weights.Z)==F) print("Warning: since scale.Z=T, weights.Z are ignored! To use weights as weights.Z, set scale.Z=F")

  n <- nrow(Y)
  qtilde <- ncol(Xtilde) + 1			 # +1 is for intercept, new in v7
  p <- ncol(Z)
    temp <- rbind(matrix(0, nrow=qtilde,ncol=qtilde+p), cbind(matrix(0, nrow=p, ncol=qtilde), matrix(lambda)))
    temp <- rbind(matrix(0, nrow=qtilde,ncol=qtilde+p), cbind(matrix(0, nrow=p, ncol=qtilde), diag(rep(lambda,p))))
  if(is.null(weights.Z)==F & scale.Z==F){
    Z <- t(t(Z) * (weights.Z))
  W <- cbind(rep(1,n), scale(Xtilde), scale(Z, center=center.Z, scale=scale.Z)) # doesn't matter if Xtilde is scaled or not
  #Ys <- Y - mean(Y)

  #inverse <- solve(t(W) %*% W + temp)
  #invW <- inverse %*% t(W)
  transW <- t(W)

  # change in v6 to add a try function
  GCV_effective.df <- tryCatch({
    invW <- solve(transW %*% W + temp, transW)
    #thetahat <- inverse %*% t(W) %*% Ys
    #thetahat <- invW %*% Ys
    thetahat <- invW %*% Y
    Yhat <- W %*% thetahat
    #Yshat <- W %*% thetahat
    #Yhat <- Yshat + mean(Y)
    #H <-  W %*% inverse %*% t(W)
    #GCV <- sum((Ys-Yshat)^2)/(n*(1-sum(diag(H))/n)^2)
    equivH <- invW %*% W         					# tr(H) = tr(equivH)
    effective.df <- mtrace(equivH)-1  			 	# -1 for intercept
    #GCV <- sum((Ys-Yshat)^2)/(n*(1-effective.df/n)^2)
    GCV <- sum((Y-Yhat)^2)/(n*(1-effective.df/n)^2)
    return(list(GCV = GCV, effective.df = effective.df))
  error = function(cnd) {
    return(list(GCV = NA, effective.df = NA))


  #return(list(lambda=lambda, GCV = GCV, effective.df=effective.df))
  return(c(list(lambda = lambda), GCV_effective.df))

chooseridge.linear <- function(Y, Xtilde, Z, lambdastart=1e-20, lambdaend=sqrt(nrow(Y))/log(nrow(Y)), intervals=5, plot=F, file=NA, center.Z=T, scale.Z=T, weights.Z=NULL){
  # modified in v5
  # need lambdastart, lambdaend >=0, lambdastart <= lambdaend
  lambda <- c(exp(seq(log(lambdastart),log(lambdaend),length=intervals)))

  output <- c()
  for(ii in 1:length(lambda)){
    temp <- ridge.select.linear(Y, Xtilde, Z, lambda[ii], center.Z, scale.Z, weights.Z)$GCV
    output <- c(output, temp)
  lambdafinal <- lambda[which.min(output)]

    plot(lambda, output, xlab="lambda", ylab="GCV")
    abline(v=lambdafinal, col="red")

    plot(lambda, output, xlab="lambda", ylab="GCV")
    abline(v=lambdafinal, col="red")


# END: Functions specific to linear

# START: common functions shared by both linear and logistic models
# NB: Functions common to both have same names in both scripts
# NB: Common functions are identical in both GxE-scoretest-logistic-snpset-v19.R and GxE-scoretest-snpset-v5.R
  # copied without modification from Beta.Weights() SKAT 0.71

  IDX_0<-which(MAF == 0)
  if(length(IDX_0) == n){
    stop("No polymorphic SNPs")
  } else if( length(IDX_0) == 0){
  } else {



Get_PValue_GESAT <- function(K,Q){
  # copied without modification from GxE-scoretest-logistic-snpset-v20.R
  # new in v5, helper function to get davies p-value
  # modified from Get_PValue() from SKAT 0.71

  lambda <- Get_Lambda(K)
  out <- SKAT_davies(Q, lambda, acc=10^(-6))

  p.val <- out$Qq
  is_converge <- 1

  # check p-value
  if(p.val > 1 || p.val< 0 ){
    p.val <- NA
    is_converge <- -2

  # check convergence
  if(length(lambda) == 1){
    p.val <-  NA
    is_converge <- -1
  } else if(out$ifault != 0){
    p.val <- NA
    is_converge <- 0

  return(list(p.value=p.val, is_converge=is_converge))


Get_Lambda <- function(K){
  # copied without modification from GxE-scoretest-logistic-snpset-v19.R except to include only.values=T in eigen()
  # identical to Get_Lambda() in GxE-scoretest-logistic-snpset-v20.R
  # new in v5, helper function to get davies p-value
  # copied without modification from SKAT 0.71

  out.s <- eigen(K,symmetric=TRUE, only.values=T)

  lambda1 <- out.s$values
  IDX1<-which(lambda1 >= 0)

  # eigenvalue bigger than sum(eigenvalues)/1000
  IDX2 <- which(lambda1 > mean(lambda1[IDX1])/100000)

  if(length(IDX2) == 0){
    stop("No Eigenvalue is bigger than 0!!")
  lambda <- lambda1[IDX2]


SKAT_davies <- function(q,lambda,h = rep(1,length(lambda)),delta = rep(0,length(lambda)),sigma=0,lim=10000,acc=0.0001) {
  # copied without modification from GxE-scoretest-logistic-snpset-v19.R
  # new in v5, helper function to get davies p-value
  # copied without modification from SKAT 0.71

  r <- length(lambda)
  if (length(h) != r) stop("lambda and h should have the same length!")
  if (length(delta) != r) stop("lambda and delta should have the same length!")

  out <- .C("qfc",lambdas=as.double(lambda),noncentral=as.double(delta),df=as.integer(h),r=as.integer(r),sigma=as.double(sigma),q=as.double(q),lim=as.integer(lim),acc=as.double(acc),trace=as.double(rep(0,7)),ifault=as.integer(0),res=as.double(0), PACKAGE="iSKAT")

  out$res <- 1 - out$res



qqplots <- function(pvalues, header = "Quantile-Quantile Plot of P-values", filename = "qqplot.png"){
  temp <- sort(pvalues)
  N <- length(pvalues)
  observed.quantiles <- -log10(temp)
  expected.quantiles <- -log10((1:N)/(N+1))
  png(file = filename, width = 800, height = 800)
  plot(expected.quantiles, observed.quantiles, col = "red2", pch = 19,
       xlab = "-log(Expected P-value)", ylab = "-log(Observed P-value)", main = header,
       cex.main = 1, family = "serif")

qqplotspdf <- function(pvalues, header = "Quantile-Quantile Plot of P-values", filename = "qqplot.pdf"){
  temp <- sort(pvalues)
  N <- length(pvalues)
  observed.quantiles <- -log10(temp)
  expected.quantiles <- -log10((1:N)/(N+1))
  pdf(file = filename, width = 6, height = 6)
  plot(expected.quantiles, observed.quantiles, col = "red2", pch = 19,
       xlab = "-log(Expected P-value)", ylab = "-log(Observed P-value)", main = header,
       cex.main = 1, family = "serif")

qqplotspdfNA <- function(inputpvalues, header = "Quantile-Quantile Plot of P-values", filename = "qqplot.pdf"){
  # similar to qqplotspdf except it first removes NA values
  pvalues <- inputpvalues[is.na(inputpvalues)==F]
  temp <- sort(pvalues)
  N <- length(pvalues)
  observed.quantiles <- -log10(temp)
  expected.quantiles <- -log10((1:N)/(N+1))
  pdf(file = filename, width = 6, height = 6)
  plot(expected.quantiles, observed.quantiles, col = "red2", pch = 19,
       xlab = "-log(Expected P-value)", ylab = "-log(Observed P-value)", main = header,
       cex.main = 1, family = "serif")

skewness <-  function(x){

kurtosis <- function(x){

noncentralapproxdirect <- function(k2, k3, k4){
  # k2, k3, k4 are the 2nd, 3rd and 4th cumulants

  s1 <- k3/((k2^1.5)*sqrt(8))
  s2 <- k4/(k2*k2*12)

    a <- 1/(s1-sqrt(s1^2-s2))
    delta <- s1*a^3-a^2
    l <- a^2-2*delta
    a <- 1/s1
    delta <- 0
    l <- 1/s1^2
  return(list(df=l, ncp=delta, muX=l+delta, sigmaX=sqrt(2)*a))

mtrace <- function(X){

mafcall <- function(x){
  return(min(sum(x, na.rm=T), 2*sum(is.na(x)==F)-sum(x, na.rm=T))/(2*sum(is.na(x)==F)))

checkpolymorphic <- function(x){
# END: common functions shared by both linear and logistic models
lin-lab/iSKAT-GESAT documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 1:16 a.m.